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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. 28 well done.!!!
  2. Wierd. pls let us know. ????
  3. 2nd the ash. Cant beet it on boats.
  4. Do I need to bring tools?
  5. Send me a pm I can help you out.
  6. Have you tryed small minnows? Or jigs that look like leaches? Or go lite on the hardware? Good luck today.
  7. Keep it up Wayne Your princess sounds like a verry STRONG GIRL don.
  8. Hey sounds like your set up Welcome to OFC/OFC? Lots of good people and advice here. Personaly I wold take a canoe or small fiberglass boat into any small lake. Steathey quiet cant beet that.. Good luck
  9. I would think that the (acid ) in the bile would do the most damage on the electronics under the keys?(sticky keys) I would replace the keybourd but if you take it apart look for traces of corrosion around terminals. Iwould probably take it in to a reputable service company and just tell them what happend you anrt the first. Ps . Still looking for that algae/weed? Saltydawg.
  10. Hmmmm ASH or IPE The problem with soft woods is that it expands and absorrbs water like a sponge. Ash or Ipe(ipae) will last a lifetime
  11. Check out MNR home web site' Might take a little bit of digging?
  12. Sufix is going in the fire pit. Waist of money.. Power pro is no better... I will gladly replace my spools with 8 pound mono!! Half the cost better results. Last long wknd I put down my crucial with sufix (to many problems over last 6 outings). picked up the comprey with 6 pound mono never lost a fish(4-5lbs bass and 4 pike 3- 8 lbs).. Going to try the flouro but dont have high expectations. Wouldnt even put the suckixxxx on my icefishing pertch gear..
  13. Go with the Clarus 6ft LM. Crucial and Comprey take a long time to get familar with. but worth it in the end. IM a shimano guy through and through wouldnt give up my rods or reals for anything.
  14. Personoly I think we are in a pike cycle. In my last 2 outings I cought more pike than in the past 5 yrs.
  15. Ill help you . That makes 4 at a time and a couple pops!?
  16. JUST DO IT..
  17. Look its simple. It looks like cotton candy and it covers everthing from 14ft up... Thanks for your link kickingfrog.
  18. YES so what is it? Is it ok to let the kids swim? Is this some kind of bloom that will go away ?? Is it harmfull? I dont know!! never seen it!??? Still cant find it on line? Saltydawg. Concerned PS. If anyone could give me a current link to water conditions in Hastings/land o lakes area that would be awesome. I cant find it..
  19. Well what I found on the algae you refured to is not the same as what I was looking at last week. This whatever it is does not stain the water .? Its mainly sub surface lime green and looks like COTTON CANDY and thats what the kids called it COTTON CANDY WEED. Cant find it anywhere on line ?? stumped... And none off the weed lines that have been there cince I was a todler are there??their gone?? 40YRS ??????
  20. Nothing feels quite as good as letting on of those go home Well done
  21. This past week I went to my favorate fishing hole and was verry disturbed to see what I saw. Discription.. It looks like cotton candy feels like cotton candy and its every where. It floats in clumps of all shapes and sizes. It also covers the bottom from shoreline to about 12-14 ft down the drop off.(the entire lake has a dropoff anywhere from 2ft -8ft down to 20ft) and its coverd all on the bottom 14ft and up or floating in clumps submerged? All the the fish we cought were suspended off the dropoff which is extreemly unusual(its like they wont go near it and bass beds were few and far between in about 10ft on the drop) Any body seen this or know what it is?? Tryed reaserching it but got knowere. The water is crystal clear as always.
  22. I would go with a 12ft alluminum and a 6-9 hp motor. You can probably get both for around 600 in decent shape if you take your time and look around. Dont go fiberglass.!! I did 15 years ago but I regret it because I had to strip the gellcoat and reskin it .. TO mutch work even though the kids use it as thier first fishig boat.
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