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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Very interesting...When do you "boil" them...I like your cutter...sure beats rolling each boilie by hand...
  2. I heard Bernard Cribbins (British actor and well known UK fisherman) say this on a fishing video... "There is more to fishing than catching big fish" "It is entering a more beautiful, peaceful world, a place of water, of mist shrouded pools, of sun splashed lakes and rippled ponds." And my eldest step-daughter couldn't understand what I meant when I said I felt closer to my God when I am fishing... Nice work on that pamphlet !!!
  3. I drove by twice on Thursday...First time I was in heavy traffic and missed the address and second time looking for 117 I got to 125 before I found an address... Oh well, you will be there for many years...
  4. Congrats on becoming a boat owner... My nieces husband owns a Stratos (maybe a bit longer than yours) and was glad he had insurance on it when he ran up onto the old railway causeway which runs north of Harwood on Rice Lake (fog)...Blew the entire lower end...He replaced the 200 hp Mercury with a 250 hp Mercury... Can now hit 80 Mph or thereabouts...the only time I wished I was wearing a seat belt on the passenger side...
  5. I'm no expert anymore but that doesn't look like a "Coors" in the cozy
  6. My guess it was the two bait and tackle stores just down the street... Congrats on the move Ernie and I hope all goes well for you...
  7. Cripes !!!...Looks like he could eat more than Uncle Dave...Big Cliff...and me put together... I hope he doesn't grow this big... Glad for you that you got the dog of your dreams...Maybe get him a saddle or a cart for Christmas... Be careful he doesn't have a cat for a snack...
  8. And this was your first video...fantastic job !!!
  9. Big thanks for posting... Brings back lots of memories of when my guys were young and nailed their first big fish...
  10. I've never caught bass thru the ice but I'd imagine they would hit a salted tube...
  11. CHEERS !!! for a Happy Thanksgiving...
  12. You may have to show your drivers licence/birth certificate/or seniors card Lew... A CO did not believe I was over 65 at Gilford but that was a few years ago...I thanked him profusely...
  13. Phenomenal !...thanks for sharing mate ...
  14. WOW !!! My arm aches just thinking about catching it...
  15. You're right ya know... Years ago I would get grand and glorious drunk but wake up with a horrendous hangover... Which goes to prove that sleeping can't be good for you...
  16. All the best for your birthday my friend... Soon the government will send you your senior citizen card just to remind you that you're getting older...
  17. You and me too Cliff especially since they raised the bill by $5 a month a couple of months ago... A bundle of hi-speed for the computer, cable for the tv, and phone with 1000 hrs a month (long distance incl.) will be a decent savings...still deciding what channel deals to take... Will need to buy a couple of remote phones as we only have two now...one for the garage and the other for the bathroom...I need also to find to whether if it displays " call display"...
  18. Thanks all...actually we had a quiet day...never got out of our bathrobes...we were on the run since last Thursday and needed a day of rest...besides, the restaurant we wanted to go to is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays so we will hit it tomorrow evening (most of the good ones are closed for the season)... We had our great-grandson here for the weekend to take in the Christmas festivities at Settler's Village... As some know we have had Chiquita here for over a year now and we were a bit leary as to whether she would take to having a kid around...but as you can see, her and Ryan James got along famously...
  19. It's in that "safe" place Dan...
  20. And this from the guy that does all my small engine repairs...???
  21. Sorry i'm late to wish you all the best but, then again, you got our favorite Newfie... What more could a girl wish for ???
  22. I never had a problem with them when I lived in Richmond Hill and dealt with the store on Kennedy Rd. below Hwy 7...I got so that I knew where what I wanted was and only dealt with the Oriental clerk even if I had to wait for him to be free if I had any questions... I was only in the Missisausage store once and a lady came up to me and asked about some ice fishing tackle...as I was explaining a small crowd started to gather and a clerk asked if I was a rep of the tackle on display...as sometimes the reps will act as clerks...NOPE !!!...
  23. WTG Cliff !!!...Damn irritating when you can't get a decent answer the first time...
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