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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Drop by a jobber shop that sells paint supplies. Ask for the Mar Hid stripper..but you want the Alum compatible stuff not the regular (and they'll probably have to order it in)...has a Jet on the can last time I saw it. About $50 a gallon. Has to be done inside or you're wasting your time. 65 to 75*F shop...no breeze...otherwise the stuff can't "wax" over and let the stripper do it's job. Other option is someone that is GOOD at soda blasting. As much as it's tempting...a wire wheel in a drill isn't the smartest thing to do on aluminum...not that I know anything about alum! If you do "sand". Be sure to use either 3M Scotchbrite pads or alum oxide sandpaper only.
  2. John...can you access the inside shop heads of the rivets or is the interior in the way too much where they leak?
  3. 15lb anchor out of Fushimi that someone had cut off due to bottom snag I guess. Fishing rod/line/lure that my son still uses as his personal rod from behind the "big" island on Fushimi 100+ feet of steel line this year and a few other lures/bottom weights etc.
  4. I hear yah Dan...I can remember well that you could travel no further than the tank of gas in the car at Christmas 'cause NOBODY was open. But in Jamie's case...I think he has a legit reason to be out shopping... inlaws or shopping for new fishing gear...I know what I'd be doing! LOL
  5. Take a couple heavy hammers and reset those loose rivets...or bring it by and we'll use the proper setting tools. No reason that your great/great/great grandson can't be using that boat.
  6. Call Brian to see if he's gonna be open Jamie 416-614-7222
  7. .."the answer my friend...is blowin in the wind...the answer is blowing in the wind"
  8. Wasps are out today on my stone, south facing, front house wall...
  9. BPS is open for sure...but I'd be calling JB's to see.. I'm like Dan though...Boxing Day I'm not leaving the house..unless we're splittin wood.
  10. Maybe the boat was bad luck....got that licked for next season!
  11. Hey...I bowl on Friday nights...but we've had about enough of it as well. As for ice fishing...I've been twice now, for three days in total drilling holes. Maybe this winter the lads will convert me for good...but I've got a strong feeling if I'm gonna be out in the cold I'd rather be skiing.
  12. Guess that's why he's so quiet and not answering.... he's not at home, but out spreading the Christmas cheer. My wife vows never to shop BPS again...very disappointed that nothing on my "little" list was available or in stock after making two drives all the way down. That won't keep me out of the store though...
  13. Glad you finally figured out what it's REALLY about Mike! Good one bud!
  14. Sounds like things went well Glen. I'm sure he's a tough stubborn bugger like you..so I can't drill it home to you enough to be sure he isn't in a situation of needing to lift anything PERIOD for months! My mother had her quad at 65 and is now into her 81st year as of May. My sister had a quad at 50..3 years ago now and even though she says she didn't...I know she was carrying around her new Granddaughter before she should have been. Now she has a sternum that is a jelly mass instead of bone structure/muscle and is permanently disabled and had to resign as head floor nurse. I repeat...make sure he's in a position where he doesn't have to lift anything and he'll have many wonderful years ahead of him. Wayne
  15. My sister used to have an S-10 2 wheel drive. I made her a wood frame that fit over her wheel wheel humps out of 2 x 6. (board in front and behind the humps and a board against each hump to tie them together) Then loaded a few bags of sand in the frame. Keeps the load from going anywhere and made a considerable difference in her getting going and stopping since the extra weight now made her tires cut into the snow instead of riding on top of it.
  16. I find I have a GREAT day no matter what when I bring a certain Brunette along with me... On the other hand when I bring this ugly bugger my catching goes for a crap..
  17. That was just the police cruiser lights reflecting off the smog Cliff ! Nothing up here...
  18. I've got a nice circle cutter for aluminum, Mike, that works very nice in a cordless drill. Cuts holes to 12 inches!
  19. The true answer in a perfect world...TILLER The only solution for ours...full windshield and top !
  20. Dave...try pulling the pin first! LOL Take a chain and drive over to Walmart and use one of the parking lot light standard cement bases...or come over here and I'll yank it out with the tractor.
  21. Some day titto you've gotta learn to post..pin..and lock all in one key stroke!
  22. Yep..paint should have stayed on for sure Lew if it was factory. My 115 prop looked brand new, after three years, when I dropped the boat off last month as trade in.
  23. Thanks for the update Rob. Hang tough and keep that smile on for Chris. I haven't forgotten...Still working on a flight relay...but not having much luck for that time of year since weather is so unpredicatable for visual flight.
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