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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. The home made rigs. ROCK Working on mine tomoro. Looking foward to cold hands and tight lines
  2. Ihave been one of the fortunate. had many good years The best was 97 couldnt do anything wrong on soft water. 2006 on hard water was insain as well. But my fondest memory was in 97 when my 3 1/2 yr old son could through a lure 50-70 ft and he hooked into a monster that tore his light weight rod and real into pieces. Still have the rod and real. I had the dam fish in my hand and lost it Later that year AWSUME/INSAIN The fishing gods smiled on me that year
  3. Check your local codes and talk to the township. OLD foundations might not be allowd to biuld on but the "foot print" may be used if your willing to put a new foundation in thats up to code. From my understanding at this piont in my carier whenever structural ellements are involved in renos or rebuilds. Any alteration to existing fundimental ellements must be brought up to existing code requirements and inspected. Involving enginieres/architechts and munnicaple code inspectors. $$ Having said that some townships dont realy have strict rules so do your home work regarding municaple building code requirements. Caution should always be taken when altering foundation/framing/plumbing/water source!!! and septic for those that like rual comunities. This is why they try to save foundations as it is the most expensive and important ellement of any structure.
  5. Sorry to here about Peanut. It truly is a gut wrenching expeirance when its your friend being attacked. Ps I hope your wife or a good friend has the key to your gun cabnit? Tomorow when Peanut is glad to be with you all will be a little better
  6. Get a hitch and trailer for Xmass.. Or a full size truck. Sounds like you have a nice sled? Be a shame to not heve towing ?
  7. WAY 2 HEAVY!!!!
  8. Did that almost 25yrs ago to the day. My girlfriend and I set out for Calgary in a Toyota celica GTS. Jan 2. Most amasing hair raising trip of my life so far. we took the nortern rout along THE GREAT LAKES. SIMPLY SPECTACULAR in the winter. But looking back now simply STUPID... It took 6 days but suprisingly enough didnt hit the ditch once but helped many others. Not to mention forced to stay in Brandon for the night buy the RCMP. We were forced off the road due to ice. Ended up in some cheap tavern with rooms WHOA WHAT A NITE!!!! Headed out the next morning with my superman suit on. Piont is fill up your gas tank at 1/4FULL every time AND BE PREPARED FOR BRUTAL COLD TEMPS/ANY WEATHER CONDITION... Or go through the states.. (easy drive) Im shure you will have a good time either way Just remember. North of Sudbury will be BRUTAL. Good luck.
  9. Count on it. Im in.
  10. REALY????????
  11. double click.
  12. So would you be willing to show me how to fish using a flasher? When I buy one I will not be familar with the basic aplications. Cooks bay ?perch would be a good start.? Ill bring the food and bait.
  13. OH man . You make me freeking crazy So not fair!!!
  14. I have never had electronic gear for ice fishing I always relied on maps and gutt feeling(weather patterns light levels/currents excetra) So now that Im getting a little older Im looking for any advantage I can find not only for myself but my kidds are getting a little boured catching perch not to mention several others that I would like to take out fishing. Just to clear things up. Best results are on my own or with a few others that know how to ice fish. So my question is do theese flashers/fish finders actualy help find fish or help you catch fish? Lure choices not withstanding. What should I expect to pay$ for a quality unit? Portable/reliable/durable accurate? Thanks for any advice please feel free to pm me if you are not comfortabe talking $. Saltydawg.
  15. Before you through it out you might want to try this. 1. glue it back together useing exterior wood glue(not to much) if you dont have clamps just wrap masking tape around it a few times then let it harden for a couple hours. 2. this is the fun part. Get in your car and drive to your favorate fishing store to buy epoxy resin(the type used on reparing eyelets on fishing rods) try not to get distracted. 3. when you get home take the tape off sand it lightly(220 grit)find some braided line and wrap it tightly around the glue joint then aply the epoxy this will make it 10 times stronger. You might want to use the shank of a drill bit to put in the hole where your line goes through when you glue it back together so the excess glue doesnt inhibit your line latter. Good luck hope this helps.
  16. The problem does exist and recognition of a problem is the first step to fixing the problem that exist?? So therfore why not be a part of the solution instaed of looking to others for a solution? The world economy has about 100-125 yrs of fosil fule left . Thats a credit to our ability to overcome adversity..? We made the jump from sticks and stones in 60yrs . 100yrs is a tribute to the ability of the humman race for the intelegence erned and what is to be gained..? Be a part of the solution not a sideliner.
  17. About 4-5 years ago I read an artical about cougars becoming a problem in Ontario concerning horse farmers and small animals such as goats/sheep and pigs. The fact that they are here is verry real and they are further south than many people want to admit. In this artical the MNR estimated there to be about 250 courgars in central and southern ontario. 4-5 years ago. I know for a fact that they do thrive in Mono Township which is only 1/2 an hour north from Brampton and they do also exist in Mulmer within the rual comunitys. To put this in perspective theese are large cats with amasing stealth/strength and cunning. Able to easily take down a small deer and known to go after horses. Are they a threat to our everyday lives? NO (farmers?? maby) I am far more concerned with the local yote-(rat faced varmet not worthy of recognition)poppulation. I believe the only reason they are making a come back is because of a healthy deer /turky and yote poppulation.
  18. Its human nature to addapt and overcome adversity. That is why we are here today dealing with the choices that need to be made to ensure survival and progress on a world wide basis. This is why we have the right to vote/freedom that people sacrifice for. To say that the world economies are doomed without oil or any other fosil fule is foolish. We are only in the infancey of exploring energy sources ie. wind/solar/geothermal along with all other technolagy that is linked to it. such as zeoro riesistant wier.hydrophonics(food)bio technolagy. So my piont is forget about the science of yesterday and focus on tomorow. If we didnt make the jump from sticks and stones as cave people than oil or wind discussions wouldnt happen. But they are because the future is bright. "Happyness is the best revenge" So keep looking forward... Great video.
  19. Cougars have claws... Your wife wont like the scares. Nor your bank account. Good luck. hunting cougars
  21. IMO I think it might be time for all involved in OFC/OFC to take a side step. ALL of us have this big red button engrained within our personality that is hard to controll for what ever reason? This red button can be pushed by any one at any time for any reason with seamingly no explination. As an OFC member when you go to your favorates bar and hit OFC You are commited to conducting your self in a way that is acceptable on a public forum. Having said that. Moderators are absolutly justified in thier attempts to stay true to the spirit of the forum they choose to moderate? This comming from somebody that has been eddited several times and put on the( Modd Q list once) within my first year.. All it takes is sombody having a bad day or week and BOOM YOU SAID SOMTHING OUT OF CHARACTER OR CONTEXT. Modds generaly keep that sort of reply on the down low(auwsum)... Thanks man. OFC/OFC I LIKE IT I LIKE IT ALLOT!!!!! Ps. No spellcheck
  22. Dish soap. rince.compleetly. hang dry outsidide with 4 dryer sheets. longer the better.
  23. Flat head???????maby.
  24. Ice woks for me Please Santa?
  25. OK How big is the beer fridge ? And the casino is in the back? Nice hut.
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