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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Beans


    Geeeeese...I thought at first you caught a carp thru the ice...but nice trout anyways I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and let's hope no more chemo treatments...
  2. Ok Lorne I'll bite...why the curve in the hook link/snell? Best I can figure is the corn puff floats and would keep the bait just off bottom like a pop-up boilie or make the pack bait sit up like an ice cream cone until it breaks down... And...how does one tie it like that ?...
  3. Yes they sell hunting stuff Shane...at least I saw them sell a cross bow last time I was in there... They are located next door to Corky's Small Engine Repair just east of the four stop sign corner at the north end of town...
  4. Thanks for the heads up about this post Lorne... Very interesting method using packbait...will have to give it a try this coming season I have to pay the Bulk Barn a visit soon for some anise and koolade and will check out those corn puffs...
  5. Thanks Daryl...At todays gas prices it costs just too damn much to drive to BPS and back especially when I only get 6.5 kilometers per liter... from my old ('95) Ford 150 Enforcer...
  6. At 3.79 liters per 1 US gallon x $1.219 =$4.62 per Us gallon I guess it is still worth while buying your gas in the states if you live near the border but not by much as some states are close to $4.00 per gallon...
  7. I understand it is damn near that a gallon in the states...
  8. Or as Brian is known to say... "Your a good man...tells your mother"
  9. Gas Coupon I didn't realize this but these coupons are good for one Liter of gas at most retailers. I've seen them around lots but never knew what they were for. You probably have one lying around somewhere - Make sure to use it before it expires!! v v v v v v
  10. They sure do work !!! My bro-in-law and I spent a few days on a lake up Bancroft way and were doing poorly the first couple of days...landed the odd bass but sure worked for them...On the third day of more of the same we decided, mid-morning, to try drift casting the area we called the flats...For no special reason I tied on a black and silver "Rattlin' Rap" First cast, Bang!...nice three pound smallie...Dave ties on same and between us we must have landed around fifty bass including a couple of five pounders, some fours and a bunch of threes and twos...come noon hour we headed back to where we were staying for lunch and afterwards headed back to the flats...same lures and all we caught was a couple of perch and rock bass...not that we minded as we were still smiling over that mornings catches...Have been back several times over the years but never experienced bass fishing like that since... Yep, they work,just have to present them at the right time I guess...
  11. The ingredients that CPH uses for groundbait and the maise can be purchased at most feed dealers... I use twice as much chicken scratch as I do the others ingredients... Dampen the mixed dry ingredients with the water from the boiled maise but only as much as you would use in the immediate future... Carp shy away from the mouldy mixture...seem to prefer it fresh... I tend to let my corn ferment some... Nothing like a drunken 20 lb carp pulling on your string...
  12. I thought this one was kinda neat...
  13. Great to hear some positive news Kelvin...
  14. Great to hear some positive news Kelvin...
  15. I'm with you Victor...I use my groundbait/method mix as one and the same and am now thinking of using it as "packbait " around my hookbait when the current is rolling my spring feeder around too much...I usually switch to a flatened sinker (bell or egg) and have packed groundbait around that sinker but may try packing some around my hookbait instead... Couldn't find any "boilies last year but had some success with "Monster Maize" (Pineapple and Tutti Frutti flavors) Tried the Mintzilla flavor with little success... Ahhh to be sitting in the shade of a tree on a bank to get away from the heat of the sun waiting for an alarm to go off signalling a "run"...
  16. 1) Good: A Caledon OPP officer had a perfect spot to watch for speeders, but wasn't getting many. Then he discovered the problem. A twelve year old boy was standing up the road with a hand-painted sign, which read 'RADAR TRAP AHEAD'. The officer then found a young accomplice down the road with a sign reading 'TIPS' and a bucket full of money. (And years ago kids used to just sell lemonade!) 2) Better: A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar post in Kingston , ON . An $80 speeding ticket was included. Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of $80. The police responded with another mailed photo of handcuffs. 3) Absolute Best: A young woman was pulled over for speeding. As the Ontario Provincial Policeman walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book, she said, 'I bet you're going to sell me a ticket to the OPP Ball.' He replied 'OPP don't have balls.' There was a moment of silence while she smiled, and he realized what he'd just said. He then closed his book, got back in his patrol car and left. She was laughing too hard to start her car.
  17. I was there with you in spirit me son...This damn gout I've been afflicted with has curtailed most of my outdoor activities this winter...glad to hear you had a great time at "Slyville"???...and that the Tyler Event was a resounding success again !!!
  18. Ryan... Just had a talk with my Higher Power to ask for help for you and yours... Cheers Mate
  19. Crazy stuff for sure Lew Back in the days of rising prices we also had rising wages and a shot of overtime to put in to have a bit more standing around money... But now that we are retired and on fixed incomes it gets harder and harder to keep up without going deeperer in debt (good old Visa !!!) I've stopped using the card to fill up the truck and pay $40 cash at the pumps now and try not to use the truck unless necessary...(dump, town for medical reasons, and make sure I can multi-task the trips picking up "specials") I've been toying with the thought of getting a part-time job to make ends meet but who is going to hire a 75 year old decrepit overweight senior with gout so bad he can't get his boots on unless he takes out the liners...(damn cold on the feets that way)... Enough of my crying poverty...there's lots worse off than us...
  20. Probably not too good for the 'skeeters either...
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