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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. You are so lucky Well done. Nothing like having the little one out with you. It only gets better.
  2. Bla Bla Bla.... Wednesday will sort out the girls.
  3. So if we ever meet up fishing hockey discusions are out of the question? I think so. Kaby is a good solid player and so is chara but the majority of cup winners are primarily based with CANADIAN players. WHY? Because we all grow up dreaming about winning the cup . If your not on the ice your on the road playing street HOCKEY.! Or sitting on a bus.
  4. Said it before ill say it again. Canadian hockey players are the best..... BOSTON will contineu to play thier game in Vancouver and win the LORD STANLEY CUP...
  5. So true..
  6. Know what you want and stay FIRM. They will see this and start throwing smoke screens STAY FIRM.. Play thier sales pitch until they want you to sign the offer(stay firm) Now its your turn to see how desprate that salesman is willing to pay his bills and gain some #s in order to keep his job? Then if it falls within your budjet and what YOU want , then pull the trigger.. IMO
  7. Not braggin. Maby a litle? Called Chicogo last year. Caled BOSTON this year. Got Betman figured out.. 5-3 BOSTON 2nite.
  8. Nice laker. Where did you go?
  9. Shimano Crucial med-heavy Sahara 2500 spinning reel. Shimano Clarus med Mitchel 3500?? lightning cast(triger)
  10. Here Here.
  11. Alittle frustrated today??
  12. Dont have the status to say that but was thinking it.... I will shut up now.
  13. Nothing like a good hammer /heat and somthing to grab the garbage with? good job.
  14. WOW Nice fish!!! So ultralite is no good out there?
  15. Thanks for your replies. Call me old school but a properly set up engine should not need to be tamppered with in order to start? Unless your standing in -40 degrese..
  16. You keep this up you will be giving out fishing advice to all us nuckleheads. Sounds like a great day.
  17. Iwish I could but I promised my daugter that her canoe would be ready for the long wknd and I stiil have 15 -20 hrs to put into it. Canoe tomoro. Good luck. Thanks for the info.
  18. A valuable learning expierance. Happy to hear every thing is ok. I hit 8 to 10 ft with rouge waves a few years ago. Scared the hell out of me. Kilarny.
  19. Any others care to chime in?
  20. Drill out and retap.? Or try driving the torques in then remove it put it back in(no force) and hopefully it will start turning. Hard to say without being there and seeing it?
  21. Hears what I do. get a torques key 1/16 smaller than the outside diameter of the siezed bolt.(aprox +/-) Drill a pilot hole as close to centre as posible without going through the plug(you know best) Then drill a hole 1/16 smaller than the closest thread on the head(should be about 3/8) dont go through. Taper the torques just enough to make the pionts look like wedges. Heat the plug to the piont it becomes soft(malluable). Then quickly drive the torques into the plug DO NOT REMOVE!!! (heavy hammer 5 to 8 hits you will know best) Put tapping fluid on it Go have lunch .(cool down) It should spin out without doing any damage to the threads. Hope this helps. Problems like this outside the shop are trying at times. Good luck.
  22. 20 horse Merc 1975 This engine runs very well ONCE it starts. Getting it started after a few days of sitting is a challange. No electric start but it would be nice to add it on. My cuzz and I dont have the physical stamina to pull on it as we both have problems with backs and shoulders. So Im looking for a good marine mechanic that can fix the hard to start problem? Any sudgestions?? GTA area. Fishing rod. Im looking to get a decent light -med to add to my collection . Any sudgustions? 80.00$ MAX.. ??????? Thanks. saltydawg.
  23. musky musky musky!!!! 1 track mind!
  24. Nope. I will never spend another dime on it. 100 bucks and 0 fish.
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