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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Nice collection of photos. Eye candy to say the least.
  2. You"ll be find as long as you don't access private property... But I can't guarantee you'll have tires when u get back from the lake
  3. Me neither, when I don't have walleye in my freezer I eat perch, no perch then trout, no trout then pike, no pike then white bass etc etc. None the less the Nip walleye industry exists. I hate oil companies and banks, but guess what I use everyday?
  4. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=52642&st=0&p=573357&hl=ahmic%20&fromsearch=1&&do=findComment&comment=573357 You'll find some great info by using the search option. Good luck.
  5. Auntie janes on highway 11 north, or there are a few places along hwy 17 towards sturgeon falls that serve Nipissing walleye.
  6. I think you just helped 4 or 5 people quit with that one joke. haha good one, but gross.
  7. I'd take the small fish as a sign of good spawn years. I've done well the past two years and caught a 53cm biggie from shore the other day. The way people are reporting their 16-20 fish catches to me this year I'd say the natives are doing something right.
  8. I was addicted to howard stern as well for lack of other funny talk shows. He spent a week talking about his sleeping patterns, how can you not see he's getting old and crazy haha.
  9. The rep said she didn't know when the merge would happen. It would be nice to get NHL on Sirrus for the 2011/2012 season.
  10. I thought all of Canada didn't get it.?? lucky you. When I spoke to the rep she made it clear they don't offer it, and that was for a re-subscription.
  11. The dealership gave me a 6month Satelite radio trial with my new truck ....... today I found out that I've had my truck for 6 months. I called Sirrius to get the monthly costs and to ask some questions. The first thing I noticed is that the "put you on hold" music station has terrible reception. Jimmy Hendrix sounds terrible when it cuts in and out. I had a good laugh at Sirrius' expense. In the States they get some NHL games, but in good 'ol Canada, we don't get 'em!?? I decided to decline the service based on this fact. I'm not gonna piss away $170/year just to listen to Howard Stern's slowly become senile. It seems like we are getting ripped off with our cheapened Canadian version of Sirrius/XM. I'll wait and see if I actually miss satelite radio, but in the meantime if they get hockey games, you can bet the farm that I'll subscribe. Anyone else find this frustrating?
  12. I was gonna cast into Lake Huron when I noticed a big heavy cloud above me...after hearing the warnings from the radio I turned tail and ran. It's supposed to hit the Sault and St Joseph Isle pretty hard tonight.
  13. I can't wait to shore fish the Mag this summer... Next time I drive to Parry Sound it'll be a 5 hr drive. Great report Miller, walleye master you are.
  14. If Cactus Jack says it's good them it must be.
  15. Don't put any muffins near your butt
  16. More enforcement. OPP should enforce fishing laws (or do they already) and designated lake/area watchdogs should be allowed to lay fines with photo/witness evidence. There are not enough CO's and they need help.
  17. As others have said, no problems unless it's a complete infestation. I find it funny how the perch have them but the walleye don't. Maybe because the walleye travel and keep moving, while perch will somtimes stay stationary?
  18. Your volleyball net is installed all wrong! NOthing better than fresh eats from the Garden. Long ago you would have been a hunter AND a gatherer!!
  19. I tried the Suffix 20lbs on my Soron StX20 and was getting consistent knots and loops, even as I pared down the amount of line on the spool. I switched back to PP and had no issues. No more suffix for me...looks like everyone else is happy with it though.
  20. I thought they were phasing that out this year?
  21. That's a great idea. I'd like to use something like that in my canoe to slow dowqn the drifts, but it would be too dangerous. My einstein moment: forgot the anchor so tied up to a rock and it worked wonders
  22. Good story and nice fish. I've only caught carp on 20lbs spinning setup, I can't imagine the fight they put up against a fly rod.
  23. I can't believe you went out in this wind...very strong lately, too much for me. As for the black flies and 'squitos, they aren't that bad and I've been in the bush a lot this spring...but then again, they don't bother me much either way.
  24. those are some big fishies Randy! Well done sir, well done.
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