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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Chris---why so glum??. If I'd caught a speck that size I'd be grinning from ear to ear!! I guess I missed a good opportunity. Double dang darn!!. It looks like the expression "...and a good time was had by all' would apply here. (BTW, I understand it's considered good etiquette for the guide to let his guest catch(or at least land) the biggest fish. )
  2. Don't intend to do 'detox' but Ill use those tips the next time I start a fire! Thank you!
  3. A few in every crowd................ .
  4. Palomar, but not sure about it on fluoro
  5. Whacha doin' on the Bighead? What happened to the Geen?
  6. a simple question from an old guy: when did life get so bloody complicated???
  7. My bro in law had a credit with the 407 and every time he'd use it the credit would increase!!! Being a very honest guy, he called them a couple of times to point out their error and was told it would be fixed. But it kept happening! They caught up with it eventually before the tax season, otherwise I guess they'd have to issue him a T4!
  8. You'd have to be a masochist to sign with Bell!!
  9. I now have 100 from Rogers for less than I was paying for 30! Seems a bit strange but I don't argue against it!
  10. I guess you could if you are watching the Leafs! You wouldn't miss much!!!
  11. Romantic Canadian Husband. Man said to his wife "All right you sexy thing, upstairs now" She looked at him and said "Ooh, you kinky sot" He said "No, seriously, hockey is starting, bugger off”
  12. Speaking of cowbells, why did cows wear bells back then but not now? More than a fashion statement I guess??
  13. But the idea of using elastic bands still will work on plano boxes.
  14. After being the highest since 1998 it looks like it'll be down again next year. It seems unlikely that the lake will freeze over this year, preventing evaporation in the winter.
  15. Whatever you say, Joe. I'm sure glad we don't have your screwed up system here in Canada!! Keep it to yourselves, willya? Do the world a favour!
  16. They're not quite as cranky as the guys in Angus though!!
  17. aaah---why don't you bat the ball back and forth a few times just for our general entertainment!!
  18. Must be true then, if the media says it is!!
  19. People are a bit reluctant to give the cops the benefit of doubt when we keep hearing about them shooting people who might be a bit dangerous but not life threatening, beating up on people at the G20 for no good reason and getting off w/o any serious consequences. So, until the good cops are willing to flush out the bad ones and not stick together like poo to a blanket, the general public will continue to cut them very little slack.
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