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Everything posted by spincast

  1. you have two minutes, or I will discombobulate you,now launch das boat!
  2. oops i mean 0 two numbers 211 darn kids interuptus
  3. 03 two numbers 211 its all semantics...
  4. do they make one that smells like new cars. think of the resale value!
  5. ouch. Nice boat. Nice motor ... nice.......
  6. good luck Big Cliff. This could get Bigugli (sorry Bigugli -- I just couldn't resist) as depending on the length of time those buidings have been there, squatters rights may apply. Used to be a lawyer in the Toronto Star Homes section that had all kinds of info on this. I'm sure if you searched the star home section you could find a few columns and get his name. He would likely know someone up there. Other way is to contact the real estate board and ask for a real estate specialist - you are going to want one who specialises in this field. Case law is all based on precedent - and you will want one who knows the right precedents for this. hope it all turns out the way it SHOULD.
  7. flows: My link the rest is practice
  8. nice. Those are hot for bass too, got some lunkers on them in the weeds. Have to see how Long Point pike like them tomorrow!
  9. IF you are the kind of guy who can assemble anything mechanical from a bicycle to a barbeque or lawnmower motor first time without looking at a manual and have no springs or screws left over at then end, some of what you have read is correct. I taught myself to rebuild motorcyle engines with manuals and a call or two when it came to setting up the cams or something else unique. IF you are always looking at that screw or bolt after you put it together - pay someone. Because you will eventually
  10. Thanks for trying to get something together here are some open dates for june 12th 13th 16th 17th 20th 27th ...if you want july let me know cost is $550 for 5 guys half day 5 hours ...full day $650 8 hours 5 guys extra people up to 7 is $100 extra per person ...here is my website for more info


    Thanks for the PM hope to take you bo...

  11. They'd be different fish. Expand to 200% and see bottom rightfish poster
  12. Last week Raptorfan and me got skunked on LP bay - a sad way to christen the new boat. Sounded like we weren't alone - Reports the beginning of this week indicated the fishing was staying slow out there- plus with the inner harbour half closed, decided I would try Nanticoke. Hit the water about 7:00 - the creek was up an muddy water was well out past the breakwall. Hit the spot about 10 after 7 and it was already busy - a dozen or so boats all around the current. I started slow, with nothing for the first 30 - 45 minutes. All the while this one boat up closer to the shore is hooking them every cast. After he got bored and left we all slid a little closer to his spot. 2nd cast and, finally the drought is over- hello little fishy; After that, just kept searching the water with various tackle : my favourite meps maintained its position of honor; Hey team 7 my contribution - consider it a morale booster until the real bass season opens - I know it doesn't count - but I'm getting practice posting and taking photos - obviously gotta thing or two to learn here about posting pics( sorry about the orientation - - its right side up at photobucket ) A white suspending rap brought a few good fights - including this little guy who must have been very hungry - the rap was half as big as him Anyway - landed about a dozen of these (Now for the discussion to begin silver bass, Bream, ? Any other names?) also hit about or 5 decent smallies As it started to slowdown a couple guys couldn't get the motor started so I ran them down to the marina. By the time I came back the bite was done. All in all a good day - boated about 12 or 13, lost about 5 and got a suntan! Everybody including the silvers went back to fight another day.
  13. About 6 or 7 years ago this river was featured in Ontario Out of Doors as a highlighted stream just before the season opener. That opening day it was like a parking lot along the entire length. Standing room only. The traffic on it has been heavy ever since. A creek this small can't support that kind of pressure without special limits and people respecting the limits and restrictions (no live bait, as Vinnimon said - ignored all the time and the worm containers left strewn all over the bank). I see people ( ) take out stringers of 6 and 8 inchers all the time. Now the decent fish are much harder to find, and I haven't heard or seen anyone take some of the big 10lbers that used to be had for years. 2lbers seem to be the best that can be found- and even those are getting harder to come by. I know the guy who owns a stretch of posted land and I have a permission slip from him each year. He says the same thing. Guys come in and keep almost anything. CO hits the stream quite a bit, but there are just too many people keeping too many future fish. Even the steelhead run, which used to produce some beauties every year seems to have suffered. This is an example of why this boards position on posting the detailed location of your succesful fishing venture has merits. Ok, getting of the high horse now,...
  14. been der dun dat too commercial
  15. http://www.longpoint.on.ca/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12520
  16. sonar ... submarine fishfinder... fishing boat. Sounder ... Border patrol
  17. for years I made my living backing up 48 and 53 footers into spaces a dissapointing amount of people cant seem to park get cars using nothing but mirrors and practice. When I have the van and a boat - especially when I cant see the wheels in the mirror --I just open the gate and watch it. WAY easier. Its amazing how much faster and accurately it goes in when you do it slowly. Its also a nifty shortcut from release rope to drivers seat if launching solo.
  18. The issue is Wayne has got screwed, not what kind of boat is better. Every company makes a bad product once in a while - it's life. the difference between a good company and a bad company is the one that stands behind their product. The problem these days is companies don't focus on the right things - they focus on today's bottom line not product quality. They forget that quality will produce a strong bottom line. Today they are here - tomorrow, although it may be along time coming, those companies that fail to recognise the power of customer satisfaction will not be here. Don't stop till you get what you deserve Wayne. I had a similar fight with my new home builder. I peed off a lot of people getting what the Tarion program said I was entitled to - but now I have what I paid for and my neighbours who were too shy to stand up for their rights - well they don't - and never will.
  19. Go park it outside Bass Pro on the weekends with big lemons all over it and red paint marks circling those metal deteriorations. Print out flyers with the history of your efforts to come to a fair and just settlement, and the shoddy service and support from both BPS and Tracker. Hand em out as people walk by. Boats are big bucks -- if this was a car such safety hazards would not be acceptable. Maybe invite a newspaper or two to come along. The Star has Ellen Grossman who gets involved on things like this, and Global news also has a reporter. Neither Bas Pro nor Tracker are going to want that kind of publicity. Heck, maybe you and smalliefisher can park side by side if he still has his - that would really pack a statement You've been jerked, IMO, and waaaaaay more patient and understanding that I would have been. Good luck.
  20. Great vid - nice fish. Nice additions to team 7. Can't wait till I can get out there and add to the tallt!
  21. home depot. Drop box on the way in.
  22. I'd pinch myself and hope I woke up. To be in that level of bureaucracy would mean I was either having a nightmare, or proof that I was wrong about not going to church...
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