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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. PK and I exchanged a couple of PMs. I understand the issue he's having. I have had that prob as well. It might be the 'third time lucky' sort of thing!!
  2. I find on-line the best way. I can check several stores within a reasonable drive. I got an outfit last year for less than 1/2 price.
  3. Check Can Tire in-store clearance items on-line
  4. I think the std advice is to cling to the boat. For this and other emergencies there are little waterproof cases you can get for a cell phone that can be hung around your neck or from a PFD.
  5. https://www.thestar.com/sports/2017/12/26/hockey-legend-johnny-bower-dead-at-93.html
  6. What the heck has that guy got at the curb?? Merry Xmas, Y'all
  7. Thx, Brian, for saving me a trip. I intended to stop in tomorrow on the way to family. It looks like the jacked the price right back up too!!
  8. yes, indeed. Grandkids make Xmas special!! Have a good one, y'all!!
  9. I'm not a hunter but my bro's are and I'm obviously a fisherman, so I have no ground to stand on and be self-righteous about this. I guess everyone has their own line as to what's ethical/acceptable and what is not. Personally, I can understand hunting when the prey is to be eaten. But I don't see the sport of trophy hunting. Where's the sport, for e.g, in waiting in a tree for a bear to show up for lunch as it has done for the past week or so, then shoot it? Ms Harper has the right to her opinion, but others have the right to bash her for it---free speech!!
  10. I really prefer not to be alone on the ice.
  11. You mean as opposed to the rest of the year!!!. Happy Hanukah, shilom Shloim!!
  12. Er, um, udunno----hairy legs don't quite do it for me!!!
  13. THx CH312. I'm not up on the 'evolution' of the Finbore with different models etc. i.e are the newer ones better somehow than the micro, or is it just one of those'new and improved' sales gimmicks? I have sharpened my Swedebore blades and made them much better. There was a very detailed article online with instructions. The first thing it pointed out was the double bevel. I wonder if some people didn't notice that when they tried (unsuccessfully) to sharpen their blades.
  14. Are you sure it has Finbore blades? Kinda looks that way but I don't see where it says that. Did you have an older set of Finbore to compare it to? Looks like a good deal if they are Finbore. '
  15. The best, IMO! Has a very dreamy color/look to it!
  16. I found this guy interesting as a shelter from the wind and possibly the rain. Pop-ups are a bit of a PITA, flip overs a bit heavy to pull if you are walking. \
  17. I'm a borderline diabetic. I still eat some bread---everything in moderation, I guess. I rarely eat white bread. My understanding is that the goal is to limit carb intake at any one time, whether that's bread, potato or whatever. Fiber also has a buffering effect.
  18. Just watched a Marketplace episode about ducts etc and how "effective" the "Do Not Call List" is!!(Doesn't really qualify as news, though!)
  19. Wow. That took guts! I must admit that my picks are not always around my neck. They won't do me much good elsewhere!
  20. Does it really matter, OI? I just posted it for amusement on a snowy winter day.
  21. Why, it's almost as easy as falling of a log, or maybe a dock!!
  22. Fair enough, but when was the last time you bagged a fresh meal on the golf course???
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