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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. We don't know that for sure now, do we?? No pix!!
  2. I'm sure he's dealt with a few hosers and jokers before, maybe with the odd Newfie mixed in!!
  3. And for the really bad ones there's quick setting cement!!
  4. Two Rednecks & a Weed Eater! Two rednecks, Jimbo and Bubba, are sitting at their favorite bar, drinking beer. Jimbo turns to Bubba and says, "You know, I'm tired of going through life without an education. Tomorrow I think I'll go to Community College and sign up for some classes." Bubba thinks it's a good idea, and the two leave. The next day, Jimbo goes down to the college and meets Dean of Admissions, who signs him up for the four basic classes: Math, English, History, and Logic. 'Logic?' Jimbo says. 'What 's that?' The dean says, 'I'll give you an example. Do you own a weed eater?' 'Yeah.' 'Then logically speaking, because you own a weed eater, I think that you would have a yard.' 'That's true , I do have a yard ' 'I'm not done,' the dean says. 'Because you have a yard, I think logically that you would have a house.' 'Yes, I do have a house.' ' And because you have a house, I think that you might logically have a family.' 'Yes, I have a family.' 'I'm not done yet. Because you have a family, then logically you must have a wife. And because you have a wife, then logic tells me you must be heterosexual.' 'I am a heterosexual. That's amazing, you were able to find out all of that because I have a weed eater.' Excited to take the class now, Jimbo shakes the Dean's hand and leaves to go meet Bubba at the bar. He tells Bubba about his classes, how he is signed up for Math, English, History, and Logic. 'Logic?' Bubba says, 'What's that?' Jimbo says, 'I'll give you an example. Do you have a weedeater?' 'No' 'Then you're a queer.'
  5. He just did it the once for the pic----he didn't make a habit of it(sorry, couldn't resist)
  6. How did you get that info, Brian? Did you measure it??
  7. Any luck? One of my friends has a boat on Lake O but says it's still to early?
  8. She might have said 'you have a nice big one!' and the supermarket cashier said to me one time when she saw my big golf umbrella!
  9. I get a quick of seeing the ducks motor down the river here. They must be doing about 20 clicks!!
  10. I used to do it that way but I find that my sheet with holes helps make it easier. But maybe your fingers are more nimble than mine!
  11. The blood is from Jim bashing it's head so we could safely remove the trebles. Bin dere, dun dat, got the scar!!
  12. See my last sentence! Mind you, Jim has little patience with crowds. He tends to seek out secluded spots---he's a canoeist, what more can I say?? ( I guess I can hijack. my own thread. What's your friend Borgerman up to these days? Some of Jim's buds are trying to talk him into a trip to the Sutton. I just sent him a link to MB's canoe trip report. I couldn't find any on his Dusey Lodge trip---just a foretaste here on OFC)
  13. Started dark and early---just enough light to see when we launched my friend Jim's 14 footer. Calm 'seas', just 1 more boat so far. Marked quite a few as we trolled 60-80 ft of water. Started with smallish body baits. I switched to Fire Tiger after about an hr and hit the first fish shortly thereafter. Jim switched to a similar color and hit several more. By the 'end of the day'---prob around 10 AM we had landed 7 and missed 2. It gradually became quite busy and Cap'n Jim got tired of dodging boats so we packed it in. Insert other media
  14. How did you tie them? One of my neighbors has a little machine he uses. I drill several holes in a sturdy sheet of plastic that I had "in stock'. I put that over and empty plastic bin. It makes things a bit easier than just doing on a flat surface.
  15. Good luck on finding fishable water if you are the G Bay area!! Great plumes of mud were coming from every river and creek from O Sound to Wasaga yesterday. Most of the Meaford harbor was muddy!!
  16. he WANTED to be killed. Why should we give that scum what he wanted. Let his brain torture him for a few years!!!
  17. It sounds quite unlikely that it was a terrorist attack but let's see what the investigation uncovers ove rthe next months. I'm glad the police didn't shoot him. That's what he wanted. Let's give him lots of time for him to wish he was dead. Make the bugger suffer. "bugger" being a euphenism for the word I used!
  18. Thx for that-----that's prob part of my prob. Apart from the tangles I love the braid! I'll watch the sales too!
  19. If your GPS usage is anything like mine, battery life will not be an issue. I use mine mainly for canoeing and hiking and occasionally for fishing. I normally take it fishing but rarely have it on more than a few mins. For canoeing I normally mark a few waypoints ahead of time if navigation is much an issue. e.g. Points or ends of islands where I would need to make a turn. I know that some paddlers leave them on and trace out their route. I don't see any need for that. If I have a few points along the route marked I can easily connect the proverbial dots. One set of batts normally last me for a week long trip. I always have a good map when canoeing---peeping at the map on my GPS is like looking at the world thru a keyhole. I thought about using a tablet with a built in GPS but then things like batt life and robustness become big factors. I sometimes leave my GPS on when I lead a hiking group so I can record the path, the dist and the time. That's usually just a couple of hrs so batt life is not an issue. I assume that you'd be following a trail on your ATV. If so, why not just waypoint the intersections? When fishing I go with the hope that I'll find a few hot spots to mark but I'm often disappointed.. In most case I can remember them visually anyway e.g near a big rock or tree or whatever. I hope this helps
  20. Remember back then when the only real commercials were BETWEEN the periods! All you saw during a break in action was maybe an outline of a tire rolling across the screen, or maybe a battery!!
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