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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Syrian authorities don't give a RA about the refugees. They are the ones who made them refugees. Your conclusion is incorrect. Most of the refugees coming to Canada are from nearby states such as Jordan where they have been in camps for a year or 2. I would think calls to the Syrian gov't would be pursuing docs for potential refugees.
  2. the obvious answer is buy more guns, right???
  3. I would have said: Step(1) Move to N. Ont. But I guess you got that covered.
  4. I get a chuckle out of folks who identify themselves as Leaf fans and then act surprised and offended at the abuse flung their way!! Nothing like walking around with a target on your back!!!
  5. Have you tried leaving it hooked up to the charger regardless of what it says. Maybe the charger is giving you a false indication. Do you have a reg car batt charger with a 2 amp setting?
  6. Those little chargers go on sale at CTC quite often. (mind you---you can't beat free!)They charge somewhere in the 1 amp range, as I recall. Do a search and you'll prob find a discussion on recc types, if not on here then on other boards.
  7. I guess you were reading the other post I started re my Shimano bail spring! I didn't realize that the Mitchells were so prone to failure until I read that other post. I must have bought mine in the early 70's for around $20. That was about 1/2 week's wages for me at the time. When my bail spring broke I thought God must be punishing me for my misdeeds----my most valued possession and it was broken so quickly after I had spent my hard earned $$. I never did get used to flipping the bail manually on that 1. That's not the 1 I have now. I picked up the 1 I have now somewhere along the way at a garage sale or somewhere.
  8. Dutch----what do you say if we let this Harper vs Trudeau thing go. As far as I can see the only thing left of Harper now is the bad smell.
  9. The ability to make small course corrections based on the best advice available is, IMO, a good sign of democratic leadership---unlike the semi-dictatorial leadership we've had lately that ignored expert opinion of scientists, for e.g., and didn't need to be confused by any facts that a census might provide! Who needs facts when you got dogma and your own pig-headed opinion to guide you?
  10. I have 1 of those and was thinking of cleaning and oiling and give it another whirl on the river for bows. I know it's old technology but can I expect a good smooth drag. I'd hate to lose a fish due to an unreliable and uneven drag.--(that would be a 'reel drag', I guess. Haaarumph) Mitchell 300---for some reason the 300 did not show and I can't seem to change the title.
  11. Yep. And when you have to push the other guys away they are all downhill so you have the advantage. Maybe they'll all fall like dominoes!!
  12. The only time I went I stayed at Huron Haven. Cheap, seemed clean, nothing fancy. Is there a Tim's in town? Is the pope Catholic?? Google maps will show you locations. The only accessible place I know of is below Denney's dam. No need to say that on a PM. It's where everybody knows and goes to. I you want to get within 100 ft of the downstream boundary be ready for combat fishing. There are prob more fish caught at the Geen than anywhere, but also more fishermen. PM me if you need more detail.
  13. Nice! on our last ice fishing trip to Lake Rosseau last year there was a deer just standing on the ice a little dist away----in no hurry to leave. Looked great in the early morn sunshine against the pure white background. Wish I had my camera handy
  14. I don't see how that is relevant. When a gov't breaks an election promise we have every right to complain. When they keep one they are doing what the voters elected them to do. $60k might seem a bit steep but it's not outrageous. Here's another viewpoint on ISIS http://www.lfpress.com/2015/11/18/more-terror-acts-inevitable-in-this-power-struggle
  15. I certainly see parallels. Our hatred of Jews ( i.e the West---Hitler did not act alone. Lots of anti-Semitism all over Europe and N.A) nearly destroyed Western civilization. Our collective hatred of Muslims may well finish us off---unless we can rein in some of the hatred being spread in various quarters.
  16. The Iraq wars were 'transfer mechanisms' to transfer $ from the American taxpayer into the hands of the owners of Haliburton et. al. Eisenhower warned about the 'military-industrial complex' many years ago(He probably coined the term). His warnings have not been heeded.
  17. Good idea to talk to the principal, but I'd leave it at that. I don't think the board would want to get involved.
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