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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. Went there over 20yrs ago, never went fishin, but I can tell you that the reef on shore is better then the reef offshore, IRIE MAN
  2. That is a very nice looking rig Mike, now go soak up some sun
  3. Fantastic work once again Chris, you build rods with the passion, and attention to detail, like you were building them for yourself, for anyone looking for a great builder Speils your man, the CTS I have, that you originally built for Solo, is a real pleasure to fish, and comforting knowing that your hands put it together.
  4. They look great Roy, any GPS coordinates on the hotspot, or is it somewhere East of Montreal but before the Atlantic Ocean
  5. Reel seat placement is a personal preference, some like it more to the front to allow the rear grip to fit under your arm for leverage, some like it in the middle as in this case, and others like to the rear, a proper reel seat placement should allow you to fish long hours with little or preferably no fatigue. The handle looks awesome by the way.
  6. Nice lookin Esox there Josh
  7. The lines on a welded boat look nicer Mike, but ill take the dependablity of a riveted hull anyday, My 1993 Tracker Deep V 17 is riveted and has never leaked, or had a loose or popped rivet.
  8. Very nice lookin Northerns Dave, and girthy as well, enjoy the tropical weather while you can
  9. With any tackle store, if they have what im lookin for, I will buy it, if they dont I will take my business elsewhere, I do not travel from store to store burning up gas trying to save a buck, With the Sail store it gives me another option, their fly fishing department is pretty darn good by the way.
  10. Yummy so whens supper, looks like youll be havin the best supper tonight, my Italian sausages dont look that appetizing anymore.
  11. I dont need one, but I am going to get one cause the Govt always puts the licence monies back into the fishery
  12. Just like Simcoes walleye you see them in the spring when they spawn, and occasionally catch them off the spawning rivers through the ice just before the season closes, I had talked to retired MNR biologist Dave Bell who confirmed this, and it is posted officially on the MNR website by DR. Steven Kerr, but in the lake, like walleye they are the preverbial needle in the haystack, and if you catch one in the lake buy a lottery ticket.
  13. Lake Simcoe was stocked with steelhead in 1918 when 20,000 were stocked in Broughs creek which flows into Lake Simcoe, and also at Atherley Narrows as well, also 1,200 rainbow trout were also stocked in Lake Simcoe in 1924, along with 5,300 more steelhead, they are more nomadic then its walleye population, returning in small numbers to some tributaries, I have seen them in the spring, on a trib on the west side, and I know they have been caught on the east side as well thru the ice and in some tribs. That was the first stocking and one of the few by MNR on an inland lake.
  14. Dont those folks just move onto another company, and get a new boat sticker, a new 6 month shirt, and a blow-up cupie doll
  15. My deep V17 has been excellent, and still is, rivets have never poppoed or loosened, the welded tracker hulls sound like a different story, you really have to max out both the trolling motor, and gas motor to what your pocket book can afford, packaged boats as a previous thread mentioned are put out the cheapest possible way, to attract the condumer by price, ive sinced changed trolling motors twice and electronics 3 times, one other thing that i can almost guarantee, is with a 17ft, you will most likely get a 12 volt trolling motor outlet, and a under powered trolling motor, get them to upgrade the outlet and switch to a 24volt system
  16. Absolutely agree, I cant believe some of the so called fishing shows that make it on TV
  17. Glad to hear, its always nice to have some positive news, best wishes on your compolete recovery
  18. Have you ever tried smokin cheese? yummy
  19. I would go with a 5 or 6wt outfit, which will handle smallmouth well, and trout, walleye etc, fish easily up to 6 pounds. There should be some good deals this week.
  20. I think you and Jasper should move after that comment, that was definately below the belt, and deserves a 5 minute timeout
  21. The mayor of Minden told us K Lakers that you know every thing Dax
  22. Amazing pictures Drew, and shows the extreme tranquility of that area, breath taking, but that is the positive side of that area, their is another side that isnt so pretty, which is the neglect weve had over our own people, pumping billions of dollars to foreign countries while our own people suffer, living in tents with no running water, or bathrooms, when you go on a vacation to Mexico, you most likely will only see Mexico the good, not to many guided tours to Tijuana I would suspect. When you live in an area that is so beautiful, seeing mans destruction, do they really want us their? maybe the reason for the silence.
  23. If you like 60,000 km warranties buy a Ford F150, my company truck is one, and a V6 its a pig on fuel, its on its 3rd CD player and 3rd fuel pump, and Ford says in the manual that you only have to change the oil every 12,000kms, and you know what that leads to, hence the 60,000km warranties I guess My personal vehicle is a Jeep Grand Cherokee LTD with a 5.7 litre HEMI it gets 27mpg on the hwy and 18 in the city, and has tons of pep, has the MDS as well where it cuts back to 4 cylinders if your not on the pedal hard, my previous vehicle was the same with a 4.0 Litre I-6, that was bullet-proof and has over 450,000 kms and is still going strong
  24. 1979 the pig run and 1980 the Ganny flood, where Steelhead made it to the extreme top end of the river and drop backs were caught in July in the legendary file hole, the flood washed the silt out of the redds, and incredible runs and year classes occured for the next 10 years with 1989 been the peak. During the peak runs, we had to do 15 minute lifts at the ladder, as the basket was full, with up to 100 fish, the counter could not keep up and count accurately as multiple fish passed through the beam at the same time, only when manual counts were taken with 2 guys standing with counters did we realize that the numbers were off condsiderably. FYI the peak run in 1989 was over 18,000 fish over the ladder, with easily another 10,000 below the ladder.
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