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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Wayne, Leah and family - deepest condolences from all of us in our house.
  2. Dave is top notch. Had him make custom items for both my boats. If you have it, you know.
  3. thats a productive day out there this year. Nice going. Might be the end of August again before we see the big ones coming out to play
  4. smaller fish was taken on a 5 colour lead core off a planer. 27 incher was off the rigger, 90 back 35 down.. 3 color core and dispy were silent yesterday, as were any size spoon, which is unusual for me.
  5. LOL- that's par for the course Wayne. The kid's got the touch.
  6. Welcome aboard. If you can - head up the road a bit to Lake Superior Provincial Park.. You'll probably figure the rest out by yourself.
  7. Tried making some harnesses this last winter. One of them tagged the first fish of the day. Hit hard and gave a good fight. But that sun and lack of wind didn't help as we tried yet one more new spot on Erie. we got one more on a Rap we picked up from Fisherpete - a nice 27 inch fish. He was deep hooked (swallowed the rap pretty well whole) so he was a tad camera shy and and wasn't swimming too well by the time we got the third hook out of him, so he came home with us too. holidays coming soon - fingers crossed for some back to back days on the water. Can't wait
  8. Sunday: the search for walter resumes

    1. Freshtrax


      Forecast looks perfect......

  9. those rooster tails always look like this to me? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  10. nice pic. The wind forecast has me swabbing the decks today Time to reseal the wood
  11. closer to $600 than $200 ? you have my sympathies. On the bright side - your trolling motor battery was fully charged
  12. Uh, yup. 2 years in a row now. Would be nice to see a couple weeks of consistent gentle west winds and a stable air mass - give the lake a chance to set up. And SP sure ain't what it used to be as a source for info. Cover the water vertically and horizontally. I target 40 - 90 down on the riggers, and use planers with leadcores for stealth, and always at least one wire-dispey-flasfher-fly combo out between 150 and 225. Keep changing up the presentation (big, small, colours, speed, spoons, meat, lymans, bodybaits, fly, direction) till you find a strike. And get out and set up before the sun rises.
  13. I had one for a while - It seem to have gone awol on one of my weekend away trips . Works well once you get the hook in the groove, especially on deep hooked fish. I found it pulled the hookout cleanly.
  14. When it comes to insurance, identify the coverage you want first, and then shop for the premium you are wiling to pay. There is a wide range of premiums because there is a wide range of options - most of which revolve around how much of the risk (read cost) you the insured is willing to assume in the event of a claim. There is a direct correlation between how much you are willing to co-insure (cost you will absorb) and the premium you pay. Then you can decidewhat trade off you are willing, or able to accept if and when a claim happens. Understanding the wording of a policy is your responsibility. Its a contract you are buying. If you aren't comfortable reading pages of legal jargon, use a broker and makes sure you get them to put in writing in an email any limitations and exclusions as compared to full cost replacement. Depreciation clauses can be very detrimental to your payment. I suspect that is contributing to the lower payout. Craig's point on the exchange rate is right on., and Ironmaker and Lookingforwalleye both have excellent points. You should have photos of all your upgrades, and your tackle, that you send to your insurance company with your renewal. Preferably via email- because then you have proof they knew the liability they are assuming. I don't suppose by any chance the boat was actually hooked to the truck at the time of the accident? If so there is a chance the truck's comprehensive will kick in and cover the additional loss.
  15. MTO weigh scale - assuming you aren't worried about anything covered by the HTA, that is.. If the lights aren't on, stop in and ask em. Or you can give them a call. All the inspections station numbers are available on line.
  16. nice. Looks like a lot of fun was had I see Monique shares my other half's taste in beverage. Everything goes fine with wine..
  17. sweet. I'll bet he's still talking about that one around the supper table.
  18. x2 as I said to AK above, thanks Sorry I couldn't get you on our target fish with the same success, MJL, but it was great to meet you and watch your excitement as the fish hit. Next time
  19. glad you enjoyed - for me fishing is more then just feeling the fish on the end of the line - its therapy we just gotta find the bigger one still FT - they're out there Thanks MB - trust me, I think about the day G's interests will be in others every time we are out. I plan on enjoying all that we can while we can. Hopefully, the lifelong enjoyment will bring him back OK. I'll drive and reel in when you pass that next Tyee hit to me. Thanks Lew - Tanya, and yessir, 65 FOW set up, We hadn't gone far, you can see that in the sky in the background. - had J been stronger I could have shown some very strong colours, but I didn't want to stress the fish anymore. They're still there ! LOL - I actually did manage to get himt o appreciate the Clash.... but left to his own devices its hiphop and pop. Amazing how you can block out some stuff after 25 years of marriage Thanks for that Akrsioner - that is one of my goals as a father. I didn't get that growing up thanks Dave
  20. Good stuff. Take it easy and do as the doctors tell ya bud. You'll be 'tooining again soon enough - lots of season left still
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