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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Thx very much for that detailed info, Curryale. I will follow up those leads. I'm a bit puzzled about something in your post----if the cabin you rented was on Stinger, sperated from Es. by a portage, how did you manage to fish Es? Did the cabin owners have a boat stashed at the end of the port into Es?
  2. Make sure you get a copy of the Small Craft Charts put out by the federal gov't. They show the boating channels and the water depths etc.
  3. Anyone ever fish Esnagami Lake near Nakima and stay at the lodge? I hear the fishing is fantastic. (Oughta be I Guess if you travel that far and spend all that money!?)
  4. I'm new here but I might be interested, depending on location. I guess I'd better wait until this shakes down a bit and the time and location has been decided upon.
  5. I happened to have the regs nearby but they are complicated in that area, but it sounds like normal regs in the gorge area. I'm not too sure where the Bissel dam is but I understand it's upstream from the gorge. The special restrictions apply again downstream of 'a bridge located at the southern boundary of the Elora Gorge Cons area"
  6. Nice fat looking fish there Lionizer. Judging from the photo they look 'pan sized', correct? I have eaten some from the Notty that tasted good to me although some say they taste muddy. Any bigger bows being caught when you were out?
  7. Hah! I wouldn't put too much reliance on that map! I checked 2 local ponds near where I live----Jacks lake doesn't list pike and walleye but they are definitely there. Glen Huron pond is listed as having rainbow whereas, in fact, rainbows are prevented from coming upstream by the dam that forms the pond. Also, the pond is quite shallow and would not support any resident rainbows.
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