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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Lots of ice on the lake (north end) still...I hope to get down by the shoreline this afternoon to take a few pictures...will post them here... Nogies Creek is open water but the bay is basically ice covered... The only open lake water I have seen so far is at the mouth of the river in town and it extends quite a ways out into the lake...No fishing in the river below the dam to the mouth until the third Saturday in May (fish sanctuary)...
  2. Me too...from Queen St and Leslie...back around 1948...someone told us they were "calico bass" and that name stuck until I read about crappies in a magazine... "I used to do the same thing. Do you remember the little pond to the west of Genadier, that had huge gold carp? " We used to call that "catfish pond" and used to net minnows using an old curtain to fish with in Grenadier Pond to try and catch one of those bass that the Star dumped in every year with comics names... Damn...that was a long time ago...LOL
  3. I hope you didn't give away any of our secrets...I'd hate to put Uncle Vinnie (The Chin) and cousin Guido on your case...
  4. The river in Bobcaygeon is wide open and it looks to be open water for a good 500 yards out into the lake...the public launch on the north side of the river should be free of ice if boating is all you want to do...the river is a fish sanctuary from the dam down to the mouth of the river until the third Saturday of May...perch, bluegills and crappie are open year round
  5. I sure wish you could bottle that stuff that Jen is made of Wayne... I know I for one could use a quart or two and stop griping about my bad back and legs... Go Jen Go !!!
  6. McStingy doesn't need their money...What with all the interest he will receive when he witholds our provincial tax refunds and doles them out monthly so much at a time... Finally, an MPP worth assassinating... http://www.thestar.com/business/article/1140158--income-tax-changes-eliminate-refunds-for-many-ontario-residents
  7. I've heard this also...but I am still not allowed to go on their property to cut down a tree, dead or alive...
  8. Meely and Co. did a good job of cutting up and hauling away most wind falls last year...and the one that (in my opinion) that is leaning badly is the first one that I addressed 8 years ago...Their reply was that they could not justify cutting down a perfectly healthy 30 year old birch tree... Unfortuately the council's stand is that it is cheaper in the long run to repair any damage the trees cause than to prevent it from happening...
  9. I wish it was that simple...I've already been told that I am not allowed to cut down the trees in the road allowance...property belongs to the county and I would be trespassing...my neighbor on the other side of the road found out the hard way...
  10. Thanks but...no thanks OP...Haven't been in a beer store but once in close to 40 years and that is when Roy paid us a visit... I sent the pictures to the town council by e-mail with the heading "Look what your damn tree did to my birdhouse" along with copies of the correspondence I have had about the trees the past eight years... I got a phone call reply stating that it is councils policy not to cut down trees on open road allowances... I replied that I was not happy with their stand on this matter especially when life and limb (mine) and or property damage could result...Grrrr...
  11. Bye Bye birdhouse...A large limb from a dead tree (in the road allowance) came down in the wind and demolished our two-storey birdhouse...I have asked the township several times over the years to take the tree down to no avail (I'm not allowed to)...maybe if I e-mail the pictures to them I might see some action but I won't hold my breath... Actually, if the limb hadn't hit the birdhouse it would have hit my porch then I would claim damages on my house insurance and let the insurance company sue them...
  12. My buddy...the little old wine maker Steve... Where were you 40 years ago when I needed you ???
  13. Or blow a couple of hundred at the track/casino...
  14. Ran out of windshield washer today while in Lindsay for a doctor appointment so I figured ecmilley would have some at his new shop... Had a great visit as fortunately (unfortunately) he wasn't too busy at the time... Sorry for dumping all that loose change on you pal but I broke my last fiver at McDonalds for a couple of breakfast wraps earlier and the bank was my first stop once I got to Bobcaygeon... If you are in the area and need some auto service keep Ernie in mind... I think the address is 125 Queen Street, Lindsay
  15. My osteoarthritis (including gout) is something I have had to learn to live with for many years now...at present my thumbs are giving me the most grief along with my back...I did a real number on the thumbs earlier this year chopping up some wood for kindling... I take 40 mg of uloric a day for my gout and take colchicine three times a day if I experience an attack in the great toe, ankles or knees...If the other areas are bad enough I will take a percocet at bedtime but usually not more than one...between the colchicine causing diahherea and the percs causing constipation you can get a real war going on inside...the best rub for the thumbs I've found for me is Voltaren emulsion... Like I've said here before...Don't get old...It hurts too much !!!
  16. Frenchman's Bay out by Pickering might be worth a shot...don't know how the ice is but maybe someone here can help...big jumbo perch come in from Lake O and there are some nice pike to be had...
  17. Every once in a while I like to cover my fillets with 1/4 cup of salsa, 1/4 cup of white table wine, a splash of soy sauce, salt and pepper then bake in a 400*F oven for 15 -20 minutes until they flake easily...usually served on a bed of rice and with a salad...
  18. You're a lucky man...tells yer mother !!! Warm weather...sight fishing...and catching... Me envious...Naw...not me...
  19. How about a hefty fine for the stores that are selling them ?
  20. Thanks for posting Ted...I (and my bro-in-law Dave) fished beside you and your dad a few years ago in the spring for crappies off the causeway... Nice to see he is still in shape to go ice fishing...
  21. If you have to travel more than 40kms (one-way) for medical treatment you can claim $0.57 per km for the total kms travelled... If you travel more than 80 kms (one-way) for medical treatment you can claim $0.57 per km for the total kms travelled and you can also claim $17 per meal...if someone had to drive you to the appointment (operation- you would not be allowed to drive for 24 hrs) you also can claim the meal allowance for them... There are two ways you can claim these...one with receipts and the other without receipts... Like all medical claims you only get the tax back on the total amount not the total...
  22. Good on you and Jake !!!... You didn't mention you and Jake's annual carp fishing event on Father's Day... You know, the one where he takes my spot over at our two-swim area at Carp Point... Only fair though...he did help move some of the boulders out of the way... Now to start working on your grandson...
  23. Here's a pic of mine: It also is a Dietz...very handy when the power goes off... I fill it with pine-scented lamp oil...no idea of price...it was a gift... Edited to add: Lights went out for an hour and a half after supper...used the lamp in the bathroom (no window) makes a good air freshener...
  24. We owe our neighbor across the road a big lot of Maribeth's world famous chocolate chip cookies... He plowed out our complete driveway with his ATV an hour ago... My back and legs double-thank you Jeff...
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