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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. http://www.nugget.ca/2016/01/21/police-investigate-suspicious-object
  2. That's about the same price as my wife paid for her new Thinkpad.
  3. When I go on the site a msg appears at the top "A new private msg has arrived" I click on it thinking it's from an OFC member but I get a link that looks like spam to me. Anyone else get that and click on it?
  4. I have tried to use an Apple at my sister's house and don't find it any more user friendly than a PC----just another system to get used to. After spending a long time just trying to get into my e-mail I gave up. Maybe in the past they were much more user friendly but not any more IMO.
  5. My wife bought a Lenovo Thinkpad with Win 7 installed about 6 mo ago for about $300. She's not a heavy duty user and is quite satisfied with it. We bought it from the little shop down the road. The woman there says she can price match the bi box stores any day of the week.
  6. I have Windows 8, so you can start feeling sorry for me now!!!
  7. Boy oh boy, do we ice er what???
  8. For a long time the US and Canada have been enthusiastic supporters of capitalism. For a long time it seemed to work in our favor but now maybe not so much. It's hard to see how any gov't that supports capitalism can stop profit seeking multi-nationals from moving jobs overseas----and we know how the alternative to capitalism worked out.
  9. Congrats. I did it a few years back and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. For a while I bought stuff for myself from the $ I saved. If I'd kept account I'm sure it would easily pay for any expensive fishing eqpt that I've bought.
  10. Gotta watch out for those teetotaler guys----always preaching atcha!!
  11. I find that peculiar too, esp given that it does not show here: http://www.ontario.ca/page/fishing-live-bait#section-3
  12. Being a canoeist, I already have a throw rope as req'd by law. The many boaters on here no doubt have at least 1 as well. I'd recommend carrying 1 each when 2 or more are ice fishing, esp on dicey ice like we have right now. If you don't have 1 I suggest a proper throw rope rather than 1 of those el cheapo sold at Can Tire to fulfill the min legal req'mts. Stay safe out there!
  13. I'm not sure where you live but here in Wasaga we have enough ice to severely restrict fishing opportunities. Fast water sections are still open but I understand that they are not very desirable spots when the water is very cold. I'd really like to fish steelhead too, so if someone can either tell me my understanding is wrong re fast water sections OR possibly PM me with a general area ghat's still fishable that would be just hunky dory! thx
  14. Thx. Any thoughts of trapping minnows have disappeared over the last couple of days. As I said above, I'd hoped to try them for bows but the river has so much ice that fishing spots are severely reduced or eliminated entirely. Fast water sections are still open but, as I understand it, those sections don't make for good cold water fishing.
  15. You mean like these Darwin award wannabees?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrSFFyolll0
  16. Why burst our bubble? Let's us dream on for a couple of more days!
  17. This is the dilemma as I see it: If it has current the ice will be thin and unsafe. If it doesn't the ice will be thick and safe but therefore hard to cut a big hole in. I guess I could find a spot or 2 with big culverts under the road with enough current to keep it ice free, but many say that places with current are not much good. Has your experience been otherwise? thx
  18. Thx for all your comments and suggestions, guys. I'll probably pack it in for the winter now---there are limited opportunities to use minnows for bows right now and if and when we get ice I can buy them on my way to the fave spot(s). re winter---I have been on one of the American boards and some of those folks even say that they prefer winter! Sounds like a PITA to me to be cutting a hole in the ice big enough for a minnow trap. If I get a chance I might check a couple of spots around town with a rod and baited hook.
  19. Well, so much for location, location, location! I have tried: 1 the Notty, 2 locations 2 a couple of creeks 3 a shallow lake/pond with lots of bulrushes, weeds etc 4 a shallow pond interconnected with several other ponds 5 a deeper pond in the same system. I have used: 1 bread 2 Crackers 3 rolled oats 4 dog food Up until the last spot I attributed my lack of success to poor locations but now I’m stymied! There must be minnows of some sort in the pond system that I tried last. Could it be that all the minnows in that location are warm water species and are now inactive? Any other explanation? P.S. My once shiny trap is now rust colored so I hung bits of foil inside as suggested above. thx
  20. I've had vehicles that I was glad to get rid of but I've never been that desperate!!!
  21. You could use 2 glasses---1 for water, 1 for a real beer and take turns taking a gulp, or sip, of each! Prob save some $ too!
  22. This is the season to drink and be Meerrry. FABULOUS NEWS FOR US ALL ! This woman is 51 yrs old. She is TV health guru Gillian McKeith, advocating a holistic approach to nutrition and health, and promoting exercise, a vegetarian diet which is high in organic fruits and vegetables. She recommends detox diets, colonic irrigation, and supplements. This woman is also 51. She is Nigella Lawson... a TV cook, who eats meat, butter, chocolate and desserts ..... and, she washes it all down with wine! I REST MY CASE. CHEERS AND A GLASS OF MULLED WINE AND A WARM MINCE PIE...
  23. Didn't know you were such an artist!!
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