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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. Sorry to hear of your loss, thoughts and prayers from my family to yours
  2. Fish the DON river its always like that so the fish are used to it?
  3. Think thats expensive, a Stella spool is double that then add 30 more bucks, theirs gold in them their spools
  4. I sorry to report that Dan Wheldon past away from his injuries, in a 15 car pileup on the last race of 2011. The race was cancelled, a 5 lap coast around the track was carried out to honour Dan by the remaining 19 cars, he leaves behind a wife and 2 young boys, thoughts and prayers to Dans family, and to all race fans.
  5. I have been told the C4s spools have been back-ordered for ever, as there are many looking for them as well
  6. A little Proco Harum with the Danish sympony orchestra(whiter shade of pale) Gary Brookers voice gets better with age, as does Roger Hodsins from Super Tramp. Also Ian Anderson and Jethro Tull Locomotive Breath and Aqua Lung
  7. Weighted or unweighted, I prefer the weighted variety and even add more lead to give more hangtime between jerks, for going over shallow weeds the unweighted variey will suite you better. I by two of each variey, one I will keep the back lip silver for overcast conditions, and the other one thats identical I will paint black or a solid color for sunny conditions, I do speed troll suicks alot which involves letting the suick out with about 50 to 60 feet of line, and with enough trolling speed to allow the slack to be picked up between jerks, hits are bone crushing, and hookups are much better than casting them. Every wooden bait has its own character and will usually act differently, due to wood density, knots etc, and as the paint dissapears hopefully due to muskie action, and the wood absorbs the water, the baits will really come into their own, but frequent tuning might be needed, I always remove the back hook, as 90% of the fish will take the bait towards the front, and will greatly reduce fouled cast from the back hook getting caught around the back lip. I do also cast them alot as well, but each bait will work differently as some might need a harder pull and others might need only a light pull to make them work optimal. With cooler temps jerkbaits come into their own, and the weighted variety will usually out produce the unweighted as the bait can be usually worked slower, also be sure to T the hooks as well to allow for better hookups
  8. I would but am not very savvy with the puter, so taking pics of the 10 to 14 inch deep diving musky baits, 8 inch jerk baits etc that I make and uploading them, for all to see is out of my league, hench why I do not post fish pics as well, what is the easiest way to do that and I would love to give it a shot, some are very similar to Roys though, cant go wrong with an oversized wooden Jake, and the jointed Pikie look a likes
  9. Knowing which rivers clean the quickest will be your ace in the whole, as the eastern tribs are dirty, but the rivers will no doubt hold fish and when visibility increases will be your best chance
  10. Also check out BedbugRegistry.com to see if the building your lookin at has had any Bedbug issues, if it has the address and somtimes unit numbers will show, and stay clear unless you want to be a blood donor
  11. Looks like diner for those new Simcoe Muskies
  12. Nice going first of the river chrome ive seen this fall, your Cohos were spectacular as well from a previous thread, you must be fishn holy water to come up with those beauts.
  13. I love Walleye cheeks wrapped in bacon so I like the bigguns
  14. A rip always sounds better at 6 mph then at 3 mph any day nice going Mike
  15. Thats unfortunate Mike, with LSC you are at the mercy of the wind, and that looked like one of those days to be out there, but conditions continue to be favorable, with warmer temps and projected light winds, so Im sure you will be out their again soon, also the pickup on your Handlebarz is fantastic, once they hit the water and you start crankin the blades are a churnin, fantastic product with top notch components
  16. The info the SPCA provided you with regarding the Amonia is bang on, I am an exterminator and would have said the same thing, Amonia also repels cats, skunks, winy kids, and relatives that you would prefer to not show up at your door

  17. I would want to see the actual compression test been done instead of taking someone word, it only takes 10 minutes, if those numbers are right, they are the same or within 10% and that is what matters, other than that follow Garnets advice, if the head bolts have been touched the paint will be missing of the face of the bolt
  18. Thats right Glen, Jer had a good upbringing and knows how to respect and treat a beautiful lady
  19. My company truck which is the same as yours and same engine, is going in for service on monday for the same thing, will let you know what the problem is, it studders and chugs for 5 minutes and is fine, im assuming an engine miss of some sort either bad wire plug or coil etc
  20. Your not the first and wont be the last to get up close and personal with the 3 sisters, unfortunately it wasnt the 3 sisters you were hoping for, welcome and yes the boathouse will be a great place to store your boat, just watch for rodents, raccoons who might also call the boathouse home as well.
  21. Great fish Jer, Ill be a little further south this weekend lookin for the same, and some eyes as well, as my stock got a little depleted from last weekends outing
  22. Whats the waste of resources you talking about, trying to establish a musky fishery that was once plentiuful in Lake Simcoe, the water has cleaned up, the commercial fishery is gone, look at the smallies in Simcoe, and how the size has increased with them, they are site feeders as are muskies, im sure there will be a selfsustaing population of muskies in Simcoe in the future, maybe you should just stick to Specks, and concentrate your efforts in reibilating the dwindling creek fishery, through habitat destruction along creek beds, which allows surface temps to increase, which does not far well with Specks etc
  23. Ive got about 15 10inch stalkers in my Lakewood box right now
  24. Go with the V8 all the way, more power means less stress on the engine esp when going up hills etc, I pull my boat with a Hemi Jeep, and am getting 25 mpg pulling on the highway, check out the reviews on the Dakotas for the year your looking at by going into Google, I have heard they can be hard on the front end ie balljoints etc with the wider tires that they come with
  25. Thats cause the neighbours kids are running out from the bush and stealing the mellows on the back cast
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