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Everything posted by Beans

  1. That's just marvelous of Marvin... Thanks for posting Lew... I'll be adding it to my "animals" screen saver...
  2. What about staying at a nearby motel/hotel... then you just have to find a boat rental?... Several of our members do this for their annual G2G at BofQ each fall... Got big bucks?... You might consider a charter boat...
  3. At Shimano in Peterborough...they are tops in servicing their reels...
  4. My sentiments eggactly...I was thinking of trying for carp after my cystoscopy at P'boro hospital but halfway across the parking lot after my procedure I came to the conclusion that it was too damn hot even if I was sitting in the shade...carp biting or not...so I headed home and parked my in front of the airconditioner and had a nap...
  5. Another BD !!!... Cripes!...you'll soon be older than me... Have a good one my friend...
  6. Swell report Mike... Makes up for the s**t kickin' we took on Sunday from the carp...
  7. I stopped by around 02:00 pm on my way home from a small carp G2G at Lindsay but you were still out in the boat...I hope you used lots of santan lotion as I couldn't take the heat once we lost the shade from the tree we were fishing under...no carp were caught... That Mandy is one cute pup...like I told Sue..."put her on a hamburger bun and I could feed her to Chiquita"...hard to believe Chiquita was once that small... Good to hear you got into some fishes...
  8. DANG !!!...methinks you and Terry would be bad luck to a good hunting dog !!!
  9. Right now I'm using the no. 4 wide gap carp hooks I received for free with my rod order from New World Carp last year... I usually use a no. 6...some use even smaller...
  10. I'm sure your salmon tackle will work... Pick-up some swivels, sinker sliders. diamond shaped sinkers in various weights (1oz, 2oz, 3oz) some saltwater hooks and jigs for your tubes... Make 3 ft leaders with your line with the sliding sinkers above the swivel...sort of like fishing roe bags for salmon... Can't remember what we caught off that pier (had to ask the people there) buty it was a fun time... Remember to wash your rod, reel, line, and tackle in fresh water when finished...
  11. Aw shucks Cliff (rubs big toe in sand) you only say that 'cause it's true !!! Welcome Beagle Dad...
  12. Great report !!!...Congrats on catching your first carp on purpose... A hair rig should up your hooking percentage...a straightened out jig makes a decent baiting needle...just make sure your bait (corn, boilie,) hangs just below your hook...too long a "hair" will make for missed fish...
  13. Since the "die-off" three years ago, we seem to catch smaller carp (12-18 lb. average) than before...It seems that most of the larger carp were killed off but the smaller ones built up an immunity to the Koi herpes virus... Wolfville should be able to verify this as he documents and photographs his catches... I'll pm you a couple of carp sites where there are a lot of members in your neck of the woods...Hamilton mainly... The brits have found other "honey holes" as we don't see as many at P'boro like we did before the "die-off"
  14. Back in my day...during the cold war...we used to blame the Russians for playing their radios too loud and upsetting the weather patterns...
  15. Or corn syrup, pancake syrup, molasses, etc.
  16. If you use the hard corn (maize...from a feed store...much cheaper) be sure to give it a good boil first or a long soak to soften...good for tossing out to prebait or as your hook-bait... You can flavour the corn as you wish...I might try garlic next time...just used the last of my anise...some swear by strawberry Kool-aid...sometimes all I use is salt and brown sugar as it boils... And, do they fight?...you will think you have hooked on to a locomotive...keep an eye on your rod at all times and if you are using a bait caster leave it on "free-spool"...
  17. The fishing has been no great shakes anywhere this year because of the cold, wet spring... If you had posted your location in your profile I'm sure some of the carpers on board could steer you to closer places to fish for carp than a six hour drive !
  18. Sunset Dining Room on Curve Lake (see above map) is one of our favorite places to dine with friends...besides the dining room there is also a restaurant for burgers, hot dogs, ice cream cones, etc
  19. The key words are "if she had had" Mo...(past tense) If she hadn't of been Lee's dog...we would still be dogless...
  20. A beagle G2G...Great idea !!! We will just have to make sure Chiquita doesn't sit on any of the pups...
  21. When I was a young lad (16) I never thought of going surface fishing on the Otonabee River before 09:00 pm... A Jitterbug or Crazy Crawler was the only lures I used... At 75 I'm not agile enough to be stumbling around in the dark...not even in the "Tin of Beans"...
  22. Also sounds like the crap that is on the weeds in Pigeon Lake near shore or shoals...don't see it as much in the deeper waters...
  23. CLIFF !!!...you getting demented in your old age ??? After meeting Chiquita at my place, why in the world would you choose a BEAGLE...? Just kidding Mate...Two pups sounds like a great idea... I'm sure Chiquita would be half the weight she is if she had had a brother or sister to play with... Ki (our cat) just isn't interested...
  24. One of Cliff's and my favourite areas to fish for smallies...anchored just south of there where the water starts to deepen... Too bad you had to leave so early, I was going to try to talk CPH into going to Cliff and Sue's on Friday and do some carpfishing but we went elsewhere and I let him get ahead countwise for this year... It's a "given" that you would have a good time at the Bignells...
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