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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. what's the diameter on that hole??? Nice fish!
  2. Brutal hit. Chara knew what he was doing and could have pulled back... unless he has absolutely no spatial cognition, he obviously knew the stanchion was there. Perfect example of a lack of respect for other players.
  3. Correct. In europe the price of fuel is much higher.
  4. Is gas going up or is our money getting worthless???
  5. Thanks for the great questions HH and great answers Crosshair. This thread has been a fine read. The MNR doesn't have the funds to keep Nipissing healthy so we can't just rely on them. Us locals need to take the energy we put into blaming others and redirect it towards protecting the fishery. As Mike01 said, I also try to do my part in respecting the lake by putting most of the fish back (i also keeps snacks), but I should probably do more since I use the lake so often. Are there any other NGO groups that work towards keeping lake Nipissing healthy? For the record, I've done pretty good on Nipissing this year.
  6. Great catch! It must be nice trying a new bait for different fish and getting success. The slammers have worked great for me, I'll have to try the swammer.
  7. First thing I would do is read the posts from last spring, in 2010
  8. I knew there was a bunch of wise guys on here.... but nice guys too??
  9. I put it on the Team 8 page and he said he'd submit it. Either way, you still have 23 days to beat it! haha
  10. Nice trout! I'd be more than happy catching one of them. Looks like a bright day out there...did yu get a tan?
  11. Merc- Indeed I jest. I was kidding...kind of! JoeyT- back lake trout fishing, defnitly a late season treat! Cheaptackle- I believe there are 365 1/4 days in a year. Irish- Temagami is on my list of re-visits, as long as the weather doesn't turn like last year. It was +20 in late march,2010. NipFisher - Great offer! Yes, we definitly have to do a back-bush adventure this year In some ways it sucks living in a condo... I can't even park a boat. If I could own a little tinny I think I'd be missing winter a little less.
  12. A buddy just texted me "Only one week left on Nipissing". Is anyone else aleady missing winter, fearing spring and dreading another boring summer?
  13. Those augers are awsome. It's the only auger I've seen that can do this! 3 mins. edit: mine has the curved blades...maybe not the same model.
  14. That third fish is a beauty!! Can't wait to see what you get this spring
  15. Good end to Nipissing ice season!
  16. ah yes, the old 6 hook suprise. I'm quite sure that if you had a smaller bait that the chances of a deep hook become greater, since the fish could swallow it easier. Not that it matters for me, I couldn't catch fish on temagami if my bait was a 5 inch stick of TNT
  17. Now that is a good day I'm suprised our company hasn't gotten the call on that spill...I'm working on one right now near P.O.B. Trucker landed 20 feet below the road in a swamp, 600 litres of diesel floating in the reeds....should be a fun cleanup. The driver was suprisingly ok. Take care out there L.Walleye. Saltydog...that's what I wanted to be doing at this time! Good job, what did you catch?
  18. aww that sucks. Ends up I'm in the same boat as you, figuratively of course. I was on Nosbonsing going for pike, got a call from work and now I have to drive to pointe au baril ... oye, and I thought I was one of the lucky ones able to fish today.
  19. As an optimistic fisherperson I ignored the weather warnings yesterday, but now that I see what's really going on out there I'm a little pesimistic about hitting the lake. Mostly it's the wind that's keeping me at bay. Anyway, I'm just having a tea, watching sportscenter right now...poor gf has to work all day so I have a blank slate. I'll either suck it up and go fish, or stay in and be productive. Option B sounds like such a waste of time.
  20. i've had those things frozen for over 5 months... I was upset at wasting them, but that's the way it goes. It's quite the unique reg, I'm not sure I understand it. Are they trying to reduce the opportunity to catch bigger fish? Are they trying to keep suckers out of the lake?
  21. Actually they are sitting somewhere near the L.Tem Access road. haha.
  22. Wow, you certainly have no troubles finding the deer. Great capture!
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