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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Well that sucks! Like you said though, remote, no concern for making noise and such. It really does suck that you would have to haul in everything every time you want to enjoy camp Jiggy. The worst of it is now, they figure you will be replacing the motor with a new one. Perhaps you should stash a beat up old one in the same place and then find a new stash spot for the real replacement. Chances are they will come back for your replacement one too.
  2. Well, Happy Birthday and good luck with the new job too. A little piece of advise to send off to the owner if you could. Please tell him to update his web site as his recent monthly report was from July of 2009. Another pointer you could tell him is perhaps a map or directions on how to get there. The only way I could tell he was in Kenora was through his mailing address. Ironically, on the contact me page he even left out Kenora in the mailing address. Then there is that dreaded payments in USD funds. Man I hate that, he is in Canada! Other than that, enjoy your Summer!
  3. I feel for ya Fisherman. If your Mom was anything like mine, you will have a heart load of fantastic memories. I can even remember my Mom going on Camping trips with me when I was in Cubs (Scouts). I bet you can't pick a "best moment" as there were too many great moments throughout her time shared on Earth. Cheers, Ron...
  4. I don't crimp at all anymore. I got more faith in the Perfection Loop now. For the past 3 yrs I have been doing the Perfection Loop in everything from 60lb floro to 150lb floro and 150 mono. Haven't had one let me down yet.
  5. Sorry to hear this Story. I too lost my Mom to Cancer too, there isn't a day that goes bye where I don't think of her.
  6. NICE! Good to see Dupois (sp) with a big ol smile on his face too. Way to go Brian, now you will have to listen to that MP guy taking credit for the rest of the season! ha ha ha.... just razzin Mike, good to see your spinners working out to a great start of the season bud. Cheers, Ron...
  7. Nice fatty Al. I'll be looking forward to educating some of those in 2 weeks. That limb still in the corner of that back eddy? Cheers, Ron...
  8. Awesome!!!!! I never win anything.... well OK, I lied! ha ha ha Thanks TJ, BPS, Dave, Pete and JP. My daughter is looking forward to stealing it from me! Now TJ, I really want to send you a PM but I know what picture I'm going to see in your profile. I think I will take my chances and give you my mailing address over the forum instead. Cheers, Ron...
  9. Awesome Mike! I'll take the next 4 bud, thanks! lol PS: Who is this MikeP guy EH? (nice avatar btw) ha haha Cheers, Ron...
  10. Worked all day Saturday but made up for it today. Hooked up with a buddy of mine in the wee hours and spent a fun filled day edumacating Walleye, all, day, long! The bite wasn't quite as good as last weekend but needless to say, we weren't disappointed. Once buddy send off pictures, I will be sure to post them up here as he got his largest Walleye on an inland lake (other than Bay of Quinte). This little piggy hit a 1/4 oz bucktail in sparse weed over 8fow. She went 28" long and would have easily weighed 10lbs. In total we boated 37 Walleye, all on bucktails between 8 - 12 fow. It didn't matter where we went as long as we found a weed line we caught fish. I got broke off twice as well on decent size fish. Cheers, Ron...
  11. http://www.northumbe....aspx?e=2594616 Bluegill are not in decline Posted By Ron Reyns Posted 2 days ago I am writing this letter for my concerns with Rice Lake and some of the proposals that have been brought forth by Northumberland County and some members of the Rice Lake Tourist Association. First let me introduce myself. My name is Ron Reyns, as a youngster, I spent most of my time on the water of Rice Lake. The first fishing experience I remember is fishing off the Government dock in Gores Landing on Rice Lake. One of the most memorable moments was going to the local resort (then called Chickadee Cottages) and renting a boat at the age of 9 or 10. Somehow the owner felt that the only 5 dollar bill I had in my pocket was just enough for me to rent a boat for the afternoon, this also included a dozen worms. I have the owner of this resort to thank for the passion I have in fishing. This has grown to the point where I now spend in excess of 100 days each year pursuing this passion. With my passion for fishing, I have been a volunteer working on various projects with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) for over 25 years. This is my way of putting something back into what I get so much enjoyment out of. My most recent volunteer time was being a former member with the pilot project for Fishery Management Zone (FMZ) 17 Advisory council for the past 3 years. This council was 1 of 3 pilots for the OMNR. The OMNR invited various stakeholders in every aspect surrounding not only Rice Lake but all of the areas within FMZ 17. The stakeholders who obliged to attend these meetings were as follows Buckhorn District Tourist Association City of Kawartha Lakes Tourism Cold Creek Fly Fishers Competitive anglers Crowe Lake Waterways Association Curve Lake First Nation Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations Live bait industry Muskies Canada Ontario BASS Federation Nation Ontario Chinese Anglers Association Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Peterborough Field Naturalists Recreational anglers Rice Lake Tourist Association Trent University In my 3 year term, we discussed many issues pertaining to all of the Kawartha Lakes, Trent Severn Waterway, Crowe River watershed and coldwater streams within FMZ 17. Once we, the council, came up with suggestions/proposals/recommendations, they were then submitted to public meetings where the general public was invited for their input. A survey where people could fill out and send in electronically or by mail was also available to the public. There was an Environmental Registry Notice as well; EBR Registry Number: 010-5587. All of this information was considered to create what are now the new fishing regulations. Bluegills are not in decline, it's the size of these pan fish that changes when too many fish are harvested. Rice Lake used to have a great abundance of Bluegill 25cm (10 inches) long back in the early 1980's, actually considered non existent now. Rice Lake used to have a great abundance of Bluegill in the 23cm (9 inch) range back in the late 1980's, these are considered a rarity in this day and age. A trophy Bluegill in Rice Lake is now considered to be 20 centimetres (8 inches). It only took 20 yrs to drastically reduce the size of a Bluegill by 5 centimetres from a lake that was once considered a trophy Bluegill fishery. The average size of Bluegill has increased in size which is supported by the OMNR data, is merely .03cm over a 5 year term. With an increase of 3mm in 5 years, it will take more than 25 years to get the size of these fish back to what they once were. You cannot go by data shown by "hearsay". Opinions don't hold an edge when it comes to regulation changes. Rice Lake Bluegill are showing more signs of stress from harvest than the other lakes in the zone, and therefore is most in need of a regulation to enhance the quality of the fishery. Members of the advisory council were in total agreement that new regulations were required to improve the quality of the fishery on Rice Lake, and protect quality fisheries in the rest of the zone. Admittedly, we had difficulty agreeing just what this new regulation should be. Some members of the RLTA are suggesting that the limit be increased from 300 to 500 sunfish. This proposal, including a size regulation allowing no harvest of sunfish larger than 18 cm (7 inches) was discussed by the FMZ Council. So were other regulations such as a limit of 50, and as few as 25. The limit of 500 with zero over 18cm (7 inches) received the most votes but it was still clear there was no consensus of this proposed limit. The limit of 300 with 30 over 18cm was set by the ministry to address the different perspectives on Sunfish, including the local economy. The reasoning for 30 over 18cm was to allow the newly recruited anglers (kids for an example) to be able to harvest fish without the concern of understanding the regulations. For anyone that has ever fished, chances are the first fish you caught was a Sunfish, high in abundance and used to be big in size. Rice Lake as well as the rest of FMZ 17 and it's neighbouring zone, FMZ 18, have some of the highest possession limits set on Sunfish, not only in Ontario or Canada, but in all of North America. This provides our tourist operators with an opportunity to attract U.S. anglers. Some lakes in North America have a harvest limit set for Bluegill as low as 5. The majority of the stakeholders were in agreement with winter ice fishing, including the Rice Lake Tourist Association representative. Before the Council made this recommendation, we discussed concerns about the potential for increased poaching of walleye, The majority opinion was that extending the fishing season does not open the lake to any more poaching than what is going on before the regulation changes. Poaching has always and will always be a concern; this is why we have Conservation Officers. This winter, MNR frequently monitored Rice Lake as well as other lakes within FMZ 17. The Conservation Officers laid minor charges, mostly for too many lines used while angling. However, there were charges on keeping fish out of season on other lakes throughout the zone but not on Rice Lake by Conservation Officers. The council was also concerned about the survival of Walleye caught accidentally by Panfish anglers in the winter. The MNR presented information indicating that Walleye handled properly in the winter are able to survive. This addressed the concerns of a number of council members, myself included. Rice Lake should not be considered for a Specially Designated Waterway. In comparison to all the other lakes within FMZ 17, Rice Lake is an average lake within the zone. It is not the deepest lake on the system; it is not the shallowest lake on the system. Majority of the lakes in this zone were created by the Trent Severn Waterway. The Advisory Council considered options that would treat Rice Lake differently. The Council did not support this option in part because we wanted to maintain a level playing field for tourism across the zone. There has been media coverage of the outcries from local tourist operator organizations, pleading for action against the OMNR in regards to the regulation changes. It was also made known that various Municipalities, Townships and Counties would like to form a council with all stakeholders concerning Rice Lake. This action has already been done. In fact this action has been in operation for over 3 years. This council which is known as the FMZ 17 Advisory Council. I would strongly encourage the municipal council to make sure they have all the information available to them before making recommendations to the OMNR on the already well discussed and well debated fishing regulations. I would also strongly encourage the council to invite the Ministry of Natural Resources to do a presentation on all the work the Advisory council has done in regards to the 2010 fishing regulations. Sincerely, Ron Reyns
  12. My Niece is a volunteer Fire fighter with Timmins. She has gone out for a couple of stints to help control the fire, it is some of the scariest moments she has had fighting fires. She said she could only imagine what people went through during the war with the water bomber wizzing by. You run for cover but there is nothing to protect you from the torment of water that comes down. You get flames under control in an area only to see the wind change direction, send a spark back to where you once were and in a split second the flames are back again. Only now you are surrounded because you and the rest of the crew pushed forward. Hoping the water bomber is going to save your arse. She is looking forward to going back to her full time job - Air paramedic out of Moosenee!
  13. Yup same here Garnet, We put 48 walleye in the ourselves last Sunday. Still not one of my best days on the lake though.We were playing buck buck buck, that is why we were counting. I got the first, buddy got the biggest (24.5") and I got the most (33)
  14. I have changed a lot of these in the condos around here. As you said owners leave the hose on over teh winter and the water freezes which in turn bursts the pipe. Shut water off before proceeding any further. Similar as Joe had mentioned, cut the PEX off at the fitting, as close to the barb as possible. Do not reuse the portion of PEX that already has the fitting in it. Take pipe cutter and cut the frost free between the burst and wall. This will make it easier to pull out through the wall and exterior (siding, brick, board&baton, etc). Take both pieces of Frost free to Home Hardware and get the next one longer. You want to go longer so you don't force the PEX to have strain when re-installed. Purchase a fitting called a "Shark bite", you can get this with a female IPS to thread on to the new Frost free. Be sure to apply Teflon tape to threads. Install new Frost free through wall, secure, install "shark bite" cut PEX to proper length and insert into other end of shark bite. link to Shark bite Cheers, Ron...
  15. OK, I'll give you the snowmobile run.... Start off in Wilberforce Legion, once your voice gets a little loud, hop on to the sled, ATV, Truck with a DD and work East into the village of Cardiff. You have to make a point of stopping in here as the bar tender is non other than Curtis Joesph's Mom. A terrific gal and knows how to make a cola look like a rye and coke. (That was the only drink I would drink on these treks). They have Keriokee music every Saturday night, well worth to hear the locals sing some of the most popular songs in the North. (16 tons, a bottle of whiskey and my sister, Delta Dawn, plus a few of my favorites from the Kentucky Head Hunters). Spend an hour here and then work your way over to the Ruby's in Bancroft, (a little usefull tip: Make sure you have someone in your group with their back to the fire exit door which leads into the parking lot, be sure this person also has the keys in hand to start the said vehicle). After a quick stop in Emerg, you should have enough time to get to the best town to drink in...Tweed. The Tweed Smear best place around to find some loose womin and some strong drinks. Or at least that is where the rest of the boys finally stopped at. They have bands, DJ and a decent dance floor.... Hiccup..... Me?..... I'll just stick around camp, have a Seizure (triple Polar Ice, bit of Clamato juice and the rest of the fixzens).
  16. If you are only doing day trips, don't waste your time with a filter setup. Once you figure out the weight of the filter compared to 1 litre of water, = not much difference. If you are concerned that 1 litre of water isn't enough, take a couple of pills with you or boil your water and don't forget to take gatorade crystals to balance the flavour. If you are still bound and bent on getting a filter system, I use a MSR SweetWater
  17. Yup, over harvested is the problem. Back in the 80's we used to get 10 inchers regularly. Nowa days a trophy Bluegill is 8 inches on Rice Lake. I do have to agree with you, nothing more fun than hooking into a school of Gills, especially with the fly rod.
  18. Nice Gills you got! We used to have them that big in Rice Lake, not any more though.
  19. Nice set up Randy. Too bad you can't tow your boat behind it. My brother bought a 5th wheel outfit and tows his boat behind it. Kinda looks hilarious but it gets the job done. Sounds like to me you might better install those pool noodles around anything you may bump your head into for a while! ha ha ha (sorry, I know you didn't think it was funny.) The bad luck streak is good in a sense, it can't get any worse and you should have a trouble free summer now. Cheers, Ron...
  20. Optima Blue tops, best battery you'll ever own. Half the weight (well not half but you get the picture). I am running a 70lb 24 volt Minn Kota and get 2 days easily out of them. Trolling motor ran at 30% on constant today, went to check the battery level and still shows 90%. Good for another day with out charging. I got mine at Wallmart one day when Energizer had a display booth set up and they gave me a smoking good deal. Both batteries for under 250.00
  21. boat tech 1058 copperstone drive unit 2 pickering , ON L1W 3V8 Phone: 905-686-5008 Fax: 905-686-5009 [email protected]
  22. I have already put 5 tanks of fuel through my boat. Been out since the first week of March. Man you gotta love these extended seasons! Ironically, my wife is happy about these seasons too.
  23. Hey ya go Lew, Super nice guy Grant is: boat tech 1058 copperstone drive unit 2 pickering , ON L1W 3V8 Phone: 905-686-5008 Fax: 905-686-5009 [email protected] Easy to get to as well. Brock Rd. South. (Pass Tight Lines tackle). 2nd set of lights turn left (Dillingham/Clements). Cross the tracks, 2 rd on left (Copperstone Dr.)follow to the end, you will end up in his parking lot around back of building. Google map
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