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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Awesome - that river is one of the top ones for my bucket list. Just an amazing fishery.
  2. few things more enjoyable than watching your kid with fish - they truly enjoy every catch. Good on ya
  3. Batting percentage was much better today; 8 for 12 in 4.5 hours. Gotta live it when the bite is on. G's got an upgrade for team 2 GL trout comin'

    1. misfish




      Nice outing bud.

    2. Christopheraaron


      YAY! Can't wait to see the beast :)

  4. Looks like a great day - kinda figured you guys would nail 'em, with Lloyd . Nice going. we....ok I lost lots of fish...lol ..went 14 for21 hits G and I had the same kind of experience Terry - 3 - for 13 - some of them just bit, jumped spat and left Gave a whole new meaning to dine-n-dash.
  5. 3 for 13. Looks like things are beginning to turn

    1. misfish


      Any bigg,ns bud? Great day out on the big O.

    2. spincast


      Nuthin big in the boat - mostly small cohoes like you guys got. Couple big flyers - but they always look huge at the end of the line :). Good day anyway you slice it though

  6. Lloyd always puts on a good show looking forward to the report.
  7. West winds on the Big O for Saturday .... good day for some spoon pullin'

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa
    3. Fang


      see you out there

      72 on vhf

    4. spincast


      4;00 am - a coffee and then head to the lake!!

  8. http://www.windfinder.com/forecast/lake_ontario_port_weller currently on Port Weller - but this has lots of places - including Lake Simcoe, and some other really nice features. Select Super forecast on any location and you get hour by hour forecasts. This is amazingly accurate about 90% of the time.
  9. Drat - can't make it. Great opportunity for someone
  10. great story Jacques. thanks for sharing. I thought maybe you would have put a b-day candle in each of the spec's mouths?
  11. The rivers are choclate milk and flowing too fast. the winds are high and the waves with 'em, and the baramoter is trending down. What the heck do ya fish for in this weather?

    1. zamboniwaterboy


      A bad day fishing is better than a good day working! But this weather is nasty.

    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      It can only get better!

    3. misfish


      zamboniwaterboy,ya that's why Im at work right now. WINDS ARE BLOWING,AND WE GOTZ LOTZA RAIN.

  12. Awesome year dude and great report- watched you bag them one (two, three, five) at a time drewling over each one. A great show of not letting the curve balls life throws you slow you down.
  13. wow, great day on the water. I need to get me one of those soon.
  14. man, these weekend winds are the pits!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      May work for where I'm going.Just have to figure the rain and thunderstorm parts.And when

    3. misfish


      It,s all Terrys fault. Nice weather will be here when he gets the new boat

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I figured. lol.

  15. beauty scenery - but yeah, it is definitley one confused spring this year, aint it?
  16. nice! that last one must have been a real rush in that water on light tackle
  17. great stuff Simon.Jack sure is growing up fast! Nothing like being out fished by your boy - not sure who smiles bigger each time G does it to me - but he definitely smiles longer
  18. sending our best wishes for a speedy recovery your way Bruce.
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