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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. ignore him, maybe he'll just go away!!!
  2. OK, but also note this: "This policy, as we already knew, offers little to most of those struggling families at the bottom, the ones who could really use some help."
  3. But he's campaigning on the great things he has done for the economy as opposed to all the other crappy things he's done such as cancel the census, stifle the scientists----the list goes on and on.
  4. Better ask Harper! That's what will happen with his income splitting bill-----primarily benefit those with higher incomes.
  5. It helps when the voters are offered reasonable alternatives!
  6. What a coincidence!! I usually fish about 100m downstream from there!!!
  7. Down there aren't you supposed to kill 'em then toss 'em overboard?? Isn't that what the locals do?
  8. If a boat is not designed to take those sort of loads it's a pretty crappy design. What you describe is normal use.
  9. and: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/10/06/stephen-harper-cannot-be-trusted-former-newfoundland-and-labrador-premier_n_8252392.html
  10. My drill adapter doesn't work too well either. With a 6" auger and a sharp blade I find it's not worth the effort. I drill maybe 4-6 holes per trip.
  11. So how do you determine when the 'cycle' is complete?
  12. I'm not sure how strong the connection is between seizures and deja vu, but I had deja vu in my tewnties and thirties more often than I have it now. I can't remember the last time it happened.
  13. I could have sworn I saw this same thread about a year ago!!!
  14. I understand that alum rims can be bit of a prob. Your's steel or alum.
  15. Sheesh! If I had a gun I'm not sure which 1 I would shoot first!!(Jest kiddin', folks, jest kiddin')
  16. Bear in mind, though, a bigger percentage of the pizza $ will remain in the local area compared to the gas $,. i.e. more locally 'value added' $ for pizza than gas.
  17. I must admit there is a certain amount of logic in the pro-gun stance. However----and this is a very big however----that logic is not supported by the FACTS. The fact is that the US has the most guns and the most gun deaths. Now, unless you believe that is some sort of coincidence , I suggest you question your logic rather than the facts.
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