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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Too funny guys! You never know what the weather will throw at you...and you threw a rock right back at it! haha Go team 8!!!
  2. It is contaminated...but then again, what isn't these days? I dont' think it's as bad as some people say, or think, or think they heard. Some scientists have clever sampling methods. I don't know of any lodges but I've spent time in Fort Chippewyan and spoke to guides and locals in that area. The laker fishing is incredible!!! From the stories I've been told, and the fish I've caught, I'd go back given the opportunity. good luck, I'm sure you won't be disapointed.
  3. Let's hope Environment Canada can force some action on this. I'm not sure if PFO's are a regulated substance or not but if they can prove that the airport has contaminated neighboring properties, then the government could force a claim. The airport definitely has environmental insurance coverage. I bet they are scrambling and the insurance company is already investigating to find who is liable for the spill. Whoever is liable (insurance, airport or other) will fight tooth and nail (as they usually do) to avoid paying for the cleanup. A cleanup like that can cost 10's of millions so you know there will be some push-back. In a case like this, public outcry is often the best catalyst for a clean up. CLEAN UP YOUR CARCINOGEN's HAMILTON AIRPORT!!! I'll be sending them a wordy email and cc the environment minister. Hamilton airport media email: [email protected] Niagra Peninsula Conservation Authority: [email protected] Env. Can: [email protected]
  4. This is our end of night song we all jam and sing together. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YH0CnjXqCLE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. That'll make a nice snack. I caught some of the same color in the Nottawasaga. Gotta love that bright yellow
  6. He could be sharing with family members and there may have been 10 of them out there. Smelt have no limits and are orginally an invasive species. Smelt caused havoc on the Eerie fishery in the early 1900's and contributed to the loss of the Blue Walleye.With all the smelt, whities, gobies and other baitfish in Simcoe...I think the fishery will survive. Nice haul Boss, that one is a hog! hahaha good luck cleaning them all.
  7. That's a good sized white bass for Nipissing. Looks like you have a nice boat there as well
  8. Looks good man!!! I like the butterfly cut, I'll try that next time. My smelt are still sitting in my bucket in the fridge. Fell asleep at 2:30am and got called out to Parry Sound at 6! ouch! Tough day, yet I'd probably go smelting tonight if I was in town. I sure hope I'm back in town for thursday night ...the smelt are calling, will you answer the phone?
  9. Nipfisher, Joeytier, Jim jigger and I hit the river tonight and we caught the beginning of the run. In total I think we netted 50 or 60 smelt. This will pick up over the next week I imagine. The best thing about the run so far is the size of the smelt we are catching!! biggest one approached 9inches and the average was around 6-7 inches! I like the high meat to cleaning effort ratio. One thing to note: the lucky strike nets that Canadian Tire sell are complete crap. Why haven't they come out with a better product??? If someone could make a composite (like the hockey sticks) net, they would be a hero in my mind. I'd gladly pay $50 for a net that will last 5 years versus three disposable nets every year at 19.99 each. Had fun tonight boys, we'll have to do it again.
  10. Nice, you just gave away the secret Nipissing lure. As an all-purpose knot, I think I like this one more than the trilene knot. I'll have to field test it first before I switch though.
  11. Great song Chilli! How about some early Live? <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NM7jwevTEOU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. Why not just dress properly, cut the stems, dig up the roots, dispose, backfill and then wash you clothes? Sounds like the weedkiller kills more than just weeds ..unless of course your talking about a large area.
  13. Just tried it. I like it a lot. Like the guy said, it's a very tidy knot and leaves only the smallest nub of line at the hook. Very stealthy and seems strong. Thx for the post
  14. I sense a proposal in the coming months.... OFC will get the ring she alway wanted! hahah joke. You obviously enjoy the site Paul and from my side, I enjoy your enthusiasm. It's nice to have a people who really take ownership of the things they like, to make sure they remain that way. Good on ya! Good on OFC!
  15. when I first saw the Winter Warning I thought it was a website error! I have choice words for that little comedian called mother nature.
  16. This is gonna be a good game!!!!!
  17. Terrible news...my sympathies to his family and friends. No less than two months ago, we exchanged information on bands. His son was in a band called "frontier index" and posted a song of theirs on the "what are you listening to" thread. He was kind enough to ship me a CD at no cost!!! I'll be reading his PM's again with posthumous humility. Search for "frontier index, ain't hurting" on youtube.com. R.I.P John
  18. I'd like to know as well. I don't think the Ottawa has runs, but some of the nearby, larger lakes might have them.
  19. yup, I said that right. Picked up two of them... it's labelled as 19.99 but sold for 9.95 tax in! I bought them on seperate days so me thinks it won't be corrected for a while... My consience has a question... is this considered stealing? Not that I'm overly concerned about it since some mark-ups are robbery as well.
  20. hahaha I was wondering if it was still April 1st.
  21. Let me get this staight... a wall eye is nothing but a mounted pickerel?
  22. Ahh the old nukelar panterplant
  23. individually we are small, combined we are 60 000 000 head turns large! Very cool
  24. with that logic I'd use a 6 inch bait.
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