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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. hahaha there goes my tea, 30 feet across the room. hahaha that's hilarious.
  2. Ya, that looks great! I like the "because they cooperate" haha. Sometimes it's nice to know you'll come home with dinner.
  3. that's what I thought,...I only fished from shore when I lived there. Some of the smaller, walking-trail only lakes hold good bass in Sudbury.
  4. oy, idiots. I guess they are planning on starting an illegal water level monitoring system and trafficing system.
  5. Nice feed!! Those are really nice perch Paul. Walleye aren't always easy to catch, sometimes just getting one is difficult. Good luck next time.
  6. What a beautiful day today! Low winds, high sun and no work. I mapped out a new lake just 30 minutes north of town that Fish-Online indicated it held walleye--- they aren't always correct, but I figured they were right this time since this very small lake is attached to bigger lake known to contain walleye. I ate a balogna and hot sauce sandwich at the launch, starred down this 70 hectare lake and launched the canoe at 3:30. Paddled and drifted for about an hour when I got my first bite! She was 57cms long, 3 shy of the 60cms slot limit. ... don't go by the tape reading in the photo hahaha I paddled nearly the whole shoreling, dragging and popping white maribou jigs tipped with minnows off the bottom, in 8-14 feet of stained water. At one point the bottom livened up and my 3/8 oz jig was bouncing on rocks; as soon as I felt the rocks a big perch smashed my jig. ...new perch PB!!! 14 inches and full of crayfish. I kinda screwed up by taking a measurment shot and not displaying my TEAM 8 OFC Tourny Logo.. Minutes later I cleaned them and go 4 walleye sized filets. Sorry Team 8, but I am NOT going down the garbage shoot to recover the carcass. Well, that was my day. Tomorrow is Vac day #2 and my GF is joining! Can't wait.
  7. There's a web page forthe store, but I do not know it off hand
  8. If anybody wants to split cost on a $60 boat rental for the evening on Wasi send me a pm, I'll check them from my phone. I'll be leaving north bay in about 2 hrs and have room if you need a ride.
  9. To quote Big Sugar "Don't say it's over, it's so not over"
  10. Looks like good weather was on your side, I bet the kids will remember that trip for a long time.
  11. indeed I sure cheered on that non-goal. Darn
  12. I bought my Corolla in Edmonton and have had it serviced in Barrie and North Bay with no issues at all.
  13. Hahaha, why would any team want him after this breakdown... He's a liability
  14. Sure boston has more canadian players, but there are far more canadian fans cheering for Van... Well until the 4th goal. Anyone else remember Calgary and Edmonton in they last game 7 finals?? Uh oh
  15. Brutal. Fleeting sense of security.. Pull him!
  16. A diving call on a Chara hit??? Is that even possible?? The man is huge. Can't believe Sedin whiffed the puck
  17. I'm gonna be glued to the TV for the next few hours! if they can't win game 6, game 7 will be SCARY Go Canucks!!!! Don't let it slip through your fingers
  18. That might work for some inland rainbows here... I'm gonna try that ,good idea. Anyone have good maribou jig makers or suppliers... Lookin for 1/8 - 1/2 oz weight
  19. Thanks for sharing, and well done on providing some fresh fish for the fam!
  20. Haha I don't think so Tim. So far wrapping them in a rag has worked pretty good, and it saves me carrying extra boxes. Must have been a slow bite yesterday as I fished three prime rivers on my way to the Soo and only got a few tail bite-offs. Oh well, nice territory here!
  21. Currently my favorite lure, the maribou jigs work great alone or tipped with a minnow fishing for walleye. In the rivers especially they give you an advantage over regular jig heads; a long sweeping stop and go or a slow tapping retrieve is a great walleye tactic. For those who have experience with these hairy, water-retaining jigs, any care and maintenance tips to offer? I suppose a nearby rag would help a lot in avoiding tackle-box rust. Anyone else loving these?
  22. The main waterfront in North Bay is decent. PM sent.
  23. Increased fines and enforcement from the MNR would increase non tax-based revenue for the province.... we really need a fisherman in politics.
  24. Maybe the worms are getting sick. haha I haven't seen them yet this year.
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