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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. I would have thought it would be at least 57.9!! I was river fishing yesterday. A guy went by in a canoe---bare chested
  2. So the guy says what he's going to do ahead of time, enough people give him the nod, then he goes ahead and does it. where's the problem here? He's got a mandate to do what he's doing!
  3. If you think he made bad choices the I have to ask"How could he [possibly do worse than Fantino"?
  4. it's never been based on merit!! There are always considerations of having reps from each region, people who are owed favors for what they have done for the party etc. It was an election promise he made so he's keeping it---no that it's hard to keep. He had 50 or so women to choose from.
  5. maybe time to go visit the long lost friends in the Falklands that I mentioned earlier-------now that Maggie T is long gone!!
  6. When I hear remarks like that I always remember some friends of my ex-wife: They were living in Britain during the cold war, incl the Cuban missile crisis. They decided that they had enough of that so they'd go somewhere safe. So they went to........wait for it..........the Falklands!!!
  7. Apparently the earth gets hit by a major league asteroid every million years or so!! Maybe those Republican loonie toons got it right after all----the end is near!!
  8. Can the GOP possibly win with all the nutbars they have on the loose??
  9. You can say that again----oh, wait a minute, you already did!!!
  10. Very well put! One of your best posts today!!
  11. I think they can charged you with impaired
  12. Here's 1 my son did.(he gets his talent from his mom's side )
  13. There are a whole lot of reasons you can be charged----sleep deprivation is just 1. It doesn't matter hoaw the driver got in the impaired state---just that he/she has gotten there.
  14. wife said she got a msg that she had won all sorts of trips but accidentaly erased gthe msg. Oh, darn. Now we'll have to pay for the trips ourselves!!!
  15. What about the ones with a hand crank? Did you throw out yours already??
  16. So if a tree is felled near a cottage does it make a 'ker ching' sound??
  17. I think the $ store sell these-----not like anybody couldn't afford them!
  18. What I find amusing/ironic are those who drive to work on roads built and maintained by taxes, live in communities that the police help to keep safe etc etc etc but whine like hell about paying any taxes (and claim to have made all their money purely thru their own effort)!!
  19. at least, unlike her husband, she didn't leave a bad smell right across the country!!!
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