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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. X2 on the good price, but make sure those are the hooks you want.
  2. Sweet. We've seen a few mirrors lately. In some of the pics it looks like you are in the bayou.
  3. They are progressively getting more soaked and yet their smiles keep getting bigger, that's too funny. Nice fish guys!
  4. I met some guys looking for morels today.. I haven't looked into identifying them yet. Are they better tasting than the Puff mushrooms? No problem, I was out of service area AND my phone died, that's when i knew you were not coming. haha. I'm planning a brookie outing with my dad and a buddy this week after work. I'll try to arrange it for thursday so you can join in.
  5. Wow, giving yourself pink eye just to go fishing.... crazy Did you get wind and rain blasted? We had clear skies but the winds were howling.
  6. The gf was working ALL day and work didn't call me so I took full advantage and took a trip to explore several speckled trout spots. The four lakes I explored were completely shut down. I walked the whole way around two of them, casting into weeds, trees, rocks and deep water, but, the fish (if there are even fish there) had lockjaw. These are stocked lakes, and some of the trails to these lakes are almost grown in, so I assume they havn't been stocked for some time....which explains why I didnt' catch any if my assumption is correct. I caught two little beauties in a large creek after walking through some trail-less tangle at another location. Both were caught using hand-tied go-getters (thank you Cheaptackle) with a worm appetizer. On my way back after several hours in the bush, I decided to stop somewhere that I figured might have fiddleheads. Since I have seen no signs of them anywhere in my area so far, it was a long-shot. Lo-and-behold, the area was FULL of them. They are just starting and should be good for another week or so. I picked a ziplock bag worth, froze them uncleaned and dry (they turn to dark green mush otherwise) and made myself a nice little dinner. To cook: Boil for 2-3 minutes, dump the green water and then sautee or fry with butter or whatever else. Doesn't this look good!? mmmmmmmmmmm
  7. awww that hurts to lose those pics:(. Did you see that optional strap on the Popeil Pocket fisher?.... I think you need one for your next cam
  8. Fishing relief indeed (not only Terry's male) That motel sounds like a 5 star! did if come with complementary stale toast for breakfast?
  9. Great looking fish!! That's a good start to the season
  10. That optional wrist strap is a must-have!
  11. Should be a sailors delight this morning.
  12. midnight oil-Blue Sky Mining <iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ofrqm6-LCqs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. hahaha "why were they sitting? they could have been standing at least" Canadians ARE funny!
  14. i'm speechless except for the words "I'm speechless except for the words".
  15. Huge head on that bugger. Nice fish!!!!
  16. Nice one! Fishing for brookies = happiness.
  17. If a pool is holding a large school of suckers is it better to just move on? Side hooking a sucker is not a sport. It seems obvious that you'd snag a few but is it also a sign that rainbows are not around? I'd rather avoid the suckers, but they hold in such nice pools. Some help please.
  18. Now that is a good milestone post haha Your card gets shredded the first time you say "this partridge meat tastes too gamey"
  19. he really swallowed that bait. They must be hungry in that lake!
  20. You bought anything because you liked the color.
  21. hahahaah. Knee slapper for sure.
  22. Ends up I hiked myself out on a few other rivers so I didn't make it to the spot you recommended. I caught this one at a very non-descript spot.... suprised me even. I'm back in North Bay now... next time I'm in your area I'll give you a msg. Air Canada lost my tackle bag... imagine how happy I am now.
  23. ...i missed this one. Great brownies man!!! It's the only brand of ontario trout we DON"T get up North. Geee they are purdy!
  24. If anyone wants to simulate your experience they can tie a jig to a train and hold on to the the rod as it leaves the station. don't try this. I watched my brother struggle to bring in a 15 pound sturgeon ... I can only imagine one at 100lbs!!!! my god!
  25. Haha that's exactly what it means.
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