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Everything posted by Ron

  1. http://crosslites.co...88e53e4af40468b Here is the link to vote. Cheers, Ron...
  2. This goes along with:....... "Hey Chessy, how's your wife and my kids?" You don't have to understand it HTHM, just laugh with it.
  3. bump bump Look up for the link. Still getting 6 from me. Cheers, Ron...
  4. I think I "cured" myself from that drink! ha ha ha
  5. The wife along with my kids keep enough for having a fish fry for the "Boys" on certain occasions. Probably will have a fish fry in early November up North. I think Pigeontroller enjoys the deep fried mushrooms I do up more than the fish. Hey, I got something new for this year, it's called a blooming onion. It is soooooo gooooooood!
  6. So lets see, 1 trip to Northern Ont in June, all expenses including gas... = 950.00 Weekend trips East, South and West................................. = 600.00 Terminal tackle............................................................... = 500.00 Trolling motor.............................................................. = 1295.00 New tent........................................................................ = 150.00 Dining tent..................................................................... = 100.00 Camp cot....................................................................... = 150.00 Fuel for boat this season so far....................................... = 1200.00 2 Oil changes on boat so far this season (every 50hrs).......... = 90.00 New prop (first time I have ever had to replace one)........... = 245.00 Trip coming up to Northern Ont, all inclusive..................... = 950.00 Ottawa trip..................................................................... = 300.00 French River trip (October).............................................. = 300.00 St. Clair trip (November)................................................. = 300.00 Nippissing trip (November).............................................. = 300.00 Miscellaneous................................................................. = 300.00 Gulp........................................................................................................................................................................ Whew.... just reread the original post I guess I spend about 500.00 per year on tackle.
  7. Bump... http://crosslites.com/scholarship.aspx/Essay/8814ab33a7c7a5f8e88e53e4af40468b
  8. bump. Come on everyone, there is still a chance! Cheers, Ron...
  9. Why would you want to become a teacher? You only get 2 weeks off a year. The rest are months! .
  10. Whew..... And here I thought it was just the Salmon fishing threads....
  11. Personally, I hope they harvest every one. Much better to use Salmon eggs for rainbows than killing the few Rainbow we have to catch more Rainbow. Directions and POI to Ganaraska River
  12. Bloddy nose trolling spoon (<--- link)
  13. .... And here I thought you were my friend.... One question though Art, where do I find badgers to put in a bran sack in this neck of the woods? Cheers, Ron...
  14. Great to hear Matt. Nothing worse than having a motor not functioning. There is no Motor guide repair shops around my area. The closest shop for any trolling motor (Minn Kota) in my area is Oshawa.
  15. Thanks Art, no comment to Glockenspiel...
  16. Thanks for the replies everyone. One thing for certain, I am respooling my reels with 65 lb Power Pro. I figure if I use a 17lb leader with a 1 - 3 oz flat slip sinker, beads and swivel, I should be good to go. We have stocked up on fresh herring, smelt, and hope to fish for some bait as well. Although the idea of using chicken liver is a good one, as weird as it sounds, I prefer it in the frying pan with a little butter and flour. I will definitely bring along a laser light as well . (We got a cat too that loves the thing). Perhaps some catnip as well. ha ha ha... Cheers, Ron...
  17. First off, I would like to thank the OFC Member who took the time to bring this series of posts to my attention so that I could have the opportunity to reply. What you have read is true. However, like most media releases, you don't have all the facts or all the perspectives. This trip to Dorset is an annual fishing trip I take with members of my family. We spend a full week at the same location each year. I have never had a problem in the past but last year everything seemed to go wrong. Two of us travelled up there together and we were waiting for the other three to arrive late that afternoon. We had fished and caught three fish each the first day, which I had thought was the limit. That was my first mistake and yes I should have known better. We put the six fish in the fridge when we got home because we always have a big fish fry the first night we are there. We waited and waited for the others to arrive but unfortunate circumstances kept my other three family members from being able to join us that night. Not thinking about the failed fish fry the night before and the six fish we still had in the fridge which, according to the law, is technically in your possession; we went fishing again the next morning. That was where I made my second mistake. I was charged and fined, not for "several fishing offences" as someone posted but for having exceeded the limit of possession for lake trout. It was six fish in our possession that second day and we were told the limit was four. The other party had three and I had three so, in fact, we were each over the limit by one. One fish was released on the spot because it was still in the live well. So, in fact we were over the limit by one fish between the two of us. But because he was over 65, and isn't required to have a fishing license, they only went after my license and laid the charges on me. The lesson learned was definitely that everyone must eat there fish in their fridge or freezer before they can go fishing again the next day. My reasoning, although flawed, was that we were supposed to have our family fish fry that night so I was saving it. Fishing plays a huge role in my livelihood. I would never do anything blatantly to put that at risk. Should I have been more diligent with knowing the possession limits in that area? – Absolutely. Did I mess up –YES. Did I take responsibility and pay the fine –YES. I am certainly not perfect and I try hard to learn from my mistakes but I must say that I find it quite pathetic to see that so many fellow anglers take pleasure in wallowing over some one else's misfortunes. Never mind the fact that so much energy and attention goes towards the negative media and yet there is so little focus on the numerous positive contributions that I and Merland Park make throughout each and every year. Wouldn't it be nice if we stood by one another instead of being so quick to judge and sling mud at each other?
  18. Ya, what they said! Congrats guys... Cheers, Ron...
  19. Hey all, I got invited on a trip to go fishing for BIG cats. The stories I heard from last year is that there was not enough beer to go around er I mean, there was a limited amount of bait to be found to target this species. So what I am asking, what do you use to tangle with BIG BIG Cats? PM me if you got secrete baits or concoctions. Cheers, Ron...
  20. Kewl, now you have got to make up the Newfie Washer Toss game. I was told it was invented by a union construction site. It takes carpentry, plummers, masonry and steel worker skills to make it.
  21. Edited until we find out if in fact it really was Kevin from a resort in Picton.
  22. Is this the Kevin Lavers that owns *edited*??? Say it ain't so!
  23. This one would be perfect for this boat too. Listed in the classifieds
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