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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. would work well on rotten fish, which was what the demo prob used
  2. "The only reason that this "climate change" and "global warming" is popular with governments is because it their way to get deeper into OUR POCKETS. "---denial is not just a river in Eqypt!
  3. How much do you charge for delivery??? I'll pay! I used to make pizza when i could buy the dough but I can't find it anywhere nearby.
  4. Your understanding of light is better (or maybe just different?) from mine. I didn't think one took more energy than the other, just that it's at a different frequency than the other. I guess, as you say, there must be a blue tint in there as well. Interesting, but don't see how it matters much for fishing, given that we are guessing at what color the fish will respond to at a given time and location.
  5. Thx---that works. I prefer the blue on white. Ha---I just noticed that I am now back to being Knuguy!! I guess I'll wait for the dust to settle to changing back to SirCranksalot!
  6. I read that account a few days ago and then I read somewhere else that it was false--"fake news". Don't know what to believe.
  7. Kinda weird how red changes to blue!
  8. Ha---had no idea of my post count before. I'm sure it was a lot less that you folks above. I guess I'll find out how many I have now. OK---2,474! Sounds good to me!
  9. Or as I say to her audience hen my wife is telling a yarn------"based on a true story"
  10. Thx for keeping us entertained, OI. Do you think you can keep it up until the ice is safe? Maybe make up a few more stories the the 1 about the freeloading old---er, um----'lady' next door?
  11. It's a small miracle that someone that selfish has survived for so long. It's a wonder that nobody has killed her yet!! Tell her to get lost!!
  12. Is it just 1 gender that changes, perhaps. I recall seeing loons in Oct at least with the same black and white as summer.
  13. Nice dig, OI!! Use every chance you can get---attaboy!!
  14. Think Muskoka will be 'good to go by' next week???
  15. Yeah, fair point but the next rainstorm should flush them out.
  16. I can be ready reeel fast! Where's the ice??
  17. There is a Lexus at Jacksons in Barrie with Lexus 1 as a plate. I guess it's a very special car then.
  18. If they die in the river they will stay in the river or get washed out to the lake, not lie around on the bank stinking the place up.
  19. I steak the upper part and cook with the bones, then just slab the lower part. Cook simply with little 'adulteration'. Skip the lemon---don't need it on fresh fish!
  20. If you ever run short of coons up there we can send you up a boxcar load or 2!! Free shipping incl!!
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