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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Last year we caught one that looked wild. The fish had a bigger head/body ratio and the meat was firmer and of lighter color.
  2. Nice birds... I'd love to have a wild one for dinner. Great shots too!
  3. Rainbows: Mepps # 4 long. Specs: Go getters
  4. Purdy lookin' fish! Those panter martin's are very nice units.
  5. In the harbour? Wow, we looked at that spot and scoffed at it...dang I should have tried it! Most of the town is closed this time of year (at least from what I saw)... apparently it gets VERY busy in the summer though??
  6. I figured that would come up Frank, so good question. Yes we were in Zone 10 but there is an exception for the North Channel that allows for 5 Rainbows.
  7. Upside down crappies kissing a Coors light... Looks like a blast out there and that's is a nice pb pike!!
  8. @ Ron, yes that is snow and it came in handy too.... it was our ice replacement before we stopped at the store. The funny thing about the cooler, is that there were still some beer left when I got home... we were so beat Saturday night that after our first beer we all passed out! Lightsout for us lightweights. Thx for the replies
  9. Nice specimens... you can't beat heavy pike action!
  10. Good story! Those are beautiful and big fish... nice contribution to the team
  11. In our area, around North Bay, I target them at night.
  12. The ranger will do the job, no problems. Sweet ride Paul...she's gorgious
  13. JimJigger, my Brother and I hit the road at 5 am Saturday and made the journey to Manitoulin Island for our yearly Rainbow Trout trip. After this year's outting, I can guarantee we return in 2012. The first line was in at 8:30 am and the first fish was caught at 9am! My brother landed the ice breaker and missed another just minutes earlier. That is instant relief for a trio of guys who don't specialize in Rainbow fishing. JimJigger and I had hip waders and casted from the sides of the fast flowing inlet, into the lake. We totalled 9 fish over the weekend, which was a step up from 2 in 2010. We only met up with half a dozer other fisherman who were catching them at a little lower rate than us. Almost exclusively, we casted Mepps or Mepps-like spinners. I tried a lot of J-9's, Slashbait and some homemade spinners but only had luck with Mepps. I also tried some drifting and bottom bouncing, but my skills and confidence are quite low with these techniques...I need more practice and a few successes before I get comfortable with the advanced methods. My theory is "if it works for me, stick with it". If the other fishermen were catching more than me, you can bet I'd learn quick. JimJigger was the king of the trout this weekend and landed the two biggest fish, the biggest being around 12lbs (give or take, no measurment). He also caught 4 of the 9. We crammed in 16hrs of fishing in 30 hrs (including 8 hrs of driving) and enjoyed every minute of sun burns, wind burns, rain, leaky hip waders and roach motels! I caught three and unfortunately couldn't contribute to Team 8-The Assassin8ors. Enjoy the pics. JimJigger is 6feet tall ...for scale
  14. That brown is worthy of a painting!
  15. "last cast" is nothing but a myth Thems are some nice fish!
  16. What a difference a year makes. Great shots Randy, they make for a great comparison.
  17. The shot at 8:54 is amazing. Overall it's a great video....top notch!
  18. MisFish Re: Dan Mangan...... Great songs! A good up and comer Gaslight Anthem featuring Bruce Springsteen. Song starts at 0:58
  19. I have those rubber ones... bought them 3 years ago and they still work fine. VERY uncomfortable in cold temps though, it's like walking inside hard plastic packaging. Wearing thick socks and thermal underwear helps. ...and dont use Skeeter's thermometer method with them hahaha
  20. Wait for a sale at Canadian Tire... they were 60 or 70 bucks a couple weeks ago.
  21. good article! thx for posting. I always hope to see walleye spawning while we smelt, but so far nothing.
  22. I picked up a bunch in Barrie last year... Free and organic, you can't go wrong. Nipfish..they should be sprouting next weekin our area...let's go get some!
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