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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Seems like we were both offended at that remark Lew...LOL
  2. I got a few pounds of prayers lying around also...will send them up right away !
  3. I doubt it...until recent years...Muskie was the only fish Meely and Buckster targetted... Except the odd crappie or two in the spring... Nice pictures Mate...
  4. 06:30 PM Light fluffy clouds and blue skies to the east...dark ominus looking clouds to the west and moving eastward in a hurry...
  5. Our friend Meely wanted to have his girlfriend Zen catch a carp...so he and her and my wife Maribeth took off for my favorite area...me supplying the equipment (two complete set-ups) ground bait and hook bait, him supplying the lunch and drinks... I have been suffering with a wonkey knee since last Saturday so I had to put Meely to work doing most of the setting-up while all I could do was sit and do the baiting and giving instructions for casting out and chumming the "swims"... I gotta admit Meely did a fine job of following instructions like turning off the "free spool" of the baitrunner before picking the rod up off the alarm and bank sticks as we had our first hook-up in about fifteen minutes...once he felt the carp was firmly hooked he passed the rod to Zen and she did an admirable of battling it...after a few minutes Meely had to lend her a hand as her arm was hurting from doing battle with 3 different shoal carp (muskies) the day before (two decent ones and one snot-rocket)...A new friend ( John...met a couple of weeks ago) volunteered to be net-man and they landed the carp which we guessed to be about 18 to 20 pounds...unfortunately I forgot my camera but both John and Zen took pictures and I will post them here when I get copies... After a couple of good hits and hook-pulls we decided to have lunch...that Meely guy really knows how to put on a spread eh Lew?...All kinds of g'weeches, coleslaw and potatoe salad with fresh cherries to munch on for dessert...John joined us as we couldn't have our net-man go hungry ( he could keep what he had brought for supper)... Around lunch time, our alarm goes off and Meely hooks up another carp and tries to pass the rod to Maribeth who promptly declines as she remembers hearing about the bruising CPH's wife suffered the time she landed one on CPH's birthday several years ago...He passed the rod to me and I fought it while sitting in my chair...John did another swell net job and this one was close to being a twin of the carp Zen caught... We fished for another hour or so but except for a couple of line bumps nothing more happened so we packed up and wandered over to the lift-locks as the women had never seen them in action and in living color...I waited at the truck as it was a bit of a hike to the viewing area from the parking lot... Like I said earlier..."What a terrific day" Great weather, the best of company, good food and we didn't get skunked... Gotta love it when a plan comes together...
  6. RETARDEDING AGAIN !!!...GREAT ! Maybe we will be able to find the time to go up river and chase those smallies...They will be putting on the feed bag next month...
  7. I don't think license sales are a good example as the baby-boomers born 1945-1946 are becoming senior citizens and don't need one anymore with more to come in the following years...
  8. I was 41 and had been under the tutelage of Smith and Wilson for 5 years the day Elvis died... Big Cliff and Lew were about 31 years old then...is that older and cootier enough for you ? Dunno how old Roy might have been then...when he was born...Yonge Street was still a forest and Christ was just a yearling...
  9. I think Elvis and a bunch of his offspring were up in Collingwood for a family reunion earlier this year...
  10. HEY !!!...Watch it with the "old" stuff eh !...or I'll have to get Brian after you...
  11. I'm guessing below most dams might be a good bet...because of all the rain last week they had to open up the dams to lower the water in the lakes causing a faster than normal current which sends the fish up the rivers...
  12. Yep...When it comes to carp Mike...you da man...Great report !!! Too bad Lindsay didn't produce the day we fished there but it was a day you could have used that face mask...I had to leave early as I was getting woozie from the sun... See ya on the water Mate...
  13. "Tis not I Brian...must be some other old fart...
  14. Do you still have your bike license Rene ? I'd rather hitch up a trotter to the old harness racing bike on the lawn...
  15. Good one Lorne... Even my wife thought it was funny...
  16. That would be great Meely...I'm always lookin' for an excuse to run down to my most favorite carp swim...might need a bigger brollie...
  17. Looking forward to seeing the pictures...they must be getting bigger since fishing at our visitor's dock...
  18. I guess not...after two hook-pulls and one line break...this bad boy decided to succumb to the net... Might even be my personal best...
  19. Maybe this is the new way parents teach their kids life skills so that when they end up "homeless" on the street they will be experienced in "panhandling" I would have starved to death as a bum...damn pride...by the time I would have got up enough nerve to ask for "change" the person would have been long past...
  20. Stephen (iCarp) of New World Carp had some reels on sale recently that were fairly inexpensive...have a look at his site...he has a good supply of carp goodies...and gives prompt delivery unless you are near Hamilton then pay him a visit...
  21. When I was a young lad and school was out for the summer, I was sent to the farm to help out my grampa and his sister (him in his seventies and her in her eighties)... The odd weekend my grampa and I headed up to Cesarea to stay at my uncle's cottage and I caught my first big bass... The part I remember the best is when we got back to the farm and showing the fish to my great-aunt..."Oh" she said "did your grandfather catch that?"... I touched her arm (she was hard of hearing and used a "trumpet" to hear better) to get her to look at me and I shook my head and pointed to my chest and mouthed "ME" "Oh My!" she exclaimed and her eyes lit up bright as can be... Ain't memories great ?...I just relived that moment...
  22. Thanks for posting this Lew...I had the sleep apnea test a couple of months ago and figured I failed as I don't remember sleeping at all but evidently I did drop off for about fifteen minutes just before they came at 05:00am to wake us up (I was awake) and they said I do stop breathing when I'm asleep... My doc now wants me to go back to the clinic and talk with the nuerologist and maybe try a mask...I have to let him know on Tuesday when I see him... Both Meely and CPH swear by the CPAP but another friend of yours and mine tried the mask but couldn't sleep with it...seeing as I suffer from a mild case of claustrophobia I kinda wonder if I'm in the same category but I am willing to give it a try...
  23. That's just marvelous of Marvin... Thanks for posting Lew... I'll be adding it to my "animals" screen saver...
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