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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Back from Nipigon. I beleive I have entered a long distance relationship... what a beauty and what gems she holds inside.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zamboniwaterboy
    3. Terry


      nice, always wanted to go there

    4. spincast


      go west young man. you wont be sorry - especially with that new ride

  2. I too used to be CTC over most retailers, but lately mehhhhh not so much. I have three specific instances at two specific locations that have done me in ... to follow are two. Not all outlets are like this yet, but it does seem to be a trend. The two that did it for good - 1 bought G a bike for xmas. $400 reg, 50% off. Being a boy, he built some ramps and made some jumps. On one of them the front wheel fell off in mid air. We had tuned it up and made sure things were good before it was put into service, and he had only been using it for a couple days He bounced on a few body parts, road rash - the usual things we do as boys. I took the bike in to the store and explained the situation to the clerk. Look, the forks are bent so bad, I cant get the wheel in and cant get them bent back. He has used it for 5 days. Here's the receipt showing it was an xmas present. Can you cover the forks under warranty? Sure she says. Bring it in next time you are here. Went back next week, that sales rep was no longer with the store, and they wouldn't honour the commitment. Went all the way to the manager. Nope cant help ya. Its six months old???? But your rep said.....?? Nope, cant do... Whaddeva - I'm too old for this and pick my fights. I have better stuff to do with my time - but I do know that life is like a merry go round: what comes around........... NO more bikes or camping stuff from CTC. Little ticket stuff only from here on in So - last week, the nail in the coffin: - in preparation for an upcoming trip I am sourcing various items. I have an hour spare while shopping. CTC ha deep cycles on sale. I need some. Go in '- Can I help you ?" Hmm ok maybe its changed - "yup need a deep cycle. This one here is it on sale?". "Wait a sec let me check............................ yup, 20 % off." "any idea who makes it, details on charging capacity etc.?" " Nope." "ahhh, what the heck, the specs on the label look good and there aren't a lot of manufacturers left.. I'll take it.' Rings it in. I look at the screen - um, were's the 20% discount? (there is a line on the screen, but it is blank) He asks the manager of the auto section. Manager- "those ones aren't on sale." Me - I see, but your rep here told me they were. I find that somewhat misleading." Parts manager "look here's the flyer, this model isn't listed. so it isn't on sale." Me "well, that is disappointing. Is there any way you can manually override seeing as how I was told it as on sale?" "Nope" "Then perhaps you could answer some questions your younger fellow couldn't? Do you happen to know how many times this unit can be recharged fully after an 80% discharge? - CTC dude 'no limit - that's what they're built for." Me - "really, I find that very unlikely - everything has a definitive life span? - what's the warranty on it" Him "3 years" me "even if it is drained 5000 times to 80% and wont fully recharge" Him - now visibly agitated that a customer should want to know how he is spending his 150 + bucks "I don't know they don't tell us that. Look, 1 year full replacement, warranty starts again. after that pro rated warranty". Me ' how do you establish the pro rate allowance" Him " Its based on usage" Me - "explain" Him - flustered, blah blah blah. Me Keep your battery. As far as I am concerned, the big chains can keep their $10.00 in savings. Give me the neighbourhood store that knows my name and employs my neighbours. He has an investment in his reputation that he values. If I withhold my spend from him he will know it before the annual corporate statements are released. CTC. finish this sentence "CTC rhymes with you can bite.."
  3. Great report Bud - looks like the fishing gods treated you well. A well deserved break after those agonizing spring weeks. Those sky shots are awesome. I suspect there are still several Gigs of pics Juli took for you guys to review too.
  4. I need a bigger boat. I hour trolling two lakers in the boat with 15 minutes. Blown off the lake :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. fishnsled
    3. spincast


      That's not such a far flung idea Frank ---Do I hear an opening bid?

    4. asdve23rveavwa


      Let me know when you are ready to sell, bud. One thing for sure, I know I'd be getting a boat that was well taken care of!

  5. I know the feeling well. Great report - that looks like the Sand river trail at LSPP - what a beautiful hike. Did you make it all the way to the end? A beauty little spot to sit and reflect. Small world - the sponsor for your son's team - my workplace. still almost half a summer left to get out on the Bay.
  6. lake O in the am for a few hours. Finally

  7. sweet. You don't need a motor, just a tow rope. Terry can pull ya out to the laker spot and you can jig while he trolls. With a little practice, you should be able to get a big on to bring you back in.
  8. cool report, thanks - those "to be re-opened" lakes sound very appealing.
  9. It just passed by us with a darkening of skies and a quick temp drop - but no funnels. We've been through two of them - 1 camping at Arrowhead when it passed through Barrie / Huntsville - took out several tents and campers all around us but we were unscathed. The next one we were in Carnarvon about 10 years ago. Weather had been just like this - days of ridiculously hot humid weather. We were lucky that time too - next to a scenic look out and it bounced off the lookout and landed on the other side of the lake doing massive damage. The kids were blowing bubbles in the driveway: the bubbles were gently floating going in one direction, stopped dead still for a couple seconds and then went in the complete opposite direction at an incredible rate - it looked like one of those cartoons the way they took off. Then the rain started, in 30 seconds the rain was so fast and hard it was horizontal. It looked like a white sheet had draped across the windows. We huddled in the broom closet in the middle of the cottage. 10 minutes later came out to a war zone. Tree on the van, the cottage next door on either side of us and a forest of trees tossed like match sticks on the far side of the lake. Incredible power.
  10. Back with a bang; great report and some fantastic specs. Beauty job on the StarCraft
  11. C'mon, been away from the lake for two weeks, slow them winds down about 5, 10k would ya?

  12. I'll take this over ice and snow any day. my drinks should be at 4 degrees C in July, not the outdoors temps.
  13. Superb report. Hopefully I can do half as well with the fishie species there in couple weeks, although the memories you gained with Leah are unmatchable.
  14. I would think after all that you have probably got enough out such that if you filled the tanks up, added the appropriate amount of marine Stabil or seafoam, any water left would be minimal and not an issue. Maybe add alittle more than the usual amount of additive to be on the safe side. Sounds like it would have been interesting getting home in those conditions with a crapped motor - a story in itself there
  15. just watched this in full screen mode. Unbelievable in so many ways. My condolences to all those impacted by these tragic events.
  16. Nice going - the North shore is definitely the hot zone this year.
  17. some quality time there. Great spot.
  18. Nice. Done that many a time walking rivers. That spot 50 yards up just has to hold fish. 3 hours later and you get to view the river from the other angle as you hike back. Something very gratifying to be the only one next to the water
  19. beauty fish - where u in the east end?
  20. sammie hunting in the am

    1. Christopheraaron


      Good luck! Be sure to bring back a report :)

    2. BillM



  21. I'd paddle. But I agree with Chad: "(if public or have permission), I'd be mentally prepared to turn around however." especially if your that far North - lots of choices, who needs the Bull?
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