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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Great to see they escaped the roe rapers. a couple fish completed their journey. With luck, perhaps more will make that journey every year.
  2. That is just awesome , and well deserved, news. Fingers crossed that your numbers continue to move in the right direction, maybe some day soon this thread can end with a final "all clear". Here's looking forward to that day
  3. insightful, intelligent, and ironic.
  4. Thanks for sharing. Jack has got a smile from ear to ear in those shots! I was surprised there wasn't any white stuff?
  5. Happy Birthday Terry. Brian must be out shopping for your present today.
  6. it must have taken a while to find that many in one place?
  7. thanks for sharing - some seriously nice pics there (walleye too ) Look forward to your experiences as you discover new water in a new spot. Good luck with the new job
  8. I'm waiting for the day you have that drone figured out and you have the camera hovering over the fish during the fun
  9. ^^^^^^^ yup. that is what I have seen as well Brian
  10. Dig a little deeper and you may find that the government's own policies confound and contribute to the problem. It is not easy to get accepted into Canada. The qualifications and skill sets that are considered are few and far between, and driven (by and large) by skilled occupations for which there is an identified need. Yet once the applicants go through the difficult and lengthy process of being accepted, their qualifications are not accepted by the regulatory bodies that oversee the very occupations they were brought to the country to fill. We have all heard the stories of the Drs driving taxis for instance. I have seen this first hand in several of the immigrant communities I have had exposure to. Statisticians working night shift stocking grocery shelves; Doctors, engineers doing low paying entry level jobs because there is no way for them to have their accreditations accepted. Maybe if the government spent a little bit of time at the back end of the process, we wouldn't find ourselves in this situation? Maybe instead of having a doctor drive us to the hospital in taxi cab to wait for 5, 10 hours or several days, he or she could treat us upon arrival?
  11. nice job.Wish I lived closer Keep up the good work.
  12. congrats on the PB - nice report. A great feeling when you beat a slow weekend with a PB.
  13. Thanks Chris - just starting to figure this movie thing out. Looking forward to next year and the opportunity for some underwater shots in the mix too. Thanks Chad - do yo know the day I took that video is the one day not one eagle flew in front of us? I had been hoping to get a few of those in the shots - it was amazing to watch them fly in front of us from tree to tree. Thanks Guys - while we got some nice size fish for sure, and certainly had fun boating them, we did find numbers per day were much less than we have been used to - and as for lake O - we only had one day in the double digits, and that not until September - usually we will have a couple a month. The biggest shock for me was the lack of rainbows - my usual haunts that will produce at least 5 plus bows per day were silent. Hopefully this year was an aberration caused by the cold winter and the lack of stable conditions for longer periods of time. It certainly wasn't for lack of baitfish.
  14. that is very cool. Amazing texture and patterns in burls, but seriously difficult wood to work with - at least for my meager skills. Good job getting it all cleaned up - bet that took a while.
  15. NOT a typical year - at least as compared to the 4 or 5 seasons since I got back into fishing beyond the occasional walk down to the river. My normal playground (Lake O) spent all year pouting, so we explored a new girlfriend. As with all new water, it took us a while to figure Lake E out, and we still have a ways to go. But we spent a great weekend down at Wheatley for annual father/son skip-the-last-day-of-school outing. Had some fun on on Nipigon finally boating my target of a 40+, but the boat loads of bigger walleye we experienced last year simply weren't to be found in the chilly, cold front infested 6 days we spent on the water. Completely blew the budget on the new boat, and don't regret it at all Got to meet up with another OFC dood -rodcaster - who really is a feverish caster when searching for his tantalizing troots. We did manage to put him on his much sought after brookie, but not a laker. And, as usual, my son outfished me almost every outing. We put the boat into her winter cave yesterday . Time to figure what to do with a weekend when none of it is searching for our pelagic inspiration. Till April.....
  16. wow, that s unreal; I would be through the roof, even though I know it wouldn't change anything or help Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Wayne. Hopefully when I log back on tonight the news is convalescence and good news.
  17. Hey There Jacques - long time no see. Looks like a great season on the water, thanks for sharing. Did the ping pong balls retire?
  18. That's why I don't buy lottery tickets :)

  19. right on! Congrats to the lad (and the Dad) - that's a beaut
  20. sounds like maybe 10 - 15 foot of heavy flouro leader maybe the way to go? If you're new to baitcasters, start practicing now, though. I am finally starting to be able to have outings without the birds nesting in my reel every third or fourth cast - and when you are reaching for distance in the wind - well that's when I spend the most time asking why I ever thought one of these darn snarlfing confounded, aggravatin' things would be worth learning. Sounds like an awesome get away in the deeps of winter - and its on my bucket list for big water sport fish too - look forward to the report
  21. did ya happen to see a stray cottage passing by? http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/it-was-right-here-yukon-cabin-vanishes-without-a-trace-1.2801105 hmmmm?
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