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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Defintely Cicada. welcome climate change. When I lived in Wva they would hatch and make one heck of a racket for a couple days - then gone. Once when I was a kid one landed on me while I was on the swings. I think that patch of grass beneath that swing is still the greenest in the state.
  2. beauty Walter there Frank! The lineup looks great.
  3. I don't know - maybe if we get a snap shot of bucket mouth being held open?
  4. Nice one Vince! Hmm, think we'll have to check that place out one day Hey - the smoked salmon and harness arrived today - i was just stepping out when Cliff showed up - thanks. Nice harness. Let the catch and transfer begin!
  5. spiney fleas in lake O sure like braid - hey frank? I'm sure that was a salmon
  6. Hey TB4me - long time no chat - how's the boat restoration going? Fish porn was in the posting that Frankie65 and I put up. For some reason I cant get the photos to upload into the team chat - just keep getting that annying red X box. Grrrrrr. No point uploading thumbs - need a magnifying glass to see them -- you can go here though to see the pics uploaded so farMy link [/img]
  7. I find the bass in the Grand are very sensitive to water levels. I have found that lunker honey holes in a dry year prodcue nothing but timbits in a wet year. Some of my favourite runs for a couple years in a row will produce nothing the next couple years, then, next year, they're back. My best weapon in finding where they are in any given year - a canoe and day floating -------- they always come out to play eventually.... haven't fished up the Kitchener end in a long time though - stayed down Paris / Glen Morris /Brantford... maybe they moved down here?
  8. Well, not much I an add to that - it was great trip. Lloyd - awesome day on the water - I'll be back. Julie you had the fishing Gods at your knees yesterday. Pennies from Heaven get you 21 lb Chinnies; my 75 cents got me the smallest Chinnie on record . Never should have dedicated the offering to someone in government - even if I was using . A couple views from my camera: the fishing queen perfect fillet on the BBQ size franks fat bow alltogether now. and then there's one for the team just in case you ouldn't read the tape in the first one... thanks Guys - let me know when the next one is on. BTW - anyone looking to go on a charter with LLoyd - I stayed at the Comfort Inn. Told them I was on a harter and they gave me an almost $50.00 discount - and they had a help yourself breakfast out at 4:00 am with coffee muffins, fruit make your own waffles , danish,and more,,
  9. http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/oep-navigation-radiocomms-faqs-1489.htm#01 from the horses..... anyway hope that helps Vince.
  10. 16 ft Scott canoe Echo model. Bought it 20 + years ago at the Algonquin Outfitters sale in Guelph lake. They have this sale every year, sometimes twice - one inthe spring and one in the fall. We have used it for eveything from interior camping at Lake Superior (weighs 54 lbs) with wife, dog and a weekends worth of groceries, to the often made trip solo down the grand. Can Stand and cast (or drain a coffee), stretch out and flat line, or paddle across a lake in no time at all. AND, if the wife happens to be staring off in the distance and forgets to yell "ROCK", its pretty good at taking a beating and keep on floating . After all this time solid as the day it came home and handles like a dream
  11. haven't been there for about 6 years. Had the most luck on the east side of the highway along the east and north shorelines. Biggest one was a 2.5 lb bass. Fishing was pretty tough most days, but they are there
  12. wow - must have been a doozy - the be ers were blown clear off the table
  13. So, every year me and two guys get away up North of North Bay to fish, eat, fish, eat, fish, drink, sleep. this year was the first year with the new to me boat. Had to add a trolling motor and a board to hold the rods / riggers before she was ready but she looked pretty good once the sun came out That was day 2 however - day one POURED rain. We left the cameras in the cottage - and good thing too as I was wet even through the rubberized rain suit. Day 1 fishing was pretty good - couple of walleyes in the slot we had to let go, one over (Just), one under in addition a few pike released and oos bass day two was a great start in the morning with the pike banging mepps #5 for the first 24 hours we hit 24 fish,includinga couple really large sm bass that were definitley not guarding nests from their location - all were still released boat side as quickly as possible (oh man - one was like 21 inches if he as a minnow) My buddy Kev - devout trout man - never used to use spinners - he is a changed man This guy was seriously hungry - note the bulge in the belly; hit the spinner so hard we couldn't release him Turns out he had a taste for sunfish: We banged over 50 fish in three days, --- and then someone closed the door. For the next 24 hours we had only two 1 perch and 1 walleye. I hear it may have had something to do with an invasion of fisherman to Lakair Lodge? Fished from sun up to sun down with a break for a quick bite. Took days of fishing to unwind me and make me feel relaxed - been back to work for 5 now, and by day 2 all the benefits were gone. Into the jaws How long till I can do this everyday????? Sorry team 7 - usually I would come back with at least one entry but the one that could have took me under the boat and anchor rope.
  14. OOOps hit the wrong button again: I am a member of the Ontario Fishing Network. Through some postings on this website it has come to my attention that at least one Tracker boat customer has been unfailty treated, in my opinion. In the discussions around this particluar issue it appears that neither Tracker, nor the Marine who sold this individual a boat is accepting responsibilty for what is, from the information provided, a manufacturing defect and poor workmanship. Further the cavalier and uncaring manner with which this individual has been dealt is concerning to me as a consumer: if it can happen to this person, it is fair to extrapolate that this is the manner of dealing with product defects. If you are interested in discovering the details, simply google OFC.com Tracker boats. If we can get Drifter an award, i woudl think we can get Tracker's attention, no?
  15. Well, here's a thought. What do you think Tracker would do if a majority of OFC'ers went to the following web site and took their survey My link? - like I just did. At the end, where they have given a large text box for suggestions on how to improve their website we suggest 1- They provide a direct email address to their customer support department so individual can contact them 2 - We all paste the following:
  16. Been there, fished it. Best with a boat - but did not get to try Storm lake which it looked like most of the serious fishers hit. Next time Did catch a 47" pike - needed a boat to get there Kids - try the boat launch at the W end of the camp grounds. Big and small mouths, perch and Rock bass Tips. If it looks like it has pike in it probably does. But get out early
  17. Yep. got mine today. Gonna put it in my RRSP - then that other great Canadian bearer of the truth (Harper) has to pay me too! Just too bad I have to wait till next year to cash in Prostitute you say? OK. Give me another 330 + and call me a different name!
  18. I had the same questions last year.Looked for a long time. Went to the spring fishing and boat sale. Looked at Alumacraft, PrinceCraft ,Tracker, Lund, Legend - every boat on display. Legend has great pricing and I was tempted. But when I looked at them, I just kept seeing the Hyundai Pony of the early '80's. I didn't see the finishing quality the other makes had. The motor, well, phutt phutt was what came to mind. I ended up buying used, through a dealer. 50 horse 4 stroke merc; 16 foot starcraft with easy loader trailer and $5k less than a 16 foot with a 25 hp new Legend (oh yeah, also no taxes - consignment deal) . But that was the buy for me. Your boat purchase should be based on what you are looking for; there is a trade off in eveything in life, and a new vs a used boat is the same. I have (had) a 30 day warranty. New is (a little) longer (although Wayne of Tracker boat fame may disagree.) The decison on what boat to buy should be based on what you want to do with it, and what you expect from it. A 25 hp motor is not going to power a runabout for a family of four doing fishing / tubing and running into the middle of the great lakes with the degreeof comnfort most of us want. But if all you plan to do is fish on inland lakes at a relaxed pace, why not? As for the size of the boat and the motor- dont we all get-2-foot-itis / just 25 hp more?
  19. My condolences. Sounds like she led a great life and you will have much to be proud to keep her memories alive
  20. Toronto Star: http://www.ellenroseman.com/ Global News: http://seanoshea.blogware.com/ One of these guys ought be willing to pick up your story Wayne -- good luck
  21. my condolences Stoty: Cancer took my Mum 5 years ago. Left a gap in my life that nothing else can fill. Like your Mum, mine never gave up. We honour the memory of those who went before by how we live today.
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