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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Or you could try my favorite spot: "Up North"
  2. A nasty note on his windshield might have some effect.
  3. OK. I didn't follow your link but I had thought that mapsource was no longer avail. I guess I was wrong..............again....DUH!
  4. I think Basecamp superseded mapsource?
  5. I guess you GPS must be quite old then?
  6. If you have a Garmin you can use Basecamp
  7. braid is a bit like that old nursery rhyme----when it's good it's very very good, but when it's bad it's horrid!!--------tangles are epic, normally impossible to undo!
  8. Look on the plus side----If you do catch any you can fry them on the sidewalk!!
  9. I put blue masking tape on mine until I could get them replaced.
  10. The Notty is open.Why aren't you at your fave spot???
  11. I came face to face with 1 when I was snorkelling in the Bahamas. I had been told that they rarely, if ever, attack humans but I backed off anyway---not taking any chances!! Nice looking fish!! I guess a steel leader would be 'highly recommended!!
  12. They replaced my old ones for free and they were more than 5 years old.
  13. I prefer a better roll than that!!!
  14. I looked at all those pix and not 1 Maple Leaf logo to be seen!!!
  15. I guess I have never fished in current so strong that I could actually see the line move off the vertical.
  16. And we will hear the same tired old rhetoric from the politicians and the pro-gun lobby, but when the chattering dies down nothing will be done about it. Then, some time in the coming weeks or months there will be another one!! Quite tragic! Somehow offering 'thoughts and prayers' just doesn't cut it!!
  17. The main purpose of a sonar, apart from telling you the depth, is to keep the fisherman entertained so he doesn't get bored or discouraged and go home!! That's how they help catch fish---the guys stay out longer! My buddy and I spent 2-3 hrs w/o a single bite but we were watching quite a few 'window shoppers' come along for a look. Prob female fish looking for a better deal a bit further along. Without that entertainment we would prob have left after an hr or so. After 2-3 hrs my buddy was "rewarded" by a big 'nice looking' ling!!
  18. OK, but but how can you tell which way the current is running?
  19. You missed my point. If they fixed it at some date slightly before fam day----say the 10th---considering that fam day changes every year, then there would be no confusion like we are seeing here right now.
  20. Why don't they just nail it down to Feb 10, say, so that it's always open on Fam Day?
  21. Wow! You mean there is enough current to pull the cable off vertical? I have heard of people putting it right at the surface.
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