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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. BOSTON will crush the girls and send them all going home on a plane crying for mummy!!! The girls out west dont have any grit or personal will to win LORD STANLEYS CUP!! Other than personal financial gain and that dosent cut it in the big show. BOSTON in 6 overtime...
  2. I HATE being stuck at work when the monsters come out to play!!!!!!!!!! Good job guys . Nice fish. WELL DONE...
  3. Awesume report nice to see you had a good weekend Nice fish. Ruba dub dub rub it in
  4. When they are geting ready to spawn then yes.. spawning is done down here .IF the forcast for the next week is rite then the only thing you will see as for pike is them moving into deep water and as my father used to say they loose thier teeth until mid August. Last wknd I saw no decent bass beds so stay on the drop offs and leave the bass alone and that goes for everyone. Just my take on what I saw...
  5. Wallmart/Zellars/Giant tiger/Dollarama ???
  6. Riddle me this? WHY you looking for warm water?? I would say that it depends on the lake. Your not going to change the geography of the land your in. So in one lake it could be different than in another you just have to spend the time learning the lay of the land. IE. the lake I fish has 3 natuaral springs at diffrent depths along with on average 25ft shalows to a 12-20ft drop off . Finding the fish can be a chalange even though I have fished this lake for the past 35 yrs.
  7. SIDE NOTE... What is it like on gas? with out the trailer .. Can you let me know as I do about 2hrs driving every day. Looking at one of those trucks now.
  8. On a small BBQ unit the 1lb tank should last about 6 hrs. But the first rule of thumb when using 1lb tanks is have a BACK UP.!!! Always carry a second tank with you. If you decide to get a 20lb tank dont buy the coleman adapter. Go to the BBQ section of CT an you will find them at half the price of coleman. I would sudjest getting the 10ft hose only because I like to keep the tank away from the BBQ. As for the heaters I believe that the regulaters built into them are not designed for use with20lb tanks simplly because we have had problems with several of those units while ice fishing. BBQs never had a problem with 20lb tanks and I have used several diffrent types.
  9. Not a chance Pipe drream
  10. Very nice . That has been my dream trip for a long time . Top of my bucket list...
  11. Heres one for you guys. A chef told me about this GOOSE OIL AWESUM!!! Pick up a goose when they are on sale the meet is good and the oil left in the bottom of the pan is one of the heathest natural oils you can cook with. sliced potatos are out of this world. pan fry fish with 2 table spoons of goose oil and what ever spices you like YUMM.. Forgot to mention that you can keep the oil in the fridge untill you use it up WITCH WONT BE LONG.
  12. Ithink that if the child can cast a line out and have a good chance at catching a decent fish even if it is with your guidence and help its OK. If the child cant cast or hold a fishing rod than no you fish on your card only. disabled excluded as long as the diabled person has the ability to understand what is going on around them? My son was 3 when he could legitimatly cast a line and catch a fish (6 pound largmouth with some considerable help) For what its worth.
  13. It always amazes me to se people not treat bateries properly when its so easy. Inside during the winter and sitting on top of wood (I use 2x4s )not on concreete or any other stone. A slow charge for a couple days before use and they should last. I had one for my troling motor that lasted 8 yrs.
  14. And im looking for a boat.. bring on the work.
  15. Good luck Man.. Friday morn for me.(NO KIDDS YEEAA) SHUT UP AND FISH
  16. HT knows somebody els that wants and needs a boat and has the know how to get it done.. So I am intrested in taking a look.
  17. Good words Mercman !! Somone is crying out for help. I certianly hope he has FRIENDS close by willing to help through the tough times.
  18. ARE the geese flying south 2day??? ENOUGH all ready.!
  19. X3 We all have triles and tribulations in our lives that make us question ourselves as well as the beliefes of those around us. At times like this it becomes the responsibility of those that call this person a friend to step up to the plate and prove that friends can and do help friends going through a tough time in life. friends do not step back and critisize they step up and help!! Speeking from both sides of the fence!!
  20. YEP YOU DA KING 2DAY!!! Sweet boat!!!
  21. smelly shrimp didnt work yesterday. But then again only saw 2 small sheephead (I think)in another boat to far away to tell for shure. Oh yea 1 cat not mine dammit.. Lots playing on top though. On the Grand River.. what a blast gona go back for shure.
  22. having gone through the same type of event last year I can say that yes she can change the locks. In my situation my lawyer sent a letter as well as email stating that the locks will be changed and that my ex had 2 weeks to get her personal belongings out of the house. After that date all locks were changed and any personal belongings disposed off(20 yrd bin). As for legal help legal aid seems to be her only option now. this is easy to get look it up on line . If her name is on the morgage and she is not working it should be easy for her to qualify because leagle aid will put a lien against the property to enshure they get their money when the house sells or a settalment is reached. Of course this all takes a bit of time but in the short run she does have other options. she can apply for a restraning order if she fears violent confrontations but she has to be able to support her claim ie. domestic violence or previous assult charges on any one not just her/drug offences or any criminal charge in the past. afidavids should also be provided by people supporting her fear. she may also want to concider going to family court on a MOTION this is to be done if the welfare of the children is at risk and stability of the family home ie. missed morgage payments/utilities exctra. This will take alot of work on her part in a verry short amount of time. Contact the cuorthouse in your region to get started. The pourpose of this would be to get a court order forcing him to live up to his obligations if he chooses not to he will not be viewed with any favor within the family law system(in other words he screws himself) Another resource you can use is the FRO web site to learn more about valuable resources and how to help secure a somewhat stable future for the children. any way you look at it seperation and devorce is a hard road full of negative emotions the best thing for her to do is not confront him personaly when emotions are high and dont be spiteful. Most of all all people involved must be CIVIL..!
  23. This is not a lake or a pond. It is nothing but a road wash sewage pit. WHO DO YOU THINK YOUR FOOLING.
  24. Thanks man you just saved me hours of stumbling over the keybord not to mention numorous spelling mistakes. THANKS..
  25. With all do respect. I would not put to mutch merrit in what that artical states. I have exstensive education in the field of light and how it works (IES Iluminating Enginering society) Without going into detail right now I can say that it apeares that he does not have formal training regarding light and how it works. I however feel that some of his findings do have some merit but its nothing that most of us dont already know. having said that I will put together a guidline that will help all of us understand light and how it works both above water and under water. AT this piont the main thing to come to grips with is that light is not actualy seen it is PERCIEVED.. Ps . In no way is what I just said intended to start any arguments.
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