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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. I wouldn't put you in either one of those categories...unless of course you have tall, green and maleable hair.
  2. I couldn't figure out why the guys were taking so many breaks today.... the men at work signs kept blowing over.
  3. try deleting a facebook account Once a month i'll go back and delete some of the things I wrote one by one. The key is: don't type things you don't want visible forever, the internet is nothing but a huge library controlled by other people that you can't control. It would be nice to have an on/off switch on the things we say and do on the net however that would only enable stalkers, creeps and trolls.
  4. It wasn't me that wrote "I feel forced" and I definitly DON'T feel forced, but I do prefer cheering for teams that are located in Canadian cities. It means more for the country and we can cheer for our canadian teams together in the playoffs. 6 canadian teams versus 24 american teams = underdogs. Trying to attract talent in cold canadian cities versus balmy climates = underdogs. Balance book and tv ratings pressure from an american commisioner versus Canadian heritage= underdogs. Canadian cities are at a disadvantage in the NHL so I feel that any support is self serving for our country. ...off topic... so.... GO CANUCKS GO!!! As somebody already said, if they get knocked out, expect big changes for next year.
  5. Same on a used car. Used to only pay GST i believe...but now the HST kicked that up a notch. I feel for you Jigger, double taxing is illegal...yet they still do it. but, please don't waste anymore of our taxpayer money by forcing them to send you another letter
  6. American teams are in the USA, Canadian teams are in Canada. I can't believe I had to type that.
  7. Nice plywood there! Those are beauties
  8. I've used power pro for the past few years, but I'm trying the Suffix 10lbs this year. I like the price, and so far it's proven to be a nice product
  9. Is that what the black blob is? too funny
  10. None hunted, but I saw one on Hwy 69, 20kms out of Parry Sound. I didn't realize they were that far north. Will we see them in North Bay soon?? Good luck this year...I, as you, hope the rain is minimal... outdoor work sucks when you mix in 30mm of rain
  11. Way to go Jer! That'll make a fine lunch.
  12. Nice one! I'm hoping to find some carp spots in my area this year. thanks for the update!
  13. I've fished it from shore near Fort Chipewyan. Incredible walleye, goldeye and pike numbers
  14. I will! What's your species of choice? Yup, my regular carping grounds are a sanctuary this time of year. I don't know if I would have any luck either way... the water is nearly 6 feet higher than usual!
  15. Adrenaline on the big one!! Great report, Thx.
  16. they've slowed down, or completely shut down in the North Bay area. It was a short season this year. I've have about 10 meals in the freezer, that'll do for me.
  17. I have a high pressure job that often spills over into my weekends and as you mentioned I also prefer civility and peace to arguments and pointless fighting. I left the area within a few minutes and won't be returning to this guy's territory. I wasn't looking for trouble, but the other guy was so I defended myself accordingly. Anyway...I'm over it now and I'm just glad to be back up north where we have a little more freedom. If only the Otonobee River was open for Carp, I would have avoided this situation in the first place.
  18. thanks Aniceguy. It all depends on what is written in his property title if he has a right to block the public from the waterway or not. So basically I'll never know... either way he can't stop me from standing on the road. I'm better off staying up north near all that wonderful crown land!
  19. That's a nice sound on a sunday morning! C'mon up here, lots of room and lots of songbirds
  20. I was standing on the road...that's the point, it's not his property and it's not his place to tell me it's his property. Would you accept someone yelling at you on the sidewalk? I have a private smelting creek which is the result of me doing what you suggested, I bring them a bag of cleaned smelts for their kindness, I have no disrespect to property owners when they actually own the property.
  21. great game indeed. I was on the habs bandwagon and i fell off pretty hard. I doubt they'll win the series now.
  22. Peticure? petticure? pedicure...there it is! haha
  23. We are visiting Peterborough this weekend to see my GF's friends and while she was getting her b-day peticure, I drove out to some back roads for some random exploring. One of the back roads made a sharp turn around this little pond that had both inflow and outflow, I thought maybe it contained some specks so I parked on the road and pulled out my new, never casted, reel. I must make it clear that the road was no more than 1 meter from the water and the road was NOT a private road. As I make my first cast, mr. big shot Lincoln Navigator pulls up and says "you know you are on private property right?" I look down at my feet, one on the road, one on some grass and say, not knowing if he is joking "is that right?" He says "yes, your car is not, but you are". I rebutted with "this is MTO property, they have an easement, you do not own the road, and the shoulder is part of the road". This back and forth banter, of "yes it is, not it's not" went on for some time until I asked him who placed the road gravel and who fixes the culverts... obviously the MTO or township. I told him I wasn't here for trouble, just to cast off of the public road. If I wanted to trespass I would have walked past his "no tespassing" signs in the forest. I didn't cast another as not to egg him on, but I made my point very clear. Now riddle me this... could he own the water in the pond??? Can I not cast into this water? even if there is a "public access" point? Could I legally land a float plane on a waterbody like this (if there was enough room)? Anyway, he was speechless by the time I was done with him. Fisherman 1, Big Shot 0.
  24. Unadultered talent you say? How 'bout the Avett Brothers? **screwed up the original post now I can't embed...sry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE7rkSELM3I
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