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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Thanks Mike! This morning I'm sore from all the hiking... That's fun too. Haha. Pikeslayer- are you gonna rehire me now or what?
  2. After yesterdays miss, today I was out for redemption. I won't go into too much detail as I'm tired but here are some pics. Missed two, brought two to shore and properly landed one 24 inch beauty.
  3. Great stuff! Unfortunately I won't be taking any overnight trips in the park this year... too many other things I haven't done yet. Those planked fish look DELISH!
  4. IT guys are always screwing with us non- IT types. Haha
  5. Maybe your internet settings need to be adjusted?? Or an old version of IE??
  6. Exactly, last week I caught 3 on manitoulin, last fall I bombed at the notty and last spring I did 4 for 5 on superior.... These fish can be super easy or very frustrating, high risk high reward.
  7. Near Marathon tonight. I've mapped out three spots for the evening.
  8. You are exactly right Chris. I'm a Walleye/pike/speck guy at heart and only had access to steelhead waters as of last year. More practice, some mentoring and a wee bit of confidence will go a long way. I'm a persistent guy, so I'll learn quick. You'll see more positive reports out of me soon. I had to vent though haha.
  9. You might be able to trade me for a used bus or something.
  10. Your trout trumps my lone sucker. hahaha. Great photos Aaron. Today I enjoyed the same serenity as you all the way on the North Shore of Superior. I glad you can find the same so close to home!!! that is very cool
  11. awsome report! Looks like a nice calm day out there. Perfect!
  12. Today was a travel day so I had lots of time to pull over and fish MANY creeks and rivers on the Superior north shore. I have some insiders in this area who tell me the bows are starting to run, albeit not fully since it's been cold. The rivers are very fast and quite murky. I spoke to a few guys who were catching a few fish but I got SQUAT. One hefty sucker was all I managed to drag in. Two days ago I scratched the paint job off my truck and today I scratched the skin off my arms walking through some very dense forest. I was sure I'd have an amazing turnout today.... but my optimism has turned to self deprication. I should have time to fish after work tomorrow... I want nothing more than to post a nice c & r report for all you nice folks. If you don't hear from me tomorrow night, you can assume my gear is somewhere in lake superior. None the less a day of trying is better than the alternative
  13. haha sorry, that was a bit tongue in cheek on my part. Past Redbridge but before Diver, on the south side.
  14. That's still less frustrating than finding hoards of people or tons of litter at your favorite spot. I can't wait to see your first spring report... although it will probably frustrate me a bit; North Bay isn't far enough north. haha. Cheers.
  15. Wow. Sweet pull of Crappies!! Too bad about the dipnets you had to deal with... they don't deserve nice equipment and they clearly don't know how to use it respectfuly
  16. Wow! I'm hoping for some inland bows in my area this year. That fish is gorgeous
  17. Good start to the year. Sounds like a productive fishery in your area
  18. That's hilarious. A fish slap in full action! He is gonna laugh at that shot in 10 years!
  19. Nice fish. Yours trump mine. That's funny about your special find...on our walk today we saw a few soil bags and some containers laying around as well.
  20. I mapped out a few back-road brookie lakes yesterday and without a GPS me and my gf drove up some "trees-closing-in-on-you" trails. It turned out be a series of unfortunate events. My truck is scratched to bits, I blew a tire and my lure caught on a tree as I was driving...completely spooled me. We never made it to any lakes so we turned around and came back home. Today, we returned, better prepared. Since my truck was already scratched, I now had nothing left to lose. We parked about one kilometer before the lake and walked the rest of the way. Turns out I could have driven in, but the walk was nice. It was a beautiful, small lake, with fallen trees and marsh all along the banks. With some clever tactics I found a few casting spots and managed to get..... perch. There were many perch along the whole shorline and some were fair-sized. After I realized that I would only catch perch we just carried on with the hike and had a nice lunch. We were out for nearly 5 hours. On the way back we stopped at a stocked lake and caught one brookie and a few perch. Just a little guy, so I let him live. Now I'm tired, make that completely bushed, so it's off to bed soon and I'm hoping for some superior steelhead in the next few days as I travel that way for work.
  21. Fantastic photos. Way to capture the gold
  22. Great read. That storm was brutal! I'm glad the report ended with everyone being safe and happy.
  23. yo yo! that's great Frank. The BBQ is the happy ending.
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