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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Obviously a fine byproduct of an excellent upgringing Congrats to all of you Bob. Simon p.s. I have two graduates as well this year. It is beyond 'rewarding'. Not to mention mucho more mula.
  2. I just noticed this thread. Been out for days looking for the missing family pet. Anybody have an address for this Brampton house????
  3. I would say Yes to that Lew. Do you have bear repellant at the ready just in case??? Does everyone know how to use it? Odds are it will be back so you may want to report it???
  4. Thx Joey. Actually about a third of that (all the pike) got cooked in an awesome Ackee dish last night. The rest (vaccum sealed and frozen) will be distributed amongst family and friends. Next weekend will be C & R. I need a rest. That would be the FISHCLEANER PRO 5000 Skip. The cordless model is not as effective. Me and the Mrs are still adventurous Brian. Gotta give a lot of credit to our friend 'Jose'
  5. Needless to say, the weather was EPIC. No excuses because of Lady Nature. We fished hard Saturday & Sunday. Early, mid day & evening bite. Only managed to pick up one decent walleye and quite a few hammer handles throughout both days. It became quite evident that an early spawn had occured and typical 'opener' tactits and locations were out the window. Sunday night, we decided to confer with Jose. Proved to be a good move as the more we 'conferred' the clearer things became and we formulated a plan for Monday morning. We slept in and started our hunt with late June locations and tactics in mind. Location A - zippo Plan B - zilch Hit our third and final location just before 11:00 am. Located the vertical drops on both sides of a submerged outcrop/shelf and anchored into position. By noon we harvested these (much to the disbelief of 2 other boats anchored nearby): Dead baiting took 3 walleye including the largest. Drop shot with X Zone Swammers took the 2 pike + 1 walleye. We held the spot until 12:45 but the bite just totally shut down at high noon. Right place @ the right time. An awesome weekend and one EPIC hour. Back at 'er next weekend. Can't wait. Slayer
  6. Pretty sure you could borrow Billy Bobs for a day?
  7. ......and then we hose you Sorry FT, couldn't resist.
  8. My 'somewhat expert' general opinion: You will want at minimum a 'digital' cable box/package (I think these are now standard?). Quality of digital channels on your HD LCD will vary according to the source/channel. Some are noticably better than others. With lower quality digitial channels, you may see small vertical red/green lines intemittingly during some parts of the program (they come and go based on signal strength/interference). Your 40" has the same number of pixels as a 60" (on mid range HD tv's). So the good news is that a 40" tv will definitely give you a better digital picture than a bigger tv. Lower quality digital channels will look a lot more grainy on larger tv's. Like Lew, I also have 5 HD tv's in the house/garage. Ranging from 26" to 52". I only run HD converters on 2 of them (46 & 52). The 42 in my man cave is on a digital box and this is where I watch most. I have no complaints about the picture quality when watching my favourite programming (A&E, NatGeo, History etc). Some 'secondary sports' channels (TSN 2, sportsnet) are not great for watching on digital, but CBC is okay. My advice based on your tv size, would be to start with the digital package. You will never 'miss' HD programming if you never had it to start with (but you will have visitors who tell you how much better HD is). Also, the further the tv is from your sofa/lazy boy will also improve your viewing. Ideally, you would want at least 6 ft between you and your tv. At any time, you could upgrade to HD but HD packages are significantly way more expensive than digital. That's my nickel, Simon
  9. Thanks to all for sharing mine and remembering yours Regards, Simon ps. Lew, I thought you were 7 ft tall !! Great to meet you.
  10. Happy happy birthday Joey. All the best, Simon
  11. Don't forget Mom tomorrow..... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/b4_C1JA7-28" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> ...you just never know.
  12. Pretty sure I could of landed that musky on 4 lb test Just sayin Bob.........
  13. Here you go; http://www.ehow.com/...ping-tires.html "Driving on tires that are cupping is not a safe scenario for drivers since there is less contact between the surface of the tire and that of the road. Less contact means less traction and control for starting and stopping." I wouldn't be driving with them. You are putting yourself, your boat and anybody else on the road in harm's way IMHO. You're just a blowout away from a potentially tragic accident. I would think twice about trailering. That's my nickel, Slayer
  14. Hey All, The Mistress is 21 years young but needs a little face lift. She's scheduled to go into the spa in November for a complete face lift but until then she needs a little skin treatment so she looks good enough to show off in public. Any recommendations to bring back the shine? Hoping for some suggestions where I don't have to travel long distance to pick up product (I'm in Mississauga). She's a painted aluminum hull. General appearance is good condition with a couple of battle scars. Thx, Simon
  15. Here is the 'definitive' answer: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/traveller/trip/construction_reports-central.shtml#Contract2011-2009
  16. Stick to your original plan. Especially if you are hauling a boat/trailer. Anytime after 4:00 pm is stop and go somewhere on that stretch. Also expect delays on old 69 right after the split from Barrie. They are ramping up for resurfacing northbound.
  17. Running a pair from 1991.
  18. Looked like a perfect meal . Do you harvest any pike Simon? Simon
  19. Anytime Brian. Would be a pleasure. Simon
  20. Totally see where you're coming from. Flip side is, it could probably save her life given certain conditions?
  21. Certainly you've been behind some idiot at a standstill with their head down, seemingly staring between their legs? They ain't admiring their package! They're texting, totally oblivious to what's happening around them. The traffic starts to move and a courtesy toot of the horn is sounded to get them moving. They jump on the gas and thank you with a one finger salute . I think from now on, I'm gonna give them the courtesy toot just before the light turns or the traffic starts to move and see if the idiots manage to ram their front end into the car in front. Might be somewhat entertaining ps. Brian, I'm sure your mrs of 30/31 years is definitely worthy of a Bluetooth from a loving husband.
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