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Everything posted by spincast

  1. My condolences. Looks like you were blessed with a great friendship and fishing partner.
  2. Thanks for the hint Fishdawg; divers are the new weapon to learn this year - I haven't really used them before but it seems they are a definite go to for many a great angler. I picked up a wire set up and some divers to try running flies off this year. Next time out we'll run one down the chute and see what she produces.
  3. Love river fishin' on light tackle. Awesome day for a first time
  4. Love those colours - looks like a great outing. Thanks for the report.
  5. Aint that the truth - I think it must be all that fish he's eating!
  6. sweet. Where is that dreuling with Jealosy icon? Looks like a real piece of heaven there
  7. glad you got out Vince - sounds like a great day If only I had known - Darn weather reports..
  8. As the weather warms up and opportunities to launch on Lake O present themselves on the coveted weekends that don't bring high winds, our house greets the opportunity with a big wooo hooo!! (well, I do anyway ) My son, who awoke to find me gone almost every weekend last year after I bought the new to me boat, and watched me bring home 2PB's and was with me on Temagami when I caught another, has decided that he is going to try this addiction - so he joined Frankie65, his wife Juli and I for a Saturday venture to the big O on the shores of wine country. I decided to go easy on the young guy and not depart our place till 6:45. I was up at 5:00 as usual - G-Man at 5:30. By 6 we were at Timmies, boat prepped and hooked and sweeping the grass off the driveway while we waited for Frank and and Juli at the appointed hour. As usual, they pull around the corner right on time and by 6:55 the vehicle is loaded and we're Jordan bound. We stopped by the Timmies for long enough to decide that by the time we order our coffee it will be lunch time, so we mosey on down the road. Wait at the launch wasn't too bad and we were pulling out of the harbour by 8:30, with a tip from the man who took our launch money. The water at the harbour mouth and for as far as the eye could see was chocolate and full of deadwood. We hit 35 foot of water and it looked like a scene from one of those end of the world movies (kind of appropriate given what some misguided individuals were predicting) Everywhere you looked 2 x12's; 6 - 8 foot sections of dead and rotted trees, branch, buckets, floating cars ( Ok there weren't any cars - I was just checking to see if you were still reading). Navigating the flotsom was a full time job. G-Man too the seat at the crows nest (bow) calling the hazards out all the way (sorry, we dont have any pictures of this part - note for next time). We set up the spread - 2 lead cores of the planer boards, 2 down riggers and 2 flat lines with lead core down the chute. Thanks to the set up at Trojan tackle my little 16 footer can handle this with out too much trouble so long as you watch those turns. However life is always teaching us lessons and this weekends was -Lymans down the chute with this many lines --- not a good idea. 10 minutes of line untangles - changing up a couple in the spread: As you can see the water was so calm you could have had a flat stones skipping competition. The sun came out an beat down on us. (reminder - leave the bimini top on when it gets over 21). The crew was prepped and ready for some action: we were looking here we were looking there There's one! coming up from 60 to 40 ---- he's looking..... Where'd he go? We were looking everywhere - safe to say several hours passed and nothing committed. We heard on the radio that it was tough all over - lots to look at but nothing taking. Our experience matched - the screen was full, above and below the t-cline. Our spread went form 10 foot to 53 and nobody would take a bite!- so in a last ditch effort, we figured we would give them a hint (this almost always works for our crew ) Lunch time: G-Man grabs a bite: and Juli says FISH ON I'm ready! Got him! cheers and smiles all around Learning to pull up, and reel-in on the down-stroke: With 5 other rods out this guy gave us all a good work out - and when he finally came to the boat he still had one more little trick up his sleeve, doing a deke as the net went in and catching the hook on the outside top of the net. Nothing for it but a hand snag. I reached down and grabbed him by the gills and brought him in, cathcing the back hook in the fleshy tab of my little finger in the process - G was little over whelmed at first, and this was one active fish, still so he wouldn't hold it at first, but we convinced him to get a pic scaling her (7.6lbs). Well after that, things shut off again and we got comfortable in the sun again, hoping for a couple more for the rest of us, but it was not to be: So - 6 hours after we launched we motor back in and called her a day. G did a couple poses with his new PB ( and asked me to submit to OFAH so he can get his certificate and sticker) Thanks to Frank and Juli for your amazing company - as always. A special thanks to Juli for some of the photo's (most actually) used in the post. That's twice the lttle monkey has caught a good fish and shut me out! 29.5 incher, that made some darn tasty smoked fish.... a great way to spend a weekend!
  9. sounds like air is getting in the fuel line somewhere. Had that with my old Suzuki - ran fine until WOT and full out, then would miss and stutter. Check all places air can get in the lines.
  10. Congrats Splash - nice reward for helping your friend out. Good luck with the brookies
  11. You will probably find this site helpful. We recommend this to drivers who wish to cross the border and had an error in judgement in the past. Pardons Canada
  12. I hear ya on that count Gnoddy it - hope there is no issues and if there are the dealer takes quick action for ya, before the long weekend arrives.
  13. wow - great trip! thanks for sharing. Those char look delicious
  14. The guys on this board have a wealth of knowledge - Wayne and Vinnimon especially, along with some others when it comes to motors, but if you only have 10 hours on it, dont you think it would be a better approach to take this to the place you bought if from and ask them? If its under warranty it shouldnt cost you a thing - and you can ask them for their opinion in writing.
  15. and tell them to hurry up before he sells your spot in the Ark.
  16. A Nexus card can make crossing easier for visits - but they may still ask why you are coming to the USA and if they do, going to school is something that (in some ciircumstances) requires Visas for foriegn students (Canada has this requirement too from some countries I believe). You may want to consider crossing at a different Port (but be aware Lewiston and Fort Erie are the same Port from a management perspective). Your info (name, plate # etc) is now likely registered in the computer at the current Port. You can speak to the Port director and try to get this reversed, but it can be a lengthy exercise, and depending on how busy they are you may have some difficulties. If your employer is a large US firm however, they will have some pull through their association, and can probably help in this matter. You can drop me a PM if you want, I do have some contacts at various US Ports and have had dealings with many of the Ports through my work. If you pursue the Nexus option they will also ask why you need a card / reasons for your visits. Not sure how things would pan out if you told them schooling - you may want to enquire in that before you fork out all the money for background checks and time for interviews.
  17. politicians and lampreys ( I know, not a lot of difference, but as we're leaving both behind, thats a moot point)
  18. Conrats and best wishes Brian - I'm sure you'll do well. Sounds like you have done your homework - which is what it takes to make the difference between being an owner operator, and a broker.
  19. Nothing like fishin' with friends. Good on ya guys. Thanks for the report
  20. now, where did I put that 10 foot pole? Be careful that your compassion doesn't cost you when the poop hits the fan later. These things frequently end civilly - civil court that is. Support for sure. Directions? Maybe not - especially on the internet? Be there to support your friend for sure, she obviously just got the shaft, but beyond that I woud tread carefully
  21. Nice shot of the lighthouse
  22. you're a lucky man Simon - a lake full of fish in the back yard, a great family and awesome scenery Where's that drewling with jealouosy icon? I love it up North - was one of my favourite runs when I was driving to pay the bills(although Montreal River at night around Lake superior PP was always interesting with all those moose eyes along the highway.) The stretch around Lake Nipigon is still one of my all time favourite drives.
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