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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I hear yah Gerritt/Bill....but how's it any different than payin to fish in a trout pond? I've never done either....but many do. Make ya wish you'd posted an Owl picture eh Dan? LOL
  2. Or maybe you just get out more Rich ! lol
  3. Broke the very tip off my brand new Berkley lightning rod, with the trunk lid, 23 years ago and just glued a new tip on. Still using it to this day as my favourite pickeral jigging rod. Have a cracked eyelet "stand" on a two year old Berkley Series one (junk eyes...nice rod) and that's all the damage (to rods!! ) so far in about 35 years of fishing.
  4. You talkin the wood frame busted or the stringin?? I'll go check the many pairs hanging on the hangar wall. Shipping would be the profitless side of this.....
  5. Noticed that the 9" is also a $100 off for $399 in CTC. One on the shelf in the Bayfield St CTC in Barrie for sure... as of 3pm this afternoon. Not sure what I was doing in the fishing isle looking for Christmas stuff for Leah..but I was ! lol
  6. Got mine out of the box a few minutes ago...haven't got the "photoz" safety seal off it yet! lol
  7. There will be no issue pulling your boat! That little less than 300 cu in engine pulls hard. Transmission also has about 8 gear shifts to it..not just the 4 you see on the dash. With OD turned off it keeps it in the higher of the gear ranges and does burn about 20% more fuel, but you'll want it there if you're running a hilly road. I found when pulling the boat (17' Glastron 115 Johnson) on the flats you can leave the OD turned on without issue and keep the same fuel burn as if you aren't towing. Here's an idea what that little V8 can pull without groaning about it.... BTW..the trailer itself weighs in around 3600lbs. 2 - 4' x 16' docks, 1 - 4' x 20' dock and 2 - 4' x 10' ramps...oh yah and a STEEL 16' boat.
  8. That thinkin would get you a big hefty fine....
  9. All the young lads are wondering what's so funny.... and who's Alice....
  10. Hey Ron...that's not the deal we had..... Looks like Fishhunter will be leaving Port Hope solo...your reservation has been cancelled..... Congrats Joanne! Glad it's you at least !!
  11. I'm thinkin it would look a tad different after 6 inches of wet snow last night...rain late this afternoon and freezing rain..now snow. You'd have to be bringin the boat as well....I'm boatless 'till spring. Jamie...if you came would you bring an OFC logo or would I need to supply the darn thing....
  12. You're still a great guy Drew! LOL Born in Peterborough Civic and lived on Ford St up from the DQ ! Moved to Smiths Falls (Sin City) on Christmas Day at 9 months old 'till 17 years old when smart enough to run as fast and far as I could.... 4 years in TO about 3 years in Milton 21 years now in Penetang...with the warmer months now in Temagami.
  13. Gee Phil...I wonder who the "idiot" was and how come the camera appears to be in HIS other hand. Glad it healed up well and didn't keep the said "idiot" off the water very long! I assume he was a fisherman anyhow... Poor bear...
  14. I'll second what Roger just said. I spent 12 hours +/- a day throughout July and most of August working on ours and forgot to go fishing.
  15. As has already been said...BEAUTY FISH ! Now with that big 15 lb'r..don't leave it in the freezer toooo long and have it freezer burn. I'd think one that size would be a candidate for a replica MOULD as I have a thought they may not have one that big yet but could be wrong. If they need a mould you may be able to do some wheeling and dealing to lower the price on the skin mount if you let them take a mould off of it before stripping it out.
  16. Xpressview goes till Jan 31st I believe...
  17. Sunny and -1C..the odd passing blizzard ! What you gonna do when winter gets here Mike! LOL Mike the pike...some vessels better not used this time of year. Port-a-bote on Gbay is right up there with a Ganoe on BOQ !
  18. I'd think any prominent gun shop would take care of it for you.
  19. Ebay is like any other transaction. Be CAREFUL...buy from someone with lots of + feedback and from a listing that gives you a comfortable feeling. I've bought hundreds and hundreds of items off of ebay and sold many as well. I've only been burned once and was for a $10 item that was misrepresented. Most of my ebay purchases come from the US, Guam even..from single parts, to aircraft floats from California, to complete flying aircraft out of Texas. I've even gambled and bought aircraft engines out of Uganda without getting taken to the cleaners. BUT...you may very well be better off buying local as Rich pointed out..
  20. I was at a boat launch today....does that count?
  21. Will see if my son has one in his "collection".
  22. Looks like spam...but I guess we'll let YOU and you only away with it TJ! LOL Looks like a nice rig for sneakin up on them fish. Can you get me a discount coupon on a Strike Vision..from Walker..just down the road a tad from me...where they won't sell direct?
  23. Come to Maureen's "Ice fishing for Tyler" event in Feb Cliff...it's where I got my first taste of ice fishing last year and had a good time..for a great cause. From today's lift I gave her I'm pretty sure she said Feb 24th was the date in mind for this year.
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