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Everything posted by Ron

  1. If I may before this thread unfortunately gets locked. Everyone, even the Rice Lake Tourist Association, (as I'm sure they already have) please read the articles, particularly the ones in my local newspaper. Read them carefully and understand what is written. http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/Article....aspx?e=2478283 http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/Article....aspx?e=2465558 Once you have read the 2 articles, make your own judgement and take the time to send a letter to the editor of the news paper. Our voices must be heard! Mike and myself cannot send a letter ourselves as we are the ones identified in the article. Tell them you are for the regulation changes or against the regulation changes. Regardless of who you are, either way you look at it, this is YOUR lake, respect it that way. Letter to the Editor Cheers, Ron...
  2. Please fellow anglers, Lets keep this civilized. There is no need to stoop to lower levels. Serious accusations against a member of this board have been brought forward. I can't stress this enough, please keep it civilized or this thread may get locked! Hey Mike Actually, my big fish came in third last weekend. My Nephew, who was fishing with me, his fish came in first. Nice Perch too, 1.08 lbs. As for the very reason why they should close Rice Lake to ice fishing? Can you imagine if all those pails were filled with Perch and Bluegills? Heaven forbid if it happend during the ice fishing season. Certainly wouldn't do half the damage during the spawning periods on open water now would it.(hint of sarcasm) In the parking lot after the council meeting, I too started up conversation with a couple of RLTA members. It was in agreement about their passion and also about our passion. But keep in mind, don't be putting words in our mouth. As you have stated yourselves, and I quote your introduction sentence to the council "I am here to represent the Rice Lake Tourist Association and I also represent my own resort (name withheld by my choice)". Now with the remark, when you spoke about being against Ice Fishing were you speaking for the RLTA or were you speaking for your resort? You made it sound like you were representing the RLTA and in your terminology with your presentation, were you sucking or were you blowing? Remember, you were the one who said you can't do both at the same time. You can't represent 2 different interests in a presentation can you?
  3. Everything in that video was AWESOME! If that don't get ya intrigued about fly fishing nothing will!
  4. Oh I know you don't represent the RLTA when you speak, you represent the "Guardians of Rice Lake". Oh and for the record: Each and every Perch which was caught and presented in that pail came from Rice Lake.
  5. Well at least the local news paper is seeing our views as well. It's not a Grocery Store!
  6. First of the season I have always been a big believer of down sizing your baits. The new Rapala Glide baits were very effective for me last year on opening weekend. A slow presentation does wonders on big fish. The smaller of the big tube jigs with little amount of weight, almost like being suspended over top of the fresh emergent weed. Sandy Bays will also be "hot spots" for my first choice of targeting Muskie in the beginning of the season. Cheers, Ron...
  7. Looking forward to more pictures from out of your windows Lew. Perhaps we can all pitch in and get you to install a web cam! Seeing those deer in your back yard gave me that idea, what a piece of Heaven you got there! Cheers, Ron...
  8. Well the council meeting went rather well. I will post more on the remarks once I receive the minutes from the Alnwick, Haldimand Township. Rather had a very comical moment though. Talk about someone shooting themselves in the foot!!! Mike Ferguson of Fergs live bait in Gores Landing actually labeled us as anti US people who are dead against tourist fishing Rice Lake, as he put it:"We should be wearing white sheets". This is the same guy who called his American customers at one of the public meetings last year as "Redneck Hillbillies from the Backwoods, who did not have running water".He disagreed that the limit of Perch we had on hand to show the amount of fish did not represent the amount of Bluegills that could fit in one pail. Good show Mike! Hope you speak up at more meetings, you really help your group of "Guardians of Rice Lake". I wonder how many more members you have in this group Mike? Mike is also a member of the RLTA. Cheers, Ron...
  9. To the moderators, please do not lock this thread until I have time to go over my many notes and recorded minutes to present the actual numbers which were set as options. I do know of one fact and that fact is the Rice Lake Tourist Ass. wanted Rice Lake to be an exception to the regulations. Even though I know not all of their association was in agreement with that one. You don't think that would leave a bad taste in the mouths of the other Resorts in the Kawarthas now would it? Especially with the state of the economy, just think of what this HST is going to do to these resorts. Another 8% added to everything, including the fishing license, gas, lodging, just to name a few... Cheers, Ron...
  10. FishinNanna Even though you try to pull yourself off as a little ol lady from way back when... the type of ol gal that walked to school UP HILL both ways is not fooling too many of us. Looking at your recent posts and I guess I should mention.... Welcome to the board, though most people introduce themselves first. Chances are, I will meet you at the council meeting in Grafton. My name is Ron Reyns, I live in Cobourg. I too was on the advisory council. Perhaps as you are well aware, there are some replies to this thread from other people who were also on the advisory council but seem to be too ashamed to enunciate themselves, to each their own I guess. Some like to hide behind a screen name. To echo Mike's responses, they are more accurate to what was discussed and suggested by the MAJORITY of the advisory council. As Mike had mentioned, some suggestions given for sunfish limits were as low as 50 with only 5 over 8 inches. I will go over the many many dicussions on panfish and see if I can't find the actual numbers. It is tough to make replies with "opinions" rather than using facts which can be backed by evidence. Sorry I'm the type of guy who does proper research, much like Mike Brown, before I give a reply. Opinions are like an , everyone's got one. Some people talk through theirs. Cheers, Ron...
  11. I willgive you a call laer on in the week Tom. For anyone else interested, please post here or send me a PM. Cheers, Ron...
  12. Exactly Wayne, some of the RL Ass. members understand but the others still have their heads stuck up their Association. They are trying to blame the new fishing regs for the downfall of their business. The sad part of it is, they are trying to convince the local municipalities to get the fishing regulations reverted back!
  13. Rice Lake Tourist Ass. at it again. Northumberland News For anyone who is ice fishing Rice Lake, please send me a PM. I want to make arrangements to attend the council meeting and show our inupt.
  14. Spiel, don't' give Gman too much credit, I've met him and his is only 4'8" tall! ha ha ha
  15. Hey Dan, Still got the one you framed for me up on the wall.
  16. Oops, should have written that differently...... I was not referring to you Doc. I was referring to my number one rule when I invite people on certain trips North.
  17. Hey Doc, How about some video footage of the same place? Every Brookie is something special to me... I just don't understand how someone can put these in a pan? (Hey that's my opinion, if ya wanna keep em, fine, just not on my trips)...
  18. Is that suppose to be funny Dax?
  19. Looks like I missed out on a fantastic trip....bummer.... Now that is a big bleepin Laker, especially through the ice! Good shootin guys. Cheers, Ron...
  20. Big Bigger Bigger again Biggest
  21. Pretty kewl TJ. Thought I might better reply as no one else has and good God man, we don't want you to leave!
  22. I used an insulated soft sided lunch bag. The best part about it... when it is in the truck, people think it is just a lunch bag and less reason to break in to the truck. Foam dividers are easily made to make a snug fit for your lenses and such as well. Cheers, Ron...
  23. Did ya hear bout the husband wife? They both go to bed and the hubby gives her the ol "leg over". Wife says: "Not tonight dear, I have an appointment with my gynecologist in the morning and I want to be fresh". The hubby roles back onto his side of the bed and ponders the situation. Several minutes later the hubby gives the ol leg over once again and asks: "You don't have a Dentist appointment too do you?"
  24. Yup this is true. The new regs also include a harvestable slot on Walleye, extended seasons on Bass and Muskie, along with a minimum size increase to 44 inches. A limit on Perch as well (50). 30 Crappie and your right, a limit of 300 per person with only 30 over 7 inches on Sunfish. Too bad he isn't coming back with the new regs, he is going to miss out on some excellent fishing. Tell your buddy he can read up on the regs here:Zone 17 regulations (save as PDF) Cheers, Ron...
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