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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. The water is highly stained in Ahmic Lake, bring some chartreuse worm harness's and brightly colored rattling cranks. Maybe set up a flasher if you're trolling.
  2. I was thinking that as well. I checked two nights ago...water way too high right now, wait for the drop and bingo. I give it two weeks at most. PM me Blair.. I've got some good spots, so I wonder if they match yours. Joey, wanna get together this year? I just bought me a new net!
  3. my gf loves catfish meat as well. I was suprised that she would. I've never had to trim catfish meat before, but then again I haven't caught one that big before. Cute catfish, nice baby!
  4. Haha, I like your workspace! Here's mine.... everyone ok? Any spilled diesel?
  5. imagine that thing hitting the boat!
  6. Wow... beauty fish!!! same as Joey, I busted in April.
  7. highly unlikely we see anybody but Miller start a game.... this isn't his best season, but he's still one of the best goalies in the league.
  8. Especially with Philly's unproven goalie compared to Miller's brilliance. I can't believe Phoenix is stuck against detroit AGAIN this year! It seems to happen all too often when Phoenix actully makes the post-season. Detroit sure has their number in playoffs series. I'll be throttling the couch arms this year again.
  9. You know, I somewhat agree with Anaheim... they are a great post-season team and have proven it in the past.
  10. Chicago just barely made it in this year but don't count them out too early....anyway, my vote goes to Washington, I think they will have a different approach to the playoffs this year and will play more balanced hockey. They had two years of disapointment and have matured because of it. My head says washington, my heart says Phoenix. Go Coyotes! Go playoffs!
  11. I searched this topic but found very little feedback regarding the online store. Any body have good/bad experiences with this store? I was happy to find a Canadian store that ships from Canada. Every other store it seems they either don't ship to Canada or leave you wondering about importing fees. (BPS, Amazon etc.)
  12. That's a nice size stockeye. Looks like a great day to take the kids out for some real education.
  13. Alberta's official fish is georgious!!!! The bully's look like a char a bit i find.
  14. I like the lakers from the rivers! Makes my walleye and perch look like mud. hehe
  15. Keep these posts coming Solo, your recent reports have been fantastic....especially for this time of year when things are slow.
  16. That got my blood pounding!! Nice fish, can't wait till I can get a shot at some steel action.
  17. First try! That'll give you confidence in your gear!
  18. He risked his life for a small pot of mussels? I'd bring a much larger container.
  19. Offical welcome from RC. Love those lures!!!
  20. Good one. A buddy of mine picked up Andy's guitar style... awsome to watch and listen to! Here's my pick for the day: Sun Hands by The Local Natives!
  21. I'm waiting to see if you make it ice fishing ONE more time.haha. Good video. Cheers.
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