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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. That's also a truth that hurts! And, BTW, I don't think anyone denying there is racism in Canada.
  2. The most articulate and well reasoned posts I have read on here!
  3. I would have gained from income splitting but I voted against Harper. It's the least I can do for my country to get that mean-spirited autocratic man from instilling fear and further dividing Canadians amoungst themselves. It's a very small sacrifice compared to what others have made.
  4. Say what you want about Harper, but he really did manage to bring this country together. Yesterday's voter turnout is proof of that.
  5. Yeah, but would you have the gonads after going thru a winter up there???
  6. That's the first time I've heard someone criticized for being knowledgeable!! But spoken like a true Harperite!! Political dogma trumps facts. We don't need no steenkin' census!!!
  7. The best way to get rid of Harper is to vote for whoever has the best chance of defeating the local puppet in your riding.
  8. Looks like you had trouble understanding the question!
  9. So we have: millions unemployed hundreds of thousands of children living in poverty thousands homeless 2 women insist on covering their face during swearing in ceremony but not during citizenship hearing. Which of these issues would a responsible leader who had the interests of the country at heart treat as a high priority???
  10. I agree in general, but the situation in the past was so different from what it is now or likely to be in the future that there are limited lessons to be learned. If there is a lesson, it's that decisions should be made based on economics rather than politics but, as I said, I just don't see that happening. I agree that it was partly economic in the past----a stable power supply at cost was a major factor in the industrialization of Ont. OTOH, a large part of the D'ton overrun was due to D Peterson putting the plant on hold after Hydro had purchased major eqpt and was paying the mid-teen interest rates current in the mid-eighties.. Which is not to say there was no mis-management---always lots of that to go around in the past as well as today.
  11. That's your version of history. Others have their own version. I don't think there is a lot to be gained by looking back at the history and pointing fingers. No danger of the proverbial 'history repeating itself' here because times have changed so much. Past decisions were made for political rather than economic reasons and I don't see that changing any time soon. Do you?
  12. Never mind the snow, bring on the ice!!! chomp, chomp, chomp!!!
  13. So Harper will be attending a rally organized by the Ford brothers. A man is known by the company he keeps!!(Or maybe 'birds of a feather flock together"!)
  14. It's great the way you guys are standing up for the downtrodden rich!! My heart goes out to them!!
  15. You need to read up on how minority govt's work and how they can be replaced.
  16. Would the head of a gov't found in contempt of Parliament qualify as a 'real leader'. do you think perhaps??
  17. Those who say time is money are deceiving you. You can make more money but you can never make more time!!
  18. Offensive comment removed. 2 wrongs don't make a right. B seems intent on lowering the discussion on OFC way down to the level of that other board. I really don't need to help him in that quest.
  19. I have been on that forum. OFC members are so much better informed and polite than on OOD. The political topics that go on for many pages here would be off the rails into meaningless grunts over there!!
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