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Everything posted by spincast

  1. damn, just when I thought this thread would get a "hot" icon. Glad to hear it all turned out well - nothing like a dram or two and some time for self reflection,,,,,,,,
  2. awesome shots. That first one could be a promo shot for The Hartford.
  3. World Series calls for serious nachos . Had to be home for the trick or treaters so it was time for the deep dish special just add guacamole and salsa
  4. Dan - that looks killer. That marinade is wicked.
  5. nice stuff Lew - - takes some patience to make sure those thin strips stay whole.
  6. beauty fat fish. lots of energy in that one I bet.
  7. very cool. great memories for everyone there
  8. I remember back in the 80's when gas price wars were a common occurrence. One day the local newspaper in London had a photo of a gas tanker filling up at the pumps. The cost was $0.10 / litre. we're paying around $0.92 currently here. Kinda makes ya want to get a few thousand litres, some seafoam and park it in the back 40. Looks like, according to some of the articles that are starting to circulate, that we have hit bottom, and the price is going to start inching up. Come May 2-4 next year, no doubt we'll see that "driving season" jump again
  9. great report - congrats on the outcome - you did very well for new water
  10. I wondered if that was what you were alluding to when last we spoke. Congrats and best wishes. May it grow into everything you hope.
  11. Nice going - some very nice fish in there. Everything likes a Mepp's ( Aglia's especially )- that is one sweet gator dad got there.
  12. IMO Gibbons has to wear a lot of the blame for this one. Letting second strings play the last three games. 1 sure, but after that, no. We lost momentum, the pitchers got out of routine and didn't stay sharp. Price's performance yesterday ? And we didn't end up with the best match for the division play off because of it. I hope I'm wrong, but I got a bad feeling about our chances now.
  13. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/koen-norton-tuna-record-1.3258838 Koen Norton, the 10-year-old P.E.I. boy who made headlines for landing a 486-pound bluefin tuna at the end of August, has outdone himself. Norton, from Naufrage, on the northeastern end of the Island, nearly doubled his record on Sunday by reeling in an 847.7-pound tuna on his dad Greg's charter boat.
  14. sweet road trip - almost Jack Kerouac with the exhaustion booze and curvy views - just need some happenin' toons. Love that water.
  15. all very valid comments - the question is why do those beliefs exist? What do the majority of surveys show with respect to the new universal health care introduced in the US? If asked specific questions about the services provided by the Universal Health Care policy, without naming it, the overwhelming majority support it. If asked the same questions about Obamacare, the overwhelming majority say it is a useless wasteful un-necessary expense... an article on some aspects of it here. http://prospect.org/article/we-hate-obamacare-what-it-does How does that dichotomy exist? Money, political power, advertising, spin. Someone else wants power, and there is no point too low for them to stoop to gain it. The ability to shape public opinion through media manipulation cannot be overstated. Motivated self interest backed by significant cash reserves is an effective method of realizing an agenda. All that is required for evil to triumph, is for good people to remain silent. Act as you must to live out your reality, but if people stay silent in the face of lies and falsehoods, then the outcomes will be reflective.
  16. Follow the money? from an article looking at the financial elements of this situation "NRA membership dues skyrocketed by a staggering 62% in the year after Sandy Hook, from $108 million to $176 million. Total revenue in 2013 hit a third of a billion dollars..... As a result, the massive organization saw profits — excuse me, “surpluses” — rocket 2,750% to $57 million....... The NRA top executives shared that year in a treasure chest of more than $8 million in salary, bonuses, nontaxable benefits, deferred pay and other compensation — a nice payout for an organization that enjoys charitable exemption from U.S. taxes. LaPierre alone made a million bucks a year, which is, ironically, equal to about $100 for every man, woman and child murdered with a gun in America......" http://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-nras-profit-soars-as-deaths-from-gun-massacres-mount-2015-10-02 and "According to the “Full Year Financial Guidance Report” for 2013, issued by Remington’s parent company, Freedom Group, on December 9, the arms manufacturer is predicting the following results for the year: Net sales for the year ending December 31, 2013 to be in the range of $1,250.0 million to $1,275.0 million as compared to Net sales of $931.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2012. Adjusted EBITDA for the year ending December 31, 2013 to be in the range of $235.0 million to $240.0 million as compared to $156.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2012. (EBITDA is essentially net income with interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization added back to it, and can be used to analyze and compare profitability between companies and industries because it eliminates the effects of financing and accounting decisions.)" http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/12/18/gun-manufacturers-profits-year-following-sandy-hook/ That kind of money buys a lot of lobbying, spin and political power. Perhaps the place to start to change the situation is with those whose profits increase each time one of these tragic situations occurs?
  17. Wow, sorry to hear about Ralphie, Joey - he's still pretty young to be afflicted with such a condition, isn't he? Given time and your care he will adjust, I have no doubts. Your trips sound great. Brought back memories for me. Probably the only times when we were kids that our Dad spent anytime with us.Every summer we would hop in the car and make the long drive from Baltimore up to Little Lake Sunapee in New Hampshire for week. We would fish off the dock, or Dad would get me and my brother in the row boat and find a bay with blue gills in it and we would fish till we had a good feed. Mum would always clean them - at least until until the last trip when she said we could have the honour A couple stand out memories - one day we had caught next to nothing, and my brother was in a pissy mood over it, so Dad started rowing home. Told my brother to leave his line in the water. My brother was miserable but did it anyway. About a minute later the rod almost takes off out of his hands and he ends up landing a beauty 6 lb walleye. I was out one by myself, maybe, 6 years old and I got caught in a strong wind, couldn't fight the winds and my brother came out to tow me back in. One year my Dad bet my brother he couldn't swim the lake to the other shore. Dad rowed next to him,and owed him a 5 at the end. There was store just up the road aways that made the absolute best salt water taffy. We would get a special trip there once during the stay.
  18. , if I remember, you're not far off the mark Chad - although it was probably G being the smartypants. The boy has some great one liners. Brings to mind when we were in home depot when he was still a toddler. We're in the sink display area on a weekend with the usual crowds. Ho looks over at his Mum (in front of about, oh 20 people or so ) and says in a loud voice that filled the aisle, "Mummy, look at all dose dinks........"
  19. Some quality time with my boy my girl doesn't like trolling, but she has the lucky touch
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