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Everything posted by spincast

  1. the view down my chute --- 2014 was tough, especially compared to 2013 and 2012. 2015 is tough compared to 2014 this goes for kings, ho's and bows There are fish to be had - but it ain't the fishery it was just a few years ago. Hopefully the stagers will give us something to justify our investment this year.
  2. The Lund - but the type of fishing you do, the type of vehicle you have to tow and the lakes you want to fish should all be considered in your purchase too. You can get the hours off the yammie easy - you will want to get a compresssion test anyway no matter which boat you buy just to make sure. And really, unless you absolutely have to have your boat now - you may want to wait a few months. Come October / November your selection is going to be a lot bigger - and that means better pricing too.
  3. mini fish whisperer... great times. Nothing compares
  4. very cool report. thanks for sharing. The new camp is a beauty.
  5. caught some of my biggest kings on orange spoons............
  6. 2 days in a row on the water ":) Few and far between this year

    1. irishfield


      Well other than two slides in and out of camp I have Zero, so you're ahead of me Rick!


  7. good to hear you are on the mend. take your time and get better - the fish'll still be there when you are ready again.
  8. nice bonus today - got a small king while fishing Erie! Lots of fun on the walleye setups!

    1. misfish


      They have kings there Rick? Never knew that. WOW Nice.

    2. spincast


      I think he was seriously lost! Thought he was at Dalhousie, but it was Weller swam like heck and never looked back. Just a small one (7 or 8 lbs)

  9. egg sack lee. Average out of pocket cost per trip before I figure extras ( coffee, sandwiches etc) - $100.00 - fishing Erie add a few more ' cause you gotta run a lot further. Its source of relaxation and enjoyment - there is no price you can assign to that. How many Tim's coffees does it take to burn $6.00? Enjoy it while you can, and don't forget to tip the waitress.
  10. That is brutal Chad - at first I thought you were doing a This is That skit - sorry for your loss - he was a great dog!
  11. The annual meteor shower show is on this week - Looks like tomorrow night's sky maybe the perfect opportunity for viewing / capturing on film (at least down here) http://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/meteor-shower/perseid.html
  12. glad to hear - get out there an' set a hook or two.
  13. the details in the feathers when they are in flight is awesome - nice shots
  14. That's making the best of some sketchy weather ; great report - love the kid's smiles.
  15. nice day - i bet bringing this one in brought some woo hoos! Nice fish
  16. winds from the east? - as Joey says Damn you suspended fish!
  17. Hey Michael - you just gave me an idea -- Maybe I should have tried making the barnyard beasties my target species? The walleye would bite just to spite me, you think? I didn't realize walleye were so camera shy Chad, if I could find a way, I would gladly give you my portion of that, 'cause I know you enjoy it so. Me, As you know, I prefer things, shall we say, less frigid. Definitely lots of opportunity for tightlines on E at almost any launch, A B&W day is still on my radar for this year too Lucas - got a spot in mind, just have to get my guide on the right day when he is available and the weather is smiling
  18. When you have two great bodies of water an hour away, sometimes deciding which one to visit is the hardest decision of the day; but when one of them is not playing nice, the decision is much easier. Headed down to Erie this morning with my usual fishing partner. Today was teach him how to set up and drop the riggers day - the weather man was calling for gentle winds all day. We made the I long run out to 59 FOW off Burwell (about 13? miles), and I did the initial set up. First line was barely down and second one not even rigged when she fired with the big girl of the day. I don't think G was really awake yet not his usual smile for a big girl about 30 minutes later one slightly smaller hit, and we thought we were in for a hot day. But after a quick flurry it slowed down and we ended up with 4 for 6 on the walters , accompanied by a few of the usual non target species getting in the mix. G had the rigger thing going pretty good by the end of the day. got a nice one for the table , too I could do a month of days like this,..... actually, I could do this year round if the weather would just cooperate
  19. That big lake is a tuff nut to crack (again) this year....

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