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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. If you vote for the Rhinoseros(sp?) party it must count as a refused ballot, or at least a protest vote. If I have a chance I'll vote for the Maxist-Lennonist party. I've always been a big fan of John Lennon and Groucho!!
  2. I have bought quite a few items off Kijiji and likewise had a generally good experience. Always a few in every bunch, not just on Kijiji.
  3. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/watch-p-k-subban-nails-impressions-of-don-cherry/
  4. If you think we should cut Harper a bit of slack for that comment, think again. Try to think of a time when he cut anyone a bit of slack! (Well, maybe Fantino, perhaps!) It goes against his mean spririted nature!
  5. The question may be ridiculous but so is the term.
  6. Similar ethnic background, and yes "thanks, but no thanks"
  7. How pretentious can you get?? It's a friggin' bobber!!!
  8. I've never heard of them before but Harper seems to think they exist. I've heard of "Old Stock Ale" but not "Old Stock Canadians". I guess I don't qualify because my ancestors came less than 300 years ago (probably barely over 200). What class of Canadian are you??
  9. I think they need another sign below that 1 that says : "Penalty---swift kick in the nuts"!!
  10. the twp of Essa already does for access pts to the Notty around Angus.
  11. From Gan Fishway FB page----looks like things are starting to happen. "Enforcement was strong this afternoon and well into the evening on a Wednesday it maybe coincidental but looks like the town and the mayor called and got some quick results"
  12. So Harper and Chris Alexander are going up on an elevator on Parliament Hill. About 1/2 way up Harper sniffs the air, turns to Chris A and says "Did you just fart, Chris"? To which he replied "No, but I will if you want me to"!! Loves to have those 'Yes men' around!!
  13. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/12/saudi-arabia-says-reports-of-its-syrian-refugee-response-false-and-misleading
  14. I think the problem is the very opposite----it is being run up until election night by a merciless cold-hearted dude whose fondest wish is to be a dictator.
  15. Here's the full letter: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/canada-must-reclaim-its-role-as-a-world-leader/article26337462/ "Today, with great sadness and shame, I am watching Mr. Harper’s cold-hearted reaction to the tragedy of refugees from Syria and Iraq. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has stepped up to the plate, and the world looks upon the generosity of her country with admiration. The same goes for Norway, Sweden and Finland, which have welcomed refugees and do not erect roadblocks to taking them in. Instead they get rid of roadblocks. But not Mr. Harper. He has shamed Canada in the eyes of Canadians and of the international community. In my travels around the globe, I am regularly asked: What has happened to Canada? What has happened to the advanced, peace-seeking, progressive country Canada once was? What has happened to the country that was a model for peace and stability in a tumultuous world? These questions evoke great sadness in me. I am sad to see that in fewer than 10 years, the Harper government has tarnished almost 60 years of Canada’s reputation as a builder of peace and progress. During all these years, government leaders, whether Liberal or Progressive Conservative, have sought to understand, engage and influence their international peers, including those with whom they disagreed. They did not try to embarrass or give other countries lessons in good behaviour. Rather, they patiently sought to convince others of the universal values that make our global community a better and safer place to live. Of course, peaceful dialogue does not always work. War is sometimes unavoidable. But solutions should come from the world community working together – not from a handful of countries acting outside international institutions to which they belong." Dave---note the last para.
  16. Before this get locked I'd just like to say that I, too, have benefited from Mike's help. I few years back he recommended a place near Nakina that was a great trip. The way I see it, if the mods have no problem with his posts, why should I or anyone else? He provides great content to this site. Why would the mods/owners have a problem with that? Any 'trip write-ups I see in magaz such as Outdoor Can. or ONt Outdoors has some sort of 'plug' for the lodge---many (most?) not written as well as Mike's. We pay for these type of magazs----all Mike's great stuff is free onhere! Keep 'em coming!! Keep making me green with envy!!
  17. If the buoy had hit them in the head it would not have damaged anything!!
  18. Top Ten Complaints From Dogs '1' Blaming your farts on me..... not funny... not funny at all! -------------------------------------------------- '2' Yelling at me for barking... I'M A DAMN DOG! -------------------------------------------------- '3' Taking me for a walk, then not letting me check stuff out. Exactly whose walk is this anyway? -------------------------------------------------- '4' Any trick that involves balancing food on my nose. Stop it! -------------------------------------------------- '5' Any haircut that involves bows or ribbons. Now you know why we chew your stuff up when you're not home. -------------------------------------------------- '6' The slight of hand, fake fetch throw. You fooled a dog! Whoooo Hoooooooo what a proud moment for the top of the food chain! -------------------------------------------------- '7' Taking me to the vet for 'the big snip', then acting surprised when I freak out every time we go back! -------------------------------------------------- '8' Getting upset when I sniff the crotches of your guests. Sorry, but I haven't quite mastered that handshake thing yet. -------------------------------------------------- '9' Dog sweaters. Hello? Haven't you noticed the fur? -------------------------------------------------- '10' How you act disgusted when I lick myself. Look, we both know the truth. You're just jealous.
  19. Yeah, but it's better than the alternative!!
  20. That's real? I wasn't sure what with Photoshop and all. I bet you'd have a lot of fun at the Ont Sci Center with their Van der Graaf generator!!!
  21. Doesn't turn me on, but different strokes for different folks I guess!
  22. I have a Canon powershot and have not felt a need to baby it. I do keep it in a Pelican case when in a boat, though. I have had it for 4-5 yearrs now.
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