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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Rod Caster you gota be kidding me. I think most of us southern ontario boys have been ready to go since last March.. Good luck Saltydawg.
  2. The plain fact is that to many people dont understand common sence... For those that dont go on ice frequently then you shuold probably stay off it untill the locals say its good. Pushing your luck is best left to people that know whats going on. Ie/water temp/weather conditions/currents and probably most important sound... This is truely a very sad event that could have been avioded. Buy the way it is NEVER a good idea to skate on a freshly frozen pond or lake!!! as tempting as it is... SD WHY?
  3. Its been a long dry year you might have more luck after this cold spell moves through? As far as the rutt ??? Slow at best this year. Lots of does no bucks.?
  4. The rest of Canada realy feals for the people of Quebec. To see all of our equillisation payments being put towards education and training it realy is a shame to see money so well spent.
  5. Nice friends to go fishing with. Moral of the story is??? DONT PISS OFF THE BOSS....
  6. I counted 183 on the bottom half but then again my Pc isnt the best. 183 x 2= 366 Just baord thats all..
  7. Odd. But I would gladly sit on the throne of heroes but not for 5300$. Good for him he still has a passion for the leafs. Whatever that might entail
  8. Well I had some good times fishing with Gerrit on the north channel.He always managed to get my fish in the net and we cought LOTS!!! 12/15/NO had to have been 25 pound rainbows Like shooting fish in a bucket. Nice report. DON
  9. Well when I posted this I realy didnt think it would go this way.. Personaly I have no intrest in carp nor do I have any intresestt in culling.. My intrest is in the logisticks as well as accuracy and chalange of hitting a submerced fish or if its playing on the surface. A fisherman I am. A bow hunter as well. My intresst is in learning as much about bow hunting/fishing as I possably can. I practice regularly but never shot into water. I had a couple good leeds that I will persue. Salty Ps. I just might bump this a few times.. Cheers and bring on Winter.
  10. Iwas asked yesterday what I would like for Christmass and without even thinking about it I said bow fishing equipment? I have never done it and dont even know of any one who has so here I am. I looked on line but its pretty much useless(FOR SOMONE THAT DOESNT KNOW WHAT THEIR LOOKING AT) with regard to equipment so I thought OFC. I have 2 decent bows that would work but I seem to have more questions than ansures that I can find?? Any bow fisheman out there? and would you be willing to share a little bit of knowledge to get me started on the right track? ie reels/line/arrows/pionts?? Looks like it would be an intresting challange.. Ps. I have been thinking about this for quite a while.(pretty good shot) Thanks. Saltydawg.
  11. C&R WORKS without any doubt. I have been lucky enough to fish a small lake that is compleetly surounded buy private land and the only acces is through knowing the land owners. C&R has been practiced on this lake for the past 30yrs and it is a treat to fish. Another example is out west they have lakes that are deemed trophy lakes where it is illeagle to keep a fish. Personaly I would like to see Ontario MNR put a no posesion limmit on lakes that house native fish.Not to say that all lakes should have 0 posesion limmits but it woud be nice to go on a fly in to a trophy lake in Ontario and catch that fish of a life time At the end of the day even fly in lakes see alot of presure and its hard to assume that most of the big fish arent already gone. Example. At least 24yrs ago my friends and I spent a few years going to Nakina on fly in trips(1 week)and I got to see some fish that were out of this world.(5ft pike /4-5 poud wallies basicly jumping in the boat) Mind you these were new outpost but its hard to imagine going back there and expecting to see the same thing. ALL IN FAVOR OF CATCH and RELEASE say I
  12. Jut a thought. There is a intestonal virus that causes fish to bloat up its somewhat comone in salt water fish but has been reported in fresh water fish over the past few years. Its not deadly but does simply bloats the fish for a short time. Kinda like having the flue. Has any one els herd of this virus? ????? salty.
  13. You live to far north to be a "bleeding hart libral" na.. Tree hugger?? fisherman Enough said. The guy is a lunitick!!! cheeres. Saltydawg.
  14. Not that I dont feel for the victims affected by this lunitics actions... But the complaints that he has put forward are obsured to say the least. It only goes to show the insaine limmits the leagal system is willing to entertain? That in itself starts to become a joke??
  15. Well put!!! I think that should have been the Fryday funny... I havent laught that hard for years :rofl2: This is a joke? right???
  16. I would have to wonder what it is that you think you would gain buy going to gas? Not that I am apposed to natural gas but there are questions in my mind about the logisticks of converting wood to gas? 3600 does not sound like to much to pay for purchasing a gas unit along with retofiting you current wood fireplace. You have to wrap your head around the fact that this is a retofit and certain code requiremnts must be met regarding the instal of a gas appliance. Does the retrofit include? apliance?(instal) Gas suply line (install) direct venting (instal) capping your chimney? and instal All completed by certified trades men. will this affect any structural componets of your house?(heat/condensation framing) INSPECTION from a certified inspector of your choice?(city or independant inspectors not affiliated with the installing company are a good way to go) Personaly most gas apliances out there are completly safe its the installation that causes problems so taking the time to evaluate your circumstances is the most important thing you can do for your own peace of mind. Hope this helps. Your not to far away from where I live. I would be happy to take a look as I will be in your neck of the woods tomoro? Dont worry Im not selling any thing... Don
  17. Sounds like weight might become a problem? That also would make the sled harder to handle in most off trail situations.? Its always nice to be prepared for any forseable problem but when the going gets unexpectedly hard lighter is better not only that but sacrificing perfomance for the sake of (what if I need it)can get you in trouble. travel lite thats my motto in the winter.
  18. Well I certanly would not be intrested in starting a sled with a string at 7.30 am when its -40 combine that with cold ellectronics(fuel injection) and you would probably be going back into the cotage for a coffee and warm up you hands along with a few choice words along the way. Just my (exp) thoughts.
  19. Your more than welcome to join me on my winter trips up in my neck of the woods. Its not on the bay but you will enjoy the fishing on some of the back country lakes? If your set on fishing the bay I do know of a tournament fisherman that also guids year round on the bay. He might be a good starting point. Pm me or send me a text.. Don.
  20. Just put a sign under it that simply states that THIEVES AND VARMITS WILL BE SHOT ON SITE!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!
  21. BINGO. Done. Nice picture.i am tempted to copy it and put it on the wall. lets hope for a good/safe winter for all.. Saltydawg.
  22. Ok so it sounds like a centerpin would be fun . But not worth it on ice.? Having been a die hard hands on ice fisherman I can say that a spinning reel just doesnt hold up to winter conditions? Whats the differance between centerpins for river fishing or fly reels? What do you guys think? Dont forget that I have no problem useing my hands for pulling in lakers or pike but age is starting to take its toll on my hands. Spinning reels dont realy turn me on its to mutch like shooting fish in a bucket. Just looking for a new rush.. Bring on the ice Santa....
  23. Just wondering if centrepins work on the ice? Seems to me they would have a tendancy to freeze up? Never tryed one on ice but thinking about trying one. Are they worth 50-90 $ for an ice fishing combo? They look like it would be a blast with pike or lakers if the reel doesnt freeze up? Any advice or commets would be welcome.
  24. So sorry to see this thread. The loss of a Mother or Father can be one of the most trying times in ones life. Stay strong. My warmest wishes for weeks ahead Im shure that your mother is proud of you. Don
  25. I have always had good results working drop offs and structure wheather it be logs /weeds or rocks a slow presentation of live bait or somthing that closely resembles live bait is a good way to start you will be suprised at what comes up. Keep it simple and dont be afraid to take a chance on lighter line and tackle but the hook set can get frustrating at times. Good luck.
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