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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Great to see the pair of ya's getting into some Crappie. Can't beat them Pumpkinseeds for flavour either! Cheers, Ron...
  2. Some nice trouts there Raf. Good to see the pics for your reports. Hey say "High" to JP for us would you. Don't see or hear of him often. They must give some good pull for this time of year too. Cheers, Ron...
  3. Good to see someone else grabbing the bull by the horns! Keep at em guys! (I kinda know what it's like) Cheers, Ron...
  4. No thanks needed, it's not like we saved the world! if you have an interest or a passion you get involved. You only get involved as much as you want to. People wanting to infringe on my fishing opportunities, I am not backing down. Cheers, Ron...
  5. You'd be amased on what this guy can do with bailer twine and crazy glue!
  6. I'll see you there first thing in the morning!
  7. Well, I think we can finally put this thread to rest. I went to the Hamilton Township council meeting tonight. Dan Taillon and Tammy Tellier of the OMNR were there to give a presentation to the council. Apparently, a lot of questions were answered in regards to the new regulations which have taken effect Jan 1. The council were surprised that the RLTA did support the year round fishing season on Panfish. I am quite certain that the council now understands it is not practical to create Rice Lake a Special Designated Waterway, as there is nothing special about Rice Lake. Rice Lake is an average lake within the zone. It is not the deepest lake on the system, it is not the shallowest lake on the system. Rice Lake used to have a great abundance on Bluegill in the 10 inch range back in the early 80's, actually considered non existent now. Rice Lake used to have a great abundance of Bluegill in the 9 inch range back in the late 80's, these are considered a rarity in this day and age. A trophy Bluegill in Rice Lake is now considered to be 8 inches, Can you believe it? It only took 20 yrs to drastically reduce the size of a Bluegill by 2 inches. To say the average Bluegill has increased in size which is supported by the OMNR data, the increase merely an 1/8 of an inch. Hopefully in 20 yrs time we can get the size of the Bluegill back to the 10 inch mark. Highly unlikely though. I am glad Dan went through everything making the deciding factors of the regulations. This certainly answered many questions for the council. I am more than disappointed in the RLTA with ony 2 members showing up. The vocal ones of the Association, didn't have the gonads to attend this meeting. The council soon discovered that RLTA did vote for icefishing and it was misrepresentation, deception if you will, by the spokesperson representing RLTA. If their key interest was for the concern of Rice Lake, I am certain they would have been there, I know I was. The council members had many valid questions of which in my opinion, were addressed and professionally answered, even the concerns with the Walleye population and Carp die off! I am looking forward to Valerie MacDonald's, news paper article on this one. Cudos to you Dan Taillon, very well represented for what the advisory council had covered for over 3 years and also the Biological framework to back the new regulations. If people want the rest of the story, send me a PM and I will be glad to write it all up for you. Cheers, Ron Reyns (Ron Reyns Maintenance 905 372-0512)
  8. Fisherman's worst enemy? Rice Lake Tourists Association.
  9. No luck here in Cobourg, Lloyd faithfully goes to Subway for lunch every day for close to a year now I think. I went there to meet up with him and there is no Dave there for us to get a photo of... Say la vie..... Cheers, Ron....
  10. Now how can you beat that? A great day on the water with some great friends, just don't get any better. Good on ya Bucktail.
  11. Didn't think I'd ever hear Spiel and excellent work in the same sentence! Nah just kidding, I have seen some of his work, unreal on what this guy can do. If you got any mosquitoes from his place, be careful on swatting them, you just might get a hook in your hand too! You got some special talents Spiel, glad to see you using them wisely! Cheers, Ron...
  12. Depending on the age of your kids, Presquille Park in Brighton is a great place as well. Lots of bilking trails, lots of nature walks, lots of wildlife. Deer, fox, muskrat, raccoons, skunks, mice, frogs, snakes, Barred Owls, to name a few. These are the ones that came to visit our campsite.
  13. Ditto. I will have to keep the rest my opinions to myself of Italo for the fear of permanently being banned from this site. Good for you though Stoty, just be careful to not get too closely associated with him. Cheers, Ron...
  14. How time flies Dan. Just think, a few more years and he will know more than you, then after that they go to collage and discover the true meaning of C.O.D. (Cash off Dad). Shortly afterwards they realize they aren't smarter than the ol man and then the sessoin starts all over again with grandkids. I know I left a few of the details out but I hope I got the important ones.... Cheers, Ron...
  15. And here I thought a Pocket Pal was an old folding fishing rod.
  16. That would explain a whole lot on how Roy found this site by accident! ha ha ha
  17. As Ben mentioned, Jerk baits, top waters, and spinners are all great on the Curado 300. A buddy of mine picked up the Revo and found a design flaw. You will notice your hand might get rather irritated by the end of the day, or at least he did. Take a look at the back of the Revo and you will soon find the housing on the back comes to somewhat of a point. After a day of Jerk baiting this point annoys the heck out of the flesh between your thumb and index finger. After 3 yrs with the Curado 300, it is in the shop for repairs. I'll let you know what the outcome is. Don't get me wrong, I liked the 300 so much, I bought a second one.
  18. Always a great time at the Oddy. But you know, bowling is where it's at! ha ha ha
  19. Looks like an awesome trip Rob.
  20. Now that we have Year round fishing in zone 17, I can't think of a better place to live.... in Ontario....
  21. The following quote is from the Northumberland Today: Seeing as how you replied to my other posts Jodi, perhaps you can answer a few questions for me in regards to this article. What is the limit for panfish in the rest of Ontario? What is the difference between a Bluegill, Pumkinseed and a Sunfish? Why are people throwing the Sunfish back, are they too small? When the RLTA voluntarily staked out the spawning areas, did anyone fish these spawning areas? Has poaching only been a problem since the new fishing regulatoins? If Bluegill are "stabilized" in Rice Lake, how is the size base holding? If it has increased in size, by how much? If it has decreased in size, by how much? Let's take this over a 5 year term. Is it only pickerel (walleye) that are subject to undue stress and are likely to die? Would this happen to Bluegill, Perch, Muskie as well? Would this be applicable all year round or only during the winter months? Why is Icefishing pointless for Bluegill? Why is Rice Lake not as safe as other lakes? Does the Trent Severn Waterway only travel through Rice Lake, bypassing all the other lakes between Lake Simcoe and Lake Ontario? Is Rice Lake the only lake that is shallow on the TSW? Could you point out where all these springs are? I look forward to your answers. Regards, Ron Reyns
  22. WE might be going up for the day on Saturday. We don't go to Orillia though. Just too many boats for my liking. Thora Island area is where we fish. Have fun up there, as if it needs to be said. Cheers, Ron...
  23. So what your saying Jodi, all of Rice Lake Tourist Ass. don't know the difference between a Bluegill and Pumpkinseed either. Either that or they just don't have a trophy for the biggest Bluegill... Official entry form for Rice Lake Tourist Ass.
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