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Everything posted by Beans

  1. With our records Cliff, I don't think they would allow us across the border to retrieve the funds... Sorry about the late reply...I crashed early seeing as how I got no sleep at all the night before during the sleep study test... Does that mean I failed ???
  2. Damn Cliff...a day late and a buck short... sounds like the story of my life...
  3. Crisco vegetable oil (soybean oil) and a bit of butter for pan-frying fish... I use peanut oil mainly for my Chinese stir-fries and EVOO for salads...
  4. Nope...Cliff still looks the same as when we were cell mates !!!
  5. I think it was sumpin' about have your wife spayed or neutered or was it your pets ???
  6. Dang...it is on opposite Bob Zoom-Zoomie (That is what the grandkids call him)...looks like a good-un...
  7. No naps allowed ??? I'd miss my naps...
  8. Two of my fishing partners would disagree...they both prefer bluegills over crappie... Nice catch Ron...
  9. Gotta like them mirrors !!!...Congrats... Can't wait for some warm weather and water to get out carp fishing with CPH... With this late spring, we are still chasing crappies (and catching big bluegills)
  10. Motivator made one simlar only she used a piece of eavestroughing, cap end and one of the stick-on rules that TJ sells...
  11. Lemme see...We met at the G2G at Gilford eight years ago and you couldn't have been more that twenty-one... Sinker is right !...Happy twenty-nine !...
  12. Is Meely still looking for wood for his campfire ???
  13. Years ago, we only fished crappie at night using lighted bobbers and tube jigs or minnows (Rice Lake) On Pigeon, in the spring, we catch them in the daytime depending how warm the water is...a cold night, we wait until the sun warms the water...last time out we never started until after 10:00AM...The bite was sporadic but we caught them all day until 05:00PM...
  14. This has been one strange spring...our usual spot has still not produced as it has in other years...we catch maybe 10-20 bluegills before we nail a crappy (if we get one at all)... CPH and I were out in the boat last Thursday from 10:00AM to 05:00PM and probably caught 50 crappie between the two of us but we had to work hard to get them (saved 8 for his mom)...one spot that we caught probably 20 on Thurs produced one or 2 yesterday...go figure Don't know the temps...but just saw my first dandelion of the season on Wednesday and no trilliums yet, they are usually in full bloom when we catch crappie...too many cold nights I guess...and barely any new weeds in the water...
  15. Has it been 6 years already ???...Maribeth and I are amazed that the time has gone by so quickly... Congratulations...AND...you get better lookin' for it... It is great to see the guys get sober and well...BUT...The women !...It is like watching a flower bloom...
  16. Thanks for the AA talk Paul... Btw...you just blew your anonimity all to ratsh..t !!!
  17. Good news and a great report Mike... Now we got to get them Kawartha carp stirring...
  18. That would be the nail in the coffin for the Liberal Party in Ontario...We are not all senile yet and can remember him as Premier...
  19. Hey Steve...I know where a couple of your favorite carpers are...They are chasing the so far elusive crappies... Things should heat up this week... I'm afraid I won't be getting down to see our friend Rodpoddy except when I have a medical appointment...I don't know what mileage Splashopper gets but my old truck only gets 6.5 kilometers to a liter of gas...gone are the days of filling up both 70 liter tanks...it is only $40 at a time now and avoid driving it except when necessary... Pickerel season opens May 14 (second Saturday of May) except for below most dams in area 17, when it opens a week later...
  20. We had a couple of blow-downs in the road allowance on the south side of my property...No damage other than one of them is leaning against a smaller fir tree that is planted on my property line...need to take a good rope and pull it off the smaller tree...I hope my rope is long enough to reach my trailer hitch... More wood for Meely...
  21. Twilight...you not only can catch "Gold"...you got a heart full of it too... Best wishes for Jen...Wayne
  22. A bit sweeter than crappie...just the right size for a hamburger bun, slice of cheese and some tarter sauce...
  23. On my way back home from the hospital last week I decided to go north on Fife's Bay Road (north P'boro) just to see where it goes...had several turkeys fly across in front of me... I guess you can't shoot them from the road...eh?
  24. Awe shucks Cliff...you only say that 'cause it's true...
  25. I know you usually have your camera in your bag so make sure you take lots of pics of Lucas... One of my regrets in life is that I didn't get pics of my kids fishing when they were little (no camera)... Our Cheryl probably was more enthusiatic about fishing than you and I put together Steve...She wanted me to take her icefishing in January one year and Robert was born near the end of that month...
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